One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 1 - Reincarnated.

I was walking home late in the night. My arms still hurt from all the work I have done in the last few hours. Work has been piling up and I haven't had time to get something to eat all day, food is life, I learned that the hard way. Now a moment without food is a moment not lived.

That was the last thought I had before it hit me. And when I say hit me, you know what hit me. I've read it in a lot of manga, but till now I didn't believe it was real. The almighty Truck-kun.

How dumb, someone like me tripping and falling right when 'he' came by. My co-workers will laugh when they find out in what way I died.

Now I'm in a black space. "Why did it have to hit me when I haven't eaten yet. Life is so cruel, just for once can I live a life without trash or unfairness in it"Just when I was about the find out if I could still cry in this form, a sphere of light appears.

[Welcome soul #23980978791, I am system #7753271. You have died and are in the proces of reincarnation]

A ball of light appears out of nowhere and starts talking? the more I look, the more I want to touch it. what is it made of?

[Soul #23980978791 choose the world you will be reincarnated to. To choose a world spin the wheel, the same is with your race and powers, good luck]

A white wheel appears before me and shows a lot of worlds. I even see Malcom in the middle in the list of names. Let's hope for the best and spin.

I give it a big swing and cross my fingers. Im still such a kid *sigh*

...->....->Spongebob -> Naruto -> Bleach -> Malcom in the middle -> Winx -> Avatar


The pin of the wheel stoped at one of the anime shows I have watched till the current end. One Piece. I hope I'll member it all correctly. Next thing I know another wheel appears.

[Soul #23980978791 has chosen One Piece as world. Next is the race]

I give another spin at the wheel. I see a lot of strong powers, such as Madara's Uchiha, and the race of a Saiyan. Then it stops. I'm a bit disappointed since there where such great powers, but I have to survive with what I got.

[Soul #23980978791 has chosen the race of an Original from the show of the Originals. Next and last is the powers soul #23980978791 will receive]

I give the wheel one more spin and close my eyes. (Please don't be a trash power)

The wheel stops and I open my eyes. Changeable Kagune from Tokyo ghoul. F**ck!

[Soul #23980978791 has chosen changeable Kagune from Tokyo ghoul, as a basic power soul #23980978791 will receive: "status, endles inventory and analyse". Soul #23980978791 will be reincarnated. Has soul #23980978791 any questions before departure?]

Surprised that I can ask questions I furrow my brows and think.

"Does the White Oak tree exist in One Piece? And from what age does my immortality start and do I retain my memories from my previous life?"

[To answer soul #23980978791's questions. The White Oak tree does not exist in One Piece. And the Immortality will start at the age of 14. This is the age that the system sees as mȧturė. Soul #23980978791's vampire strength will be present a birth. Lastly Yes, soul #23980978791 will retain its memories from its previous life. Any other questions before departure {yes} {no}]

"No, I am ready to go"

[Initiating departure for reincarnation. Soul #23980978791 good luck and have a nice new life]

Next thing I know its all black again, but this time I can feel my arms and legs. I feel like I'm floating. To test my powers I use status.


Name: Jess D. Foxtail.

Title: none (Reincarnated from another world)

Occupation: none

Race: Original Vampire (immortality unawakened)

Age: 0 (about to be born) (+29)

Power: Changeable Kagune (tokyo Ghoul)

Kinds of Kagune: 10

Ukaku: 0 (14)

Rikaku: 0 (14)

Bikaku: 0 (14)

pseudo-electrokinesis: 0 (?)

pseudo-pyrokinesis: 0 (?)

healing: 0 (?)

shapeshifting: 0 (?)

Kakuja: 0 (1st = 3 kagune's combined, 2nd = 6 kagune combined. 3rd = 9 kagune combined)

Chimera: 0 (?)

Devil fruit: none


I worry a bit about my title, but who knows the skill analyse? Can people even read my status? Well let's not worry about that. The next thing what peaks my interest is heightened senses. Since I don't have anything to do, let's in the mean time listen to the surroundings outside my mothers wȯmb and pass the time.

I try to focus my hearing. I can hear the blood flow to and from the wȯmb. And I can her my mothers breathing and heartbeat. But that's not what I want to hear. I try to focus at the sound from beside me. It's hard to focus with all the different sounds around me, but after some time I finally succeed.

The first thing I can hear is a voice that reverberates through my surroundings, the voice is warm and soft. this should be my mother. The next thing I can hear is her chatting with a woman, from the sound of her voice she sounds young. The surroundings are very loud and full of laughter. I wonder where I am and who she is talking too. Maybe she is some important figure form the show.

I really want to hear more and try to hear a name, but the more I try, the more tired I get.. let's try again when I wake up.

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