As I open my eyes, pain gushes through my body. A pulling force is pulling my down as I feel like my head is splitting apart from the pressure. light comes into view, and crying is heard in the room. I feel cold ground beneath me and hear my mother breathing roughly. she sounds in pain.

I feel cold hand rap around me as I get wrapped in a cloth. I hear the same warm voice from my mother as last time, except this time she is crying and sounds sad.

Don't cry, be quiet. don't let them hear you my darling Jess. Mother is with you so don't cry." She tells me not to cry or make a sound as her voice is getting softer and softer. I can feel her strength leaving her as she speaks softly in my ears.

"I'm sorry you have to enter this world alone. Mother wished she could be with you, I'm sorry. You have to grow up strong and healthy. I'm going to your father so don't be sad. You have to survive, so don't come to us until you're old and had a great life. I" She utters those last word as the hands she has around me lose their strength. I try to open my eyes. as I am still a newborn it is hard and I can not see much. At least I want to see my mothers face.

I open my eyes slightly and see a beautiful woman in her 20's. Her black hair goes from her shoulders to her back. her eyes are red filled with rears but with a slight curve. her skin is white as jade, but her lips are smiling slightly as she sees her daughter look at her before she leaves this world.

She told me not to cry, so I won't. Though it is a bit painful I will once again lose my family at young age. First in my old world when I was 4, now in this world right when I am born. It seems like even a world in anime can be cruel at birth.

I hope to see the people that killed her, so that when I am older, I can kill them myself. As I was thinking a plan to kill those that killed my mother, a door is slowly opening.

I try not to move as I can feel the person coming closer to me every step. I am still weak and can't protect myself. Why is life so cruel, will I die while not even able to protect myself? A tear slowly forms at my eyes as I ready myself for my next reincarnation as I feel someone picking me up. I get ready to die and close my eyes, but nothing happens. Instead I hear a rough voice coming form the person who picked me up.

"Poor Victoria, why didn't she stay with Makino when they came. Haaa... well one more rascal to raise isn't so bad." The man sounds aggrieved, he couldn't possibly be the killer, and why do I feel like I know this voice?

I slowly open my eyes as I look at the man who is holding me. The man Is tall and has black and grey hair and a black beard and moustache. On his shoulders is a white cape with red and yellow pads. underneath it is a white suit. My eyes open in shock as I recognize the man.

The man is looking down as he feels movement in his arms.

"Well still alive and kickin, one strong little lady you are. You will be a fine marine in the future hahaha!" The man laughs as he says his signature lines.

He holds me in one hand as he searches in his coat with his free hand. In his hand he holds a slug with a mic on his back. He says some words as shortly after some soldiers come in with a stretcher. They walk to my mother and shake their heads at the man.

"Vice-admiral Garp, it seems she has died from extreme blood loss, she had multiple stab- and sword wounds on her back, this caused her to die after labor. What will you do with the baby sir?" The soldier looked at me and has a weird look on his face as he then looks ad Garp. Is it that strange he is holding a baby? I look at Garp then at myself and lastly at the soldier who is watching me.

"A smart one at such a young age. One fine marine for sure. I have decided. One more grandchild isn't so bad. Who knows maybe they will look after me when I retire!" He proclaims while laughing loudly.

And that's how I lost my family, and gained another. As the soldier lifts up my mother and takes her away, I look at her lifeless body that is carried away on a stretcher.

Garp looks at me who looks at the scene with no emotion or sound. A though forms in his mind as he decides to take a close eye on the child in his arms for the next few years.

"Don't worry little one, I will take good care of you. I will make you strong so you don't have to lose someone again. I look up and try to smile. Grabbing his finger, as his hand is too big for my small hands. I try to shake his finger but as I do that Garp facial expression changes. He looks at me weirdly and then at my hand.

"What power for a baby. One fine marine for sure. Maybe I should warn Sengoku about her, she will for sure take the role of an admiral when the gets older. Maybe she can change Luffy so he will follow in had grandpa's footsteps." He says hopefully as he grabs another slug from his pocket. This slug has a braided beard and a bird hat.

Garp dials a few numbers and waits for it to pick up.


"GARRRPPPP!!!! WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW!" A angry male voice sounds on the other side of the slug. That should be Sengoku. What did he do now? I looked up full of wonder.

"BWAHAHAHA nothing much, just visiting my grandson. Senkogu, we need to talk about something I found at Foosha Village" He said with a serious voice. I try to follow what they are saying, but well, I am a baby.. Baby's need a lot of sleep, even while trying hard to listen what they are saying, my eyes closed before they got to the important part.

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