One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 3 - 5 years Old (Time skip)

5 years has passes since then. I started to live with Garp as he told me to call him grandpa. In the beginning it was hard to call him grandpa, but after some time I got used to it.

It seems my memories about the anime are a bit blurry. Out of experience it seems like it need some kind of trigger to wake them up en recall them. like seeing a persons face or hearing about the name of said person. I really was a bother. Like Garp for example, I recall a few things, but not all of them, I think. So I'll have to wait and see what memories will resurface with each passing moment.

Even with the memories I got, I though I knew what kind of man Garp was, but now after 5 years of living with him, I still can't say I really know him. Especially after this 'special training' he gives Luffy and me.

I don't know how many times I almost died, not to mention Luffy. At the moment Luffy is two year older than me. And he tries to act like a big brother, but I still only see an idiot. I don't really mind the training he gives us, as it is a lot easier than the training I got in my previous life. I really don't want to remember those years as they still give me goosebumps.

I was silently reminiscing about my awful past as Luffy came running to me. "Jess grandpa says we have to come! Do you think we are having a feast?!" Luffy asked me as i see stars in his eyes and he is already drooling at the thought of food.

If I look back at the time line from One Piece as I recall from the memories, right now should be the time he's going to drop Luffy at Dadans place. I look at Luffy as we walk and give a slight smile as I don't want to shatter his daydream.

On our way to the house, Luffy is telling me again about his hat and Shanks. Nothing new, but the ending always ends with a bang, literally.

"Luffy don't you think it's better to shut up now?'

"Why? I will become a greater pirate than Shanks! I will become the pirate king!" I sigh as I take a few steps back, idiot.

Behind Luffy appears a big man with his fist raised. "LUFFY! DIDNT I TELL YOU! YOU WILL BECOME A MARINE!!! And don't you speak that mans name!" Garp yells as his fist comes down with speed and accuracy.

"It hurst!!!.... it hurts!!!....grandpa's fist .... grandpa's fist always hurts! How can it hurt when I'm made of rubber!" Luffy cry's as a big bump appears on his head.

"Baka! You can't avoid a fist of love! Now you two come with me, where going to visit someone" Garp explains as he drags Luffy by his neck.

Luffy is sparteling as he doesn't want to go. "No! I don't wanna be thrown into the forest. I wanna stay with grandpa!"

I can't say I don't understand where Luffy is coming from, but this is something he can't avoid. After all, Garp is dragging him with him. I sigh as I follow the screaming.

Let's hope he will be quieter when we get there.

On the way up the mountain, Luffy's screams became quiet half way up. Now he's chasing bugs. I must say, pretending to be a 5 year old is hard. Most of the time I don't say anything so they don't find me weird and I don't really feel like talking. Well most kids run away the moment they see my eyes, so that helps a lot.

My eyes are just like my mothers, bright red. My hair is straight and flows to the end of my back. I have a bright red spot on my lower back, but as I mostly wear a high skirt, most people will not notice it. the only problem is that every time I use my Kagune, my clothes get ripped, so I don't try to use it when I can.

As we arrive at the house, or cabin, Garp knocks on the door.

The door sings open with a bang as a big and red haired woman steps out the door. "BE QUIET, DO YOU WANNA DIE!!!" She screams.

"It's me" Garp raises a hand and gives a slight smile, but with threatening eyes he looks at the woman.

"Ga...Ga...Garp-san!...why are you here?! Please have mercy on me. Ace is 10 years now."

"You're looking good" He says while standing calmly with his hands in his pockets.

"Give me a break! please, you got ta have mercy on me! ace is already 10 years old now!" The woman screams, trying to convince Garp while Luffy is chasing bugs again.

"Oh yeah, already? How is he?" Garp asks. I wonder if these guys are really bandits as the anime describes. While Garp and the woman talk, two more men come out of the cabin. A big man with a head like aan rooster and the smaller one looking annoyed as he says " It's not funny. We want handle him anymore. You have to take him!"

"Putting that aside, take care of these two as well. Luffy, Jess say hello" as Garp says that he grabs Luffy by the collar and pushes me a bit to the front with his free hand.

While I walk up, I give an absentminded hello as my head seems like spitting apart from the new or old memories I recall. Especially at the mentioning of the name Ace.

"I'll be in your care" I replied, while Luffy just says "Yo!" With his hand raised. After that Garp releases Luffy as he continues to talk to the bunch.

"Who are those kids?" She asks with wide eyes and a face full displeasure.

"My grandchildren" He replies with a finger up his nose.

"WHAT!!!" The woman screams.

"We can't take them" The say in union.

"Well I'll give you a choice. Do you wanna spend all your life in prison or raise them? There are many crimes you committed that I've overlooked. Pick one." Garp says as he folds his arms.

While he talks I walk with Luffy to look around. I can see two streams of spit flying our way as I dodge. However Luffy isn't so lucky as the spit hits him right in the face.

"What is this? spit?! Gross!! Hey you say you're sorry!" Luffy screams as he flings his hands angry in the air. I look at the direction the spit came flying from and see a boy sitting on a big dead bear, ignoring everything Luffy says.

As Garp hears the commotion he comes our way. " Luffy, Jess, this is Ace. he is 3 years older than Luffy. You're gonna live here with them from today"

I can hear the trio scream in the background and Garp giving them a look. While Luffy is still staring at Ace.

"Now introduce yourselves" Garp says wile giving Luffy a hit on the head.

"I don't wanna" Luffy says as he is still angry. While I bow my head a little and say "I'm Jess, nice to meet you" As I raise my head, my blood red eyes look him straight in the eye while having no expression on my face.

Ace looks a bit stiff as he didn't see me until right now. Well being a child that doesn't speak much and is unsocial is helping a lot with making people not notice me.

As Grap leaves and says he's coming again when he has time, ace jumps off the bear and leaves as well. When we walk inside, dinner is read. Everyone is eating meat like starved wolves.

As Luffy and I are having a glass of water and a bowl of rice. We didn't get any meat as ace was the one who caught it. Might as well get it ourselves. I walk out while saying "Wait here Luffy, I'll be right back". Not even 20 minutes later I come back with four wolves and a shirt full of blood.

"Jess, are we going to eat those" Luffy jells as the drool is streaming from his open mouth.

"Yes, let's eat.. And don't you guys dare take even one piece" I look at them with my dead face and red eyes as I prepare a meal for me and Luffy.

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