One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 4 - Training.

After day one I would get food for me and Luffy everyday as Dadan, Dogra, Magra and the other bandits are eating the food of Ace and what they gathered themselves.

Since their great introduction went so well, Luffy has been chasing Ace around the forest. At first I would follow him, but as I see him surviving the stunts ace pulls every time I slowly let them be while I stayed behind.

Since most people where scared when I looked at them with my eyes and used my Kagune, I found this the perfect time to see what kind of Kagune I could use.

As I see Ace and Luffy leaving again, I went into the forrest the opposite way. Most of the time I would fight a few wolves and take them with me for dinner, but today I will focus on my speed and accuracy. My body on its own is already fast because of my vampire genes, but I can't really control it well in in combination with my Kagune.



Name: Jess D. foxtail

Title: none (Reincarnated from another world)

Occupation: none

Race: Original Vampire (immortality unawakened) (ghoul powers affects eyes when hungry)

Age: 5 (+29)

Power: Changeable Kagune (Tokyo Ghoul)

Kinds of Kagune: 10

Ukaku: 1 (14)

koukaku: 0 (15)

Rikaku: 1 (14)

Pseudo-electrokinesis: 0 (?)

Pseudo-pyrokinesis: 0 (?)

Healing: 0 (?)

Shapeshifting: 0 (?)

Kakuja: 0 (1st = 3 kagune's combined, 2nd = 6 kagune combined. 3rd = 9 kagune combined)

Chimera: 0 (?)

Learnd Kagune: Kaneki, Touka.

Devil fruit: None

Skills: analyse, status, endless inventory, super strength, super speed, heightened senses, ghoul eyes.

After I practiced I noticed I don't have problems with recalling memories of Tokyo Ghoul. Though why the problems only occur with One Piece is a mystery to me.

I activate the first and basic Kagune I know. The kagune type called Rinkaku. This one looks a lot like the type Kaneki uses. The downside is that it takes a lot of space to use. The most tentacles I can form at the moment are 4. But I know it is possible to at least form 8 tentacles if you have mastered the transformation of the Rinkaku.

The next kagune I'm trying to learn is Ukaku. This one looks like the one from Touka. It specializes in high speed attacks and grows from the shoulder. As they crystallize it is harder to move, so I'm trying to combine 2 Rinkaku from my lower back and Ukaku from my shoulder. That way I can defend and attack at the same time. The formation of both Kagune is easy, except the crystallization while I'm using Rinkaku is hard. I can move easily because of my genes, but I should still learn to use them both for when I get trapped.

After trying to shoot crystals while defending from the broken branches I slowly get more hungry. I've notices that the older I get, the more my thirst for blood increases. I'm getting enough blood from animals I hunt, before cooking them, but I don't want anyone to see me when i'm drinking. As I get hungry and drink, the sclera of my eyes changes to black, and red lines form beneath my eyes like the vampires. As I'm slowly draining a rabbit I've caught I hear slight movement in the bushes. I focus my eyes as I see a black hat with blue glasses.

I charge at the person hiding and grab him by the collar as I get closer. He tries to break free, but with my super human strength it's impossible.

"Who are you?" I ask while looking at him like he is dead meat. Though the eye contact answered that question for me. A splitting headache forms as images and anime scenes start to form in my head all at once. I keep staring at him with dead eyes, not letting him see the confusion and pain I'm experiencing.

"..." The boy stays silent as he stares at my face with wide eyes. I notice my eyes are still black and lined with red streaks. But strangely enough he doesn't seem scared. I look at him while tilting my head. "...Not afraid?" How is this possible. Even grown ȧduŀts find my eyes repulsive.

"... Not really?... Oh I'm Sabo, who are you? And why are your eyes black and red?" He looks at me while his eyes are like stars as he stares at me. Maybe he won't run like the others?

I slowly let him go as I still look at him as if he is a strange creature.

"... I'm Jess, and that... I can't tell you" I answer as I'm still getting used to him not running at the sight of me covered in blood with black and red eyes. Maybe we can be friends? I never had a friend, not even in my past life, and he will join the revolutionary army later on, that means more connections. So I'll have a 'friend' and intel at the same time.

"... you really aren't afraid of me, not even a little?" I ask as I still find it strange.

"not really. I mean, you're not going to eat me right? and you're still a little girl. Why are you even in the forrest?" he asks while it was his turn to look at me strangely.

"I live here, why are you here?"

"me? well I just want to live alone I guess... or maybe with my friend. but as long as I am here I'm free I sort of." he says while giving a smile, that doesn't look like a smile. Maybe he can live with us and leave.

"... can ask something?" I ask while looking down at my feet.


"can we be friends?" He will probably reject me. who else wants to be friends with a freak. as I wait for his answer I remains still. why isn't he talking?

I look up, only to see him look at me with eyes that look like he is about the laugh. I can't help but look at him with a bit of an angry face. when he looks at my reaction he can't hold it in any more and falls to the ground laughing.

"hahahahaha... was... that... your serious question" he says while wiping the tears away. I look stunned at his face and turn around and walk away. I was stupid to have asked. I however didn't know he would follow me.

"sure why not, but why only me.. let me introduce you to my friend" he says while he pulls my hand and smiles.

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