One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 10 - Strange old man.

As Luffy want his prey back, Ace and Sabo dragg him back by his arms.

Ace and Sabo grabbed Luffy and started walking away, I give up the idea of fighting. it's a shame, it looked strong. Well, the stronger they are the tastier they are. I still have to find that bear king. I hope it tasted delicious, or should I try the tiger?

As I'm pondering over what to eat, Ace and Sabo decide to go for a boar. Well, easy catch is also fine I guess? It wasn't that hard to catch let alone kill. We walk home as Ace and Sabo carry the boar, its my task to keep Luffy in check.

"It's a shame we couldn't get that one" Sabo says as he looks at the boar they are carrying, as it has a lot less meat on it.

"Give up, that was the tiger king, nothing we can do" Ace says, as there was nothing they could do.

"But that one was mine! Why does it have to take my catch!" Luffy screams as he starts to jump up and down in frustration. With every jump the bridge sways side ways. A grin appears on his face as the speed increases.

Ace and Sabo scream at him to stop jumping. Creaking noice appears and cracks start to form in the wooden planks under luffs feet. I grab him by the scruff before he starts to fall.

"Luffy, you idiot! We almost didn't have dinner thanks to you! What if you fell, we would have to drop the boar to save you" I sigh as I pull him up.

"Hahaha sorry" He says with a smile that shows he didn't learn at all.

The night falls and I start to cook. With a few herbs I picked along the way home I made a meal Makino has taught me. As dinner was ready, another battle began.

After dinner we all fell down on our backs. It wasn't nearly enough but it will do for tonight. As I am about to close my eyes Luffy jumps up. He was the first to sleep, what does he want this time?

"How about everyone joins my pirate crew?! That would be fun right?" He says while smiling from ear to ear.

"What brought this up? We would decide when we are older" Ace says not caring about the stupid ideas of his idiot little brother.

"...But, I will let you join my crew any time" He says contradicting his earlier words with a grin on his face.

"It will be my crew!" Luffy and Sabo scream at once in union.

"You won't join me? Sabo, Ace?" Luffy asks while tilting his head to the side.

"I don't want to be under anyone, not even you, definitely not you" Sabo says while laughing at Luffy. Who would want a dumb brother as a captain.

"And you Jess? Will you join me" Luffy tries once more with a begging look in his eyes at which I can only sigh.

"I don't even know if I'll become a pirate, maybe I'll become a marine? Someone has to take care of grandpa. Can't let you guys be beaten..."

"Why would you become a marine, we can take a beating. Just join my crew" Luffy says while laughing loudly.

"Well I think I'll still become a marine. If you guy need some information I will pass it on. How about that?" I say while smirking and looking at Ace and Sabo. Yes I don't look at Luffy. I know what kind of captain he will become, so no thanks.

"Okay, so it's just Ace, Sabo and me...How about the one who beats the tiger king gets to be the captain" Luffy says as he has given up on convincing me, I think?

"But then your chances to beat him will be low, right?" Sabo says as Luffy is the weakest of them.

"At the moment neither of us can beat it, so how about it?" Luffy says while still confident he will win.

"Sounds like fun" They say while smiling.


The next day three idiots with prey on their back are searching for the tiger as I stay nearby, but train by myself. If they need help I'll step in, but they are strong enough to at least escape.

With that thought in mind I start my training.

In the middle of my training I can hear them screaming as they run from what seems like a big bear with a scar on its eye. That must be the king of the bears.

I run to them and activate my Rinkaku, only to see an old man stepping in. I stop and take my time to watch the results. The man looks strong, not as strong as grandpa, but still stronger than us. Once again some memories surface as I can put a name with the face and how strong he is. He will be strong enough to protect them.

The mans hammer hits the bear in the stomach and sends him flying backward. The bear isn't finished as it gets up again. It runs at the man, but the man stays still. He raises his hand while snow flies up, it feels like time stopped for a minute. The next moment the bear stops right in front of the old man. It turns around slowly and walks away with small sweat droplets on it's face.

"Was that what I think it was" I mutter as that seemed a lot like conquers haki.

"Shall I come out or watch over them in silence?" I whisper to myself.

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