One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 13 - The Tiger king.

The training paid off as Ace and Sabo started gaining a better foundation. As they where building up their foundation, I started to grasp the fundamentals of armament Haki. At the moment I am at the beginners level of observation Haki and seeing movements coming my way, though I still can't look into the future. But armament is a bit more difficult to learn. As I grasped the basics of the first I asked the old man for a manual so I could learn further in the future. Putting it away in my inventory for future use. For now I want to use the time I spend on observation Haki to learn a new kagune. I was thinking of learning a amor type kagune. With that thought In mind I started learning Oomori's Kagune. Partial mode and full berserker mode.

The full mode really hurts to use it, I mean my mind when I say hurt. Why do I have to put a part of my kagune down my throat to make it work. I don't know why but every time I try to use it while leaving my mouth out of the way, it doesn't work. We'll if this is the price I have to pay, so be it.



Name: Jess D. foxtail

Title: none (Reincarnated from another world)

Occupation: none

Race: Original Vampire (immortality unawakened) (ghoul powers affects eyes when hungry)

Age: 6 (+29)

Power: Changeable Kagune (tokyo Ghoul)

kinds of Kagune: 10

Ukaku: 1 (14)

koukaku: 0 (15)

Rikaku: 2 (14)

Bikaku: 0 (14)

pseudo-pyrokinesis: 0 (?)

healing: 0 (?)

shapeshifting: 0 (?)

Kakuja: 0 (1st = 3 kagune's combined, 2nd = 6 kagune combined. 3rd = 9 kagune combined)

Chimera: 0 (?)

Learnd Kagune: Kaneki, Touka, Oomori.

Devil fruit: none

Haki: 2 (3)

Observational Haki: 1 (1 = beginner, 5 = grandmaster)

Skills: analyse, status, endless inventory, super strength, super speed, heightened senses, ghoul eyes. high regeneration.


As I continue with my training I can hear three boys cursing as they walk back home, the tiger defeated them again. Seems like they'll need more training. Like that the days of trying continue.

As sping arrives Naguri finally finished his ship, but before he leaves he says "We'll have to see things through. Let's go on a tiger hunt" Earlier that day he tried to learn them that strength isn't all, but they still didn't get it. Not that I really care if they learn or not. I activate my Haki as I search the forrest for the tiger. "Oy, are we going? Let's see how much stronger you guys became" As I start to walk in the direction I sensed the tiger. "Yeah!" Luffy yells as he follows me. It didn't take long to find as it is mostly in the same spot as always, lazying around.

As the tiger approaches I jump on top of an branch an lay down. Can they really beat him? If it gets dangerous I will step in. Though I know they'll be find once they cooperate.

Ace takes the initiative and runs up to the tiger king. The tiger lashes out with his left claw as it tries to cut him up. "I saw that coming" He yells as Ace jumps up its arm and runs up to its face. He swings the lead pipe at its face as the tiger grimaces in pain. Before Ace can land another hit, he is send flying away with a swing of the tigers tail.

"My turn" Sabo walks up and he wraps a line of a fishing rod around the tigers neck, preventing it from going after Ace. Sabo tries to pull the tiger towards him, but his foundation isn't strong enough as the tiger is stronger. I gives a big swing with it's neck an launches Sabo in the air while hitting him against the ground with it's claw.

The tiger sees he has taken out two of the three as it runs up to Luffy. While terrified Luffy swings his arm and launches a punch "Gomu gomu no.... pistol!" His fist flies at a fast speed toward its face, but unfortunately it bounces off with contact.

I smile as I see Sabo and Ace look in Luffy's direction while nodding at each other. They must have figured it out. I jump down a go towards Naguri. "Seems like you've taught them well." I smile as I can see Sabo, Luffy and Ace joining forces ad battling the tiger together.

"Where will you be going next?"

"Who knows, where ever my crew is and where ever the sea will take me" He says as he looks at the horizon. He pants my shoulder as the turns around and walks away.

"So who will be the captain now!" I yell at the exhausted trio as I give them a wide smile.

"I guess we lost, Ace beat the tiger so he will be captain" Sabo sighs as he looks at Ace with a smile.

"Aww and I was so close!" Luffy screams.

"I won't be the captain, we beat I together. So we'll decide next time.. When were able to defeat it on our one, but I'll let you join anytime" He grins.

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