One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 16 - Saving Dadan.

As I rush toward the site where I felt one of the bandits, I see people burning alive and running away. The smell of burning flesh and the screams of agony is filling the area. It reminds me of my past and the things I have done when ordered. I notice people trying to escape the fire. Shall I help them a bit? For good old times, and since I don't have anything better to do than running, I might as well make a path. It won't slow me down that much as I would just shoot some crystalize shards at the obstacles. Like that a path is created trough which the people can escape. As the signal is getting stronger I speed up my pace. In the distance I can see one of the bandits holding a spear as he swings it at a pirate. Didn't they release Dadan, why are they still here!

Next thing I know a strong wind catches up as I see people fainting on the spot. This feeling... it's the same as Naguri. I run up to the bandit that collapsed and see him surrounded by bandits and pirates that all fainted. In the middle I see Dadan holding Luffy who is injured in his face. In front of Luffy and Dadan is Bluejam holding Ace by his scruff. His arm is in bandages as is a the right side of his face.

They must have kept them on his ship after they got their beating. Really, you can never trust a noble.

"Aren't so though now aren't ya" He sneers as he throws Ace on the ground and lifts his feet. "You have to pay for what you and that little freak did to my crew" His foot goes down fast as the aims it for Ace his face. Before it comes down I shoot a shard right on his injured side of his face. He stumbles backward and starts cursing.

"What son of a mother F*cking B*tch did that! I'll kill you with my bȧrė hands!" He screams as the bandages starts to dampen with red blood.

"Ready for round two aren't we Bluejam" I smile as I walk up to the group.

"Who are you!?" Ace jells as I'm still in Oomori armor. Let's leave it on, don't want them to see my face right now.

"Get out!" I yell as I walk up to Bluejam. Dadan grabs Ace and Luffy while Dogra and Magra grab the remaining bandits.

"ITS YOU!!" he yells as he grabs his injured face and backs away.

"I'm running a bit dry, so how about we play a little game? If you surv... mmm if you hold on, I'll let you go. If not well... let say you better hope you hold on" I smile as one of my Rinkaku disappears into his right palm. While he is struglling to break free and screaming, I can only reflect once again. "Did I perhaps develop some kind of switch? Mwa, Who cares" I mutter as I continue our little game.

"Before.. I would just cut a little piece until there would be nothing left, but lets change it a bit. I've never used this one before. So, what's 1000 minus seven?"

"W...Wha...t t-t-h...e f*ck let go!" He screams as he pulls on my Rinkaku trying to get his hand free.

"Wrong answer" I aim my second arm at his left leg.

"So once more. What is 1000 minus seven" I smile as the blood splashes on my face. My eyes where black to begin with, but with the red lines appearing I'm starting to look more and more like a devil with the minute.

"9...9...993, ...9...900...and...86" He sniffs.

"Now you better hold on and make it till zero, and if you even stop for a moment... Well let's combine old practices."


As people are running from the fire, trying to survive, they see a little girl humming a song while walking in the flames. "Well that didn't take long. I wonder if blood tastes better if the person is stronger? Wait, would it taste better if they have a devil fruit? What would an ice devil fruit user taste like, maybe like ice cream?" The girl hums while a mangled corpse is slowly burning back at Bluejams ship.

"Hey, don't just stand there, come with me it's not save here!" A man screams as he pulls me up into his arms and starts running toward the sea. What just happened? I look at the man holding me as he runs as hard as he can. Well, Ace, Luffy and the bunch are save, so why not keep him save. He did want to save me after all, not that I need it. As we close in on the sea, a gush of wind blows out the fire and makes a path. A ship is in view as I see a man that looks familiar.

"AH! IT"S YOU AGAIN!" I yell as the mans eyes fall on me and the man carrying me.

"We meet again! though you look a lot more different now. I bit more innocent..." He smiles as he looks at the man that is carrying me. I sigh as I shake my head and raise my arms in surrender. Can't help it that I look so young.

"Let's get back to the subject at hand..." He walks up and raises his fist in the air. "Those who are willing to fight beside me in a battle for freedom... Come aboard my ship!" With that the people smile and scream in ecstasy "Yeah!" As the climb aboard.

"Little girl, do you want to come with us" The man asks as he sees the man that's holding me look at me. Seems like he want to go, but I can't not right now. "Well, maybe next time, if we meet again. For now I'm going to see how much I can change from the inside of the marines. But if you'll need info... one more person to pass information to isn't so bad" I smile as I know they mean it well and fight for the innocent, but they will need someone on the inside, and I need someone on the outside as well.

The man smiles as he gives something to a bigheaded... Something. A man, a woman, I don't know and I don't really care. That thing jumps down as it hands something to me. "Vyou can contact us vwith this number. Vi hope to hear vfrom vyou again" It smiles as it hands me a piece of paper with a number on it. Ah now I remember, that is that weird Okama queen, Iva. I look at the paper and him/her once more.

"Yeah, till next time. And good luck." I look at the man as I smile. Lets give my benefactor a little help. Well, might as well do that thing too.

I activate my Rinkaku and lift the man that carried me up to the ship. He is startled the moment they wrap around him, but smile as he realizes. That little girl he helped, didn't need his help. Sigh. That other 'thing called Iva' I lifted, seems as startled as the man, but quickly collects its composure. "Vyou are vfull of surprises" It smiles as I put it on the ship. "Well, till next time" I wave as I walk away.

Now let's see how Luffy and the gang is doing.

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