One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 28 - Bathing with the warriors.

Falling down exhausted, the four girls start to talk about their life in the tribe.

From what the girls had told me the island was ruled by one person, The snake Empress, Boa Hancock. Most of the tribesmen would use their snakes as some kind of bow. They start training when they turn ten years old in the arts of using some kind of force that strengthens their hits. Hits off the arrows they show, as well as physical attacks using their bodies. Though the girls don't seem to know the principals of Haki yet, they seem to begin learning it at the age of ten. Men don't live at the tribe, most people don't even know what a men is. Only that they/it aren't allowed on the island. People who break their laws will be tried in the arena by the Snake Empress. She seems to have some kind of power to turn people into stone. By fighting some kind of gorgon? The last thing the girls warned about, was to avoid looking at the backs of the three woman. The Empress as well as her two sisters.

While listening I also answer the questions of the girls as much as I can.

How I got on the island, what a bike is, what men are en how I have lived up till now. The girls seemed amazed about the outside world and how different the people think. They even seem to have taken a liking to the clothes that was wearing, as well as the cute, black bunny backpack. Children in the tribe would often wear cloths or skirts made out of animal skin until they came off age. At that time they could wear the clothes that the leaders brought back of their voyages. Children would grow a lot, buying clothes for children their age would be a waste. But it seemed people outside of the island would even wear nice clothes when they are young. The eyes filled with envy are piercing me as I look away. My white and purple dress is a simple one piece. It's not a dress you could call luxurious or expensive. Though they covered a lot more than most of the people living in the tribe.


Silence takes over for a few seconds as the sound of hungry stomachs fills the area. Not long after laughing could be heard as I and the girls get on my feet.

"Though you may have nicer clothes, we have more delicious food!" Naga yells as she starts to drag me by the arm once again.

For a girl so little, she has a lot of strength. Not that I couldn't break free, I was a bit worried that I would hurt the girl physical as well as emotional. The only option left was to let her drag me into the city. What better way to learn than to follow a tribesmen.


"MOM! MOM! IS DINNER READY!?!?!" Naga screams as she walks into a rather well build house made out of stone.

Feeling ominous, I take a few steps back, relieved that Naga let me go the moment we went into the house.

A shadow looms over the pink haired girl as a fist slams down on her head.

Hearing the sound of a something hard breaking a rock, I was relieved I had heard the woman approach. This gave me time enough to avoid trouble.

"What the gorgons are you yelling about! First you come home late and now you dare about demanding for food! Have you even seen the state of yourself! Covered in mud and dung. A bath, NOW! No buts, don't you dare come back with even a little smudge or I'll drown you till your clean." The woman sternly preaches as she pushes Naga towards a pair of smiling woman in the opening of the door.

"A new face, well we can't have you walking around looking like a nest of dung beetles. Now clean yourself up, we'll talk later." Looking at my hair and hands covered in mud, I nod as I feel the mud in every nook and cranny of my body. A nice long soak in the water isn't a bad idea. Smiling back at the woman, I walk up to the two elder woman in the door opening that have a hold of Naga. Following the towards the public hot spring.

In the dressing room of the highest building in the city, a beautiful woman with long black hair and a voluptuous body is dressing herself after a long bath.

A knock is heard on the door as a warrior seems to want to make a report.

"What is it?" The woman states as she further dries her hair.

"Snake Empress, an unknown girl has been sighted in the city. She is being handled by Natasha. Her daughter seems to have found her at the breeding place of the snakes. They are taking her towards the hot springs as we speak. According to the girls that where with Natasha's daughter, she seems to have been tortured. What do you want me to do with her Snake Empress?" The warrior asks as she waits at the door.

"Bring her to me once they are done bathing" The empress replies as she slowly puts on her cape.


Not long after I entered the bath, a pair of warriors come up to me and ask me to get dressed.

Getting another dress out of my inventory, I dresses myself as I then followed the warriors into what seems to be the palace. 'Not even a day has passed and I'm already being interrogated, they sure took long enough to notice' I thought as I and the girls played all over the city and it took the warriors a whole day to act upon it. Looking around the hallways, I see what looks a bit like the novels of ancient Chinese houses. Though the uses of color differ greatly. The palace seems to use yellow for the walls, pink and purple drapes for the walls and pillars and red for the pillars and ceiling. A bit humble but full of color. I haven't even spotted one piece of valuable metal or artifacts in the halls or rooms they have passed.

Stopping in front of giant doors with some kind of snake motif, the warrior knock on the door.

"I have brought you the girl, Snake Empress."

"Good, now leave us" The Snake Empress stated as she waves her hand at the warrior, making her leave the room and close the doors.

"Little girl, it seems we have a lot to talk about" The Snake Empress says as the looks me the eyes.. While I was just spacing out after the memories flowed into my mind. Did I just find my little brothers spouse?!?

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