One Piece: And The Original

Chapter 29 - Ice in hot waters.

'It seems the Snake Empress wasn't that bad. She was a bit irked that I ignored her at the beginning, but what do you expect when you get somewhere new. How can I not look. And meeting my future sister in law is important too' I smile a bit as I look at the piece of paper in my hand. 'Just talking for an hour about my past and she gave me her contact information. Seems like I got another source, I might be able to give her some advice how to get on Luffy's good side with love and maybe marriage as goal.' While I was lost in thought, a warrior comes into the room.

"Snake Empress, we have caught a strange person on the edge of the island! She is really tall, but seems a bit strange... She doesn't seem to have meat at the right places. What do you want me to do Snake Empress?" The warrior salutes as she waits for Boa Hancock to give out her orders.

"Take him to the arena. No men are allowed on this island!" Hancock states as she slowly gets up and walks out of the room.

"Jess, you can stay as long as you'd like. Why don't you come watch as we pass the sentence" Sonja whispers as she seems to have taken a liking to me.

"Yes, sister won't mind if you stay a bit longer, it's like we have a little sister joining us" Marie smiles, her hands fidgeting as she seems to want to pick me up and put me on her shoulder. 'Though that sister part might become a reality in the future'

'I know I'm small, but not that small right' I thought dejectedly as I look up at the tall woman before me. My eyes especially fall on their ċhėsts. 'I'm still young, I won't be flat ċhėsted and small once again' Making a pumping motion with my fist as I try to think positive. Walking down the corridor, I think about the report of the warrior. Why does it bother me so much?... 'Why does it feel like something bad is going to happen' While I'm thinking about the issue at hand, Marie smiles brightly as she has an excuse to lift me up. 'Its dangerous to walk and think at the same time. The hallway has a lot of walls and obstacles you can run into'

As they reach the opening of the hallway, something clicks as cold sweat starts to form at my back. 'I'm so dead, I'm running as soon as I see him, yup, at least it will give me a head start' "Marie can I watch while standing on my own feet?" I look at Marie as it really is inconvenient to sit on someones shoulder when you try to run.

Looking a bit reluctant, Marie puts me down on the ground, making Sonja laugh in the process. For Marie always wanted to dote on their sister, but Hancock wouldn't let her.

Walking slowly at the centre of the arena, I gulp some dry air as I knows I'm dead for sure.

Tied up with ropes in the middle of the arena sits a tall man with black curled hair. A sleeping mask rests on his forehead, while he is dressed in a white with purple suit. The man looks up at the girl up at the platform, seemingly hiding her presence as she back away.

"Sigh... That's why I told you not to go of too far" Aokiji sighs as he keeps sitting cross-legged on the stage. "Are you coming down yourself, or do you need me to get you. Pick one" Seeing Jess turn still, but a second later dashing towards the forest, Aokiji sighs once more.

Slowly standing up and freezing the ropes. He breaks his restraints as he dashed forward, leaving afterimages in the process. I hadn't gone far as I just reached the edge of the forest, when I felt my feet leave the ground.

"What do you want to tell me, Jess" Aokiji holds me by the scruff of my neck like a kitten caught by its mother. The kitten seems to stay silent as it looks away and avoids the eyes of it 'mother'.

"It seems like Garp-san hasn't taught you enough manners yet. Wait until we get back, we're not done yet" Aokiji turns his head back as he is now surrounded by multiple arrows.

"Stand down!" A demanding voice echos around the place as the bows are lowered.

"What business does a marine admiral have on an island that is forbidden to enter?!" Hancock walks up to Aokiji as some kind of aura envelops her. The aura isn't armament haki, it's something stronger, definitely conquers haki.

After Aokiji and Hancock talked it out, Hancock and the warriors guided us back towards our docking point.

"Jess, if you ever feel tired by those men, you're always welcome. You might be from the outside, but Marie would miss your company." Sonja says as she pats me on the head. 'After all who would let someone braid their hair for more than an hour without complaining'.

"Even if you'll become a marine, you're still my little sister" Marie states as she kneels down and hugs me, making me almost spill my dinner in the progress.

"Jess, don't forget to contact us. Report us daily about your wellbeing. If they hurt you come back and we'll protect you. You can join the Kuja tribe anytime" Hancock states, though it sounded more like an order.

Taking off on their bike, I waved once more as I'm now confined to the bike for the rest of the journey. Not allowed one meter away from the lazy bum.. Yes, he would make sure I would stay with him, for the next few destinations wouldn't be pleasant.

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