In the warship, the atmosphere was a little dull. The sudden attack of the pirates made people feel unprepared. The direct result was that the damage was heavy and most of the people died.

Facing the fire on the sea, we can also see a lot of blood. It is said that there is no problem with the sea of blood.

The young men who are about to join the navy are even more injured. This battle has made them know more about the world of the jungle.

Although they beat back the pirates, but a kind of atmosphere called sadness is constantly fermenting.

The flying squirrel will stand on the deck with his sword, and his mood will be more and more depressed.

"What about Rowling? Where is that fellow Lorraine now

"He won the prize in the report. Now he is back in the room and sleeping!" The Navy on one side made a standard military salute, and his face was still a little shocked when he thought of the figure of Rowling Shura just now.

"Have you gone to bed? This damned thing

The flying squirrel clenched his fist tightly, and blood trickled down the cracks between his fingers on the deck.

"Give me a phone bug, I want to contact Marshal!"

"It's the lieutenant general!"

The telephone bug was soon connected. It showed the appearance of the Warring States period. After a glance at Rowling's cabin, the flying squirrel told the story that had just happened.

Especially when talking about Rowling, very gnashing teeth, if Rowling is willing to stand out at the first time, it is impossible to kill so many people!

After hearing the evaluation of Rowling by lieutenant general flying squirrel and the combat effectiveness described by him, the Warring States period was silent for a moment, and then he said, "don't split your face with Rowling, we will decide what's left."

"I know, marshal." The flying squirrel's heart atmosphere, but also helpless.

"Marshal, do you know what happened to aunt? I think their behavior today is very abnormal! "

Hearing the question of lieutenant general flying squirrel, the marshal of the Warring States period, who was far away from Marin van dor, sighed, "something really happened!"

"The sun Prometheus, one of the most powerful hormies, rebelled. I don't know what means she used to make her suddenly open and seriously hurt her!"

"I've hurt my aunt!"

The voice of the flying squirrel rose three degrees. He didn't understand: "marshal, hormitz was created by the aunt herself. How could such a thing happen?"

Warring States: "we are not very clear about the specific things. I have sent someone to contact the news tycoon Morgan. He was also present at that time. I believe he will send us more information."

"But it is certain that Prometheus, who does not know how to defeat his aunt, will surely succeed if he wants to replace her as the fourth emperor. At that time, it is estimated that there will be more turbulence in the new world! This is absolutely not allowed by justice! "

"Marshal, what about Prometheus? Does he have any movement? "

"No, it's like a sudden evaporation from the world. After the aunt wakes up, she doesn't get any more information about how to send people to look for it. OK, lieutenant general flying squirrel, you've talked enough. Now you're still concentrating on healing. I'll arrange a general from the nearby base to escort you to Marin van dor."

"Yes, marshal!"

Hang up the phone bug, the flying squirrel will Prometheus this seriously injured aunt of the people, let's call it human, firmly in mind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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