In the cabin, Rowling's ears moved slightly. Since just now, he has been listening to the dialogue between the flying squirrel and the Warring States period with his keen perception.

"System, other people all know my record. I must be very shocked. Why don't I have any message here?"

"Ding, prompt: only after the system audit is valid, and within a certain range of host centered, can we collect it!"

Hearing this, Rowling rolled his eyes and lay speechless on the bed. Staring at the ceiling, he cried out: "system, you son of a bitch, you didn't say such an important thing earlier! I've been looking forward to it for such a long time! "

"Ding, the host was shocked by the response of this system. Evaluation: e, obtained: a bottle of Tsingtao beer!"

Come on, even Tsingtao beer is coming out. I think that all kinds of food stored in the system space, such as roast sausage, baked gluten, and even Coca Cola, are piled up in the system warehouse.

If you don't eat directly, Lorraine simply turns grief and anger into appetite.

"The system gives me hundreds of sausage and baked gluten, and Qingdao beer, too. I want to have a good meal!"

With the order of Rowling, a pile of sausage and fragrant baked gluten suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's very exciting to take a bite! Equivalent to the system free gift, let you taste the real benefits!

Three days later, after meeting with another lieutenant general at the naval sub base, the flying squirrels headed for marinfando.

Two weeks later, the warship finally arrived at Marin van dor and docked at the port.

The flying squirrels now do not have to rely on a sword and have to lament that in the pirate king's world, no matter who the body recovery speed is much faster than on earth.

"Go and get Rowling out."

"Yes, lieutenant general."

"Don't shout. I'm here."

Behind him, Luo Lin had Gan Wu Zhuo on his back and his black hair shawl. The sun reflected on his face like a knife, which was indescribable cold.

As he walked, he looked at Marlin van dor.

At present, Rowling is located in the port of Marin van dor. According to the level of the port, the warships that can be stopped in each place are different. The most advanced one is the marshal class warship which is three times larger than that of the lieutenant general.

Even an ordinary person could see the huge thing clearly from a distance.

"Ah, is this Marlin van dor, the legendary Navy headquarters? It looks really magnificent

"That is, this is the symbol of our justice, the place to suppress all evil roots!"

Flying squirrel tall, he puffed up his chest, and a strong sense of pride burst out.

Rowling laughed and didn't speak. Anyway, it won't take long. It's estimated that it will be no different from the ruins. Take advantage of the fact that we can see more now, so as not to see this kind of scene in the future.

With this scene, Rowling looked at everything around with interest.

At this time, in the harbor, a tall and thin man with curly black hair, a suit with yellow and white stripes, a beard on his face and a pair of sunglasses was yawning in boredom.

"I'm so sleepy. Now the sun is the most suitable for sleeping. I don't know what Marshal thinks. He sent me here to meet people. Why don't you let the Green Pheasant come?"

The Yellow ape said and yawned, but in that pair of eyes, no matter how you look at it, you can't see the feeling of exhaustion. Instead, there is always a twinkling of essence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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