In the restaurant, only Rowling and peach rabbit two people, the atmosphere began to rise slowly.

As if aware of the strange atmosphere, peach rabbit took the lead to say: "Rowling, you give me that other thing, will it hurt so much after taking it?"

Peach rabbit didn't want to try that feeling any more. She felt like she was bitten by countless ants all over her body. The pain and itching were unbearable, and the heat was incomparably hot. If peach rabbit could not shout out her voice, it showed that she had a strong will.

"Don't worry. It's called the heart of a sword. It carries the life experience of a great swordsman. After taking it, it is equivalent to going to her world in a third person and watching her life."

Peach rabbit nodded thoughtfully, "Lorraine, where did you get such a magical thing?"

Hearing the peach rabbit's question, Rowling put a finger to his mouth and said, "don't ask, just don't know."

"Hum, I know. I won't ask again."

"Good, I like obedient women best." "Take it now, and I'll watch it for you," Rowling added


Peach rabbit didn't say anything. He took out the little sword the size of thumb from his pocket and swallowed it like this.

The heart of the sword melted at the entrance, as if it had disappeared into the mouth of the peach rabbit.

The next second, a large number of memories toward the peach rabbit's mind, as if the peach rabbit's spirit directly into another world.

In this world, peach rabbit seems to turn into a pair of eyes in nothingness, quietly looking at what happened in front of them.

It was a girl who was very unfortunate when she was a child. The village was slaughtered, and she was the only one who survived. At that time, she was covered with black ash and had only a kitchen knife in her hand.

With this kitchen knife, the girl lives in the ruins of the village.

From all kinds of small animals to all kinds of wild animals on the mountain, with her talent in kendo, she has broken through the swordsman, swordsman and swordsman in a short time, reaching the realm of great swordsman that many people can't achieve in their poor life.

A woman's body can achieve such a state, in memory of her time, is absolutely a fantastic thing.

Peach rabbit watched the girl grow up slowly on the island, from a little girl to a girl in flower season. At this time, there was nothing to eat on the island.

The girl made a raft out of the trees on the island and sailed towards the boundless sea by riding the wind and waves.

Through countless serious injuries, she has understood countless sword skills, created her own swordsmanship and awakened her artistic conception. Her realm has also been promoted from a great swordsman to a supreme swordsman. Since then, the girl has started her own legend.

But seeing the end, peach rabbit suddenly found that the girl was all alone, no friends, no smile, and there was no change in her face from the beginning to the end.

There is only endless killing, survival, killing

Suddenly, a desolate and lonely breath enveloped the peach rabbit, as if to pull the peach rabbit close to the endless abyss, surrounded by bloody arms, the abyss seems to be hiding a fierce beast, black surging, a face slowly formed, impressively is the woman in memory, peach rabbit wants to escape, but can't move at all!

"Who will help me? Stay away from me! Although your Kendo talent is strong, you don't have the feeling of life. That's why you can't be promoted to the middle level of the top swordsman! Although the sword is a good friend, it is not the only one. It is desolate and lonely, and lives alone. This artistic conception is not consistent with me. Rolin, help me


Peach rabbit heard other sounds beside his ear. The next second, the abyss is not there, and the bondage is not.

Peach rabbit opened his eyes and saw Rowling in front of him, smiling at her.

At this time, peach rabbit's mind was filled with countless feelings about kendo. As for other messy things, she could not recall it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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