"The stone of the mountain can be used to attack jade, but don't immerse yourself in other people's world, stick to its original heart, I believe you can go further."

Peach rabbit nodded, her spirit, not as strong as Rowling, can withstand a lot of memory indoctrination.

Peach rabbit now only feel his head is dizzy, if there is a bed, she may fall asleep.

It can be seen that peach rabbit's spirit is really tired. Rowling said, "let's go and have a rest in my room. The bed in my room is bigger, and it's more comfortable to lie down."

"Asshole, who's going to your room?"

Said peach rabbit turned to his room, but did not see Rowling in the back can not help but show a bad smile.

Peach rabbit to hold up the spirit, opened their own room, the room decoration is not bad, which is filled with a variety of scabbards.

Although peach rabbit sometimes has a little girl's character, she is more interested in collecting scabbard.

So Rowling decorated her room like she did.

But this room always gives the peach rabbit a feeling that something is missing.

"Rowling, that bastard, didn't even give me a bed. Where do I sleep?"

Peach rabbit just felt that he was really too unlucky, sleepy like the tide hit, peach rabbit directly slammed the door came to Rowling's room, now Rowling did not come back.

"Well, don't you just want me to sleep in your room? I'll do what you want!" Peach rabbit said directly, while locking the door, comfortable lying on the bed, soon fell into a dream.

After inspecting the situation on the warship, Rowling went back to his room, pulled the doorknob, and found that there was no way to open it.

I think peach rabbit fell asleep in his room as expected.

After all, it's normal to be tired after watching the life of a great swordsman.

Thinking so, Rowling took out the key from his arms, opened the door of the room and walked in.

Peach rabbit, she never thought that I would leave a key.

Looking at peach rabbit did not change clothes, directly lying on the bed so asleep, Rowling shook his head: "it is really too untidy, sleep but in order to restore the spirit, in order to make the next day more energetic, so sleep, if you can sleep soundly?"

Thinking of this, Rowling helps peach rabbit untie her clothes, so that she can lie comfortably on the bed to sleep.

Busy for a period of time, Rowling finally finished, to cover the peach rabbit quilt, he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Wearing only one pair of trousers, revealing his strong upper body, he came to the top of the ship.

The night wind on the sea is still very strong. If you are not careful, you may catch a cold. But for Rowling, there is no problem at all.

Lying on the top, Rowling held his head in his hands and looked at the distant mysterious star river, which made him suddenly think of a thing.

If he remembers correctly, there is a man who claims to be a God on an empty island. What he yearns for is the moon of infinite continent?

Want to ride in the ark motto, with their own electric drive to the moon, to achieve their own rule.

It's just wishful thinking to Lorraine!

But there is no doubt that after removing this delusion, whether it is the fruit of thunder, or the proverbs of the ark, or the countless gold in the golden town of kongdao, it is something that attracts Rowling very much!

With this in mind, Rowling from the system took out the original God level props - the universal doll!

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