"Haha, finally transformed? But the weaklings are always weaklings! The strength of the devil fruit has a lot to do with the user!"

The strong will always be strong, and the weak will become weaker. There is no worst devil fruit ability, only users who can't develop it, just like Doflamingo, who has reached the limit of his ability in the development of the line fruit.

"Guhehehe! Monkey D. Xia Tian, ​​today is your death!" The black charcoal snake in the form of Yamata no Orochi is very arrogant. The tall figure looks down at Xia Tian below with a playful look, and the thick tongue keeps dripping with saliva.


The huge head opened its bloody mouth and rushed straight towards Xia Tian. It seems that it wants to win by strength. It's a pity that a rare mythical beast fruit has been developed to such a rubbish level.

No skills and means can only attack, how different is it from a beast. It seems that since getting this devil fruit, it has not been developed carefully. It is drained by alcohol and sex every day. I don't know where this guy got the courage to turn against Kaido two years later.

"Kun: Earth Shield!"

"Xun: Wind Rope!"

"Li: Purgatory!"

The Tai Chi Bagua was instantly activated. Xia Tian formed a seal with one hand and changed it quickly. In just one second, three spells were released. The originally majestic head of the snake suddenly had his eyes bulged. It wanted to retreat but it was too late. It pretended to faint on the earth wall. Then more than a dozen thick wind ropes around it rotated and wrapped around its body. The other heads wanted to continue attacking.

At this time, fierce flames broke out from Xia Tian. The red and black flames made the surrounding air crackle. The temperature rose by hundreds of degrees in an instant. The blazing flames swept through one of the heads of the Yamata no Orochi in an instant and had a tendency to continue to spread.

A heart-wrenching scream sounded, and the sound like the howling of ghosts and wolves made the people around tremble. What kind of ghost sound was this?

"Bang! Boom!"

The burning sensation of the flames made the snake feel like it was worse than death. Its huge body fell heavily to the ground, rubbing against the ground constantly, trying to put out the flames on its body. It wailed on the ground for half an hour, and finally the flames on its body shrank. The whole body of Yamata no Orochi was burned by the flames, without a single piece of good skin. The bloody body kept dripping with blood.

"Huhu, I almost died!" Kurozumi no Orochi bent his body, looking at Xia Tian with lingering fear, and a storm was set off in his heart. Could this guy also be a powerful mythical beast ability user like Kaido?

"You are so tenacious, you are worthy of being an animal-type ability user!"

"But the battle is not over yet, Orochi!"

Xia Tian did not give Kurozumi Orochi a chance to breathe. His domineering aura rushed into his arms. Xia Tian tried to wrap his domineering aura around his body again. Red and black lightning appeared. The other people in Wano Country who were watching were terrified, because Xia Tian was like a beast in their eyes at this moment. He exuded a terrifying aura. The shock wave alone made the surrounding space buzz.

"Baquan: Boom!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xia Tian's fist came to Kurozumi Orochi. Under his terrified look, he punched him hard on the head. The domineering and terrifying strange power directly blew his head with one punch. Red and white things floated out, and an unpleasant fishy smell emanated.

At this moment, all the onlookers were stunned. The general of Wano Country, the leader of the country who ruled this country, died just like this!

In the crowd, Denjiro, who saw Xia Tian beat Kurozumi Orochi to death, was in a complicated mood at the moment. He was surprised and a little bit unbelievable. After all, there were still four years before the prophecy, and it was impossible for it to end so hastily.

"Is it dead?!" Xia Tian felt Kurozumi Orochi without any signs of life, and shook his head slightly. It seems that the resurrection of Yamata Orochi is not instantaneous, and it should take a certain amount of time. After waiting quietly for a while, Xia Tian strode away directly.

Kurozumi Orochi was beaten to death directly, and the rest of the people in Wano Country around him dared not speak out. After all, even their boss was dead, how could they fight.

"Ha! It's true!"

When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, and it's just a pile of loose sand. Feeling the movement behind him, Xia Tian curled his lips, showing an expected expression, and continued to walk to the next location. After all, finding a skilled sea stone craftsman is what he wants most.

"Finally gone! I was scared to death just now!"

"The devil is gone, but Lord Kurozumi Orochi is dead, woooo!"

"Dead? That shouldn't be possible, the general can't be dead!"

"Dead? Kurozumi Orochi is dead? Then do I have a chance to become the next general of Wano Country!"


All kinds of voices were heard from the crowd around Flower Capital.Everyone looked at Kurozumi Orochi thoughtfully, each with their own little calculations in mind.

After all, everyone wants to be the king of a country, with power, wealth, and reputation at their fingertips. Just when everyone was fantasizing and thinking, Kurozumi Orochi, who had fallen to the ground, suddenly groaned, opened his eyes suddenly, sat up slowly, and looked around breathlessly. The sudden resurrection of Kurozumi Orochi made the faces of the people around him change, with fear, joy, disbelief, loss, etc.

"Kyoshiro! Where is Xia Tian!" Kurozumi Orochi stood up and immediately asked Denjiro. After all, he died again, and it was hard to accept such a thing, and the taste of death was really painful.

"Left, just walked towards the village below!" Denjiro hid his murderous intentions in his heart, looked at the black charcoal snake in front of him, and restored his previous indifferent demeanor, and spoke calmly. He knew that the despicable bastard in front of him would not die so easily. During the years of undercover, Denjiro also secretly observed and investigated the ability of black charcoal snake.

"Notify Kaido immediately, I want to issue a bounty, I want this guy to disappear!" Hearing Xia Tian leave, Kurozumi Orochi was slightly relieved, and then a vicious voice came out. After all, he has a powerful Four Emperors partner, Kaido of the Beasts.

"Yes, sir!" The soldier on the side nodded and responded immediately after hearing it, and trotted away. He was going to the quarry, where the Beasts Pirates were stationed.


Here, Xia Tian walked all the way, and didn't even see a few people. It seems that craftsmen are not so easy to find.

If it doesn't work, go to the Rabbit Pillar Quarry to take a look, but it is not appropriate to start a war with the Beasts Pirates now, it is better to be more stable.


"Hahahaha! My head is bleeding!"

"Hey, hey, wake up, what's wrong with you? Don't leave me! Hahaha!"

"Hahaha! Please accept my condolences. Everyone, come and see where we are going to bury him."

"Hey, death? Maybe this is also a relief! Hahaha!"

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