The unique laughter reached Xia Tian's ears, causing Xia Tian to pause as he continued to move forward. Something came to his mind. It seemed that he had arrived at that sad village.

Ebisu Village! A village that ate the Smile fruit because of hunger. Except for smiles, all other emotions here were deprived. Even when they were injured, in pain, or even when their loved ones died, they would laugh crazily, looking crazy. Not only that, they would also be ridiculed and misunderstood by others.

"Stop!" Just when Xia Tian was about to enter the village to check, a little old man jumped out and stood in front of Xia Tian. His face was very serious, but Xia Tian noticed a hint of panic under his serious look. He looked at his current height of 1.9 meters, and then looked at the little old man in front of him who was less than 1.5 meters tall. Obviously, even an ordinary person could beat five of him.

"I'm just passing by, I'm not hostile! I came here just to ask if there are any skilled craftsmen. In exchange, I will provide you with corresponding rewards, such as food or clothes!"

Xia Tian tried to speak calmly, looking at the old man's thin body, and there was helplessness. This is the sadness of this world, or the sadness and phenomenon of every world.

The weak have no right to speak, and the weak can only survive in the world, so for the dream in my heart, for myself to live freely and unrestrainedly, I must be stronger.

Seeing the stubborn look of the old man, at this moment, Xia Tian thought a lot in his heart, clenched his hands tightly, and some ideas became more firm.


The old man looked at Xia Tian with a puzzled look, and he didn't believe it at all.

"Don't be confused, I'm not from Wano Country, but I came here by chance!"

"Can I go in and take a look? Don't worry, I won't do anything impolite.。◕‿◕。".

"Huh, go in! Hahahaha!" The old man looked at it seriously, raised his eyebrows, and finally made the decision to let her go. However, because he had eaten a fake devil fruit, he would laugh crazily every time he spoke.

Xia Tian walked into the village from the entrance. The village was in a dilapidated mess. Everyone was in ragged clothes and walked tremblingly. There were more than a dozen different laughs coming from a small house in a corner. It seemed that something happened.

"What is this?"

Coming out of the room and seeing a group of people inside, Xia Tian felt a little depressed. It was too cruel.

"Maybe she can still be rescued!"

Xia Tian's sudden opening made everyone turn their heads and look back. They found a young man in bright clothes standing quietly. The voice should come from his mouth.

A child heard this and turned around and ran to Xia Tian's feet. He knelt on the ground and laughed with eagerness. Xia Tian could see that this child in front of him asked him to save his mother.

"Don't worry, I'm not a good person, but I will help when I need to. After all, it's not difficult for me!"

Xia Tian touched the child's head, strode forward, and came into the room. After Xia Tian entered, everyone subconsciously stepped back a few steps. After all, in their opinion, Xia Tian's identity was not someone they could get along with equally, and they had to have a sense of distance and awe.

Xia Tian slowly squatted down and took out a glass bottle filled with green from the system backpack. It contained a life potion, and one drop could restore vitality.


The life potion dripped onto the weak and powerless woman lying on the bed. In an instant, the potion merged into her body and disappeared. After waiting quietly for a few seconds, a cough broke the laughter around them. Everyone tried to endure it, looking at the woman who was about to be cremated and buried with a very serious look.

"Ahem! Everyone is here! Hahahaha!"

"Mama, mama! Hahahaha~" The child saw the woman wake up and threw himself on the bed, laughing and hugging his mother. Perhaps this smile was the first real smile since the child was born.

"Hahahaha, thank you! Thank you!" The old man who led Xia Tian in touched Xia Tian's arm, laughed and pointed outside, and Xia Tian understood and walked out.

Outside the house, on the deserted street, Xia Tian followed the old man without saying a word. In front of him was the old man's trembling and slow figure. His unique laughter made the surroundings seem even more desolate and miserable.

Finally, ten minutes later, the old man brought Xia Tian to a small wooden house. The old man motioned Xia Tian to sit down first, and he walked into the room alone. After a while, there was a rustling sound. Although he didn't peek on purpose, Xia Tian knew that the old man was looking for something.

Maybe, what he wantedRealize it right here, Xia Tian thought, and couldn't help but get a little excited. After all, the seastone manufacturing technology is a specialty of Wano Country.

"Here, go!"

The old man came to Xia Tian with a thick yellowed book, and handed it to Xia Tian reluctantly, with a smile on his lips, but the movement of his hands still betrayed him.

Reluctant, yes, you can also understand from reading this book, this is a thing collected for many years, and it may have been passed down for several generations.

"Sure enough, good people get good rewards!" Xia Tian flipped through the contents of the book and couldn't help laughing. It was really easy to get it, and the seastone manufacturing technology was in hand.

"As a reward, I will give you enough food!" Xia Tian did not leave directly, but came to a corner of this dilapidated village, and took out all the food in the backpack while the thin old man laughed. Because of the ancestral characteristics, the food in Xia Tian's backpack was as high as a small hill.

"Hahahaha! Is this for us?!" Even the old man who didn't want to cause trouble was upset at this moment. With so much food and water, it was enough for Ebisu Village to live for a long time. Even if they saved some food, they could celebrate the New Year.

"Okay, don't hide anymore. Come out. This is your reward!"

Under the perception of the domineering aura of observation, Xia Tian had already felt the wolf-like momentum of the people around him! And their smiles were also one of the flaws that they couldn't hide for a long time.

"This is for you alone! As long as you are not killed directly, you can survive!" Xia Tian saw the people around him start to scramble for food, and Xia Tian didn't stop him. Instead, he came to the old man and gave him a bottle of life potion, which was a better reward.

"I'm leaving. See you again if we're lucky! I hope Wano Country can return to its previous state! Daimyo Shimotsuki Yasuie!"


As the old man Shimotsuki Yasuie laughed happily, Xia Tian's figure flashed and disappeared directly from the spot. At this time, Xia Tian had already flown into the sky.

The purpose of Wano Country has been completed this time, and it's time to go back.

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