The golden age of the golden age is coming.

"I want to see it too! I want to see it too! Wow, the Golden Country! Is this true?"

Nami's eyes sparkled, she had the potential to be a money-grubber since she was a child.

"Of course it's true. Want to see the gold? It's far away in the sky, but it's right in front of you."

Bardock said with a smile. He had already thought of how to deal with Colonel Mouse. The old way, fishing, it's time to bring the golden White Dragon Horse back to the light of day.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Nami looked around and found nothing.

"Gardino, remove the wax on the boat."

"Yes, Captain." The candle on Gardino's head lit up, "Wax Wax Fruit·Melt!"

As the wax on the surface of the White Dragon Horse began to melt, the gold on the bottom gradually appeared. Under the sunlight, the golden light shone, and it was beautiful.


Bell-mère and the other two were stunned when they saw the gold on the hull. They really didn't expect that this ship was made of gold.

"Wow! It's really gold!"

Nami ran over and touched the golden wall, and her eyes gradually turned into the shape of Bailey.

"As expected of an adventurer who found the Golden Country, it's really a luxurious material."

Bell-mère quickly came back to her senses. She was not a woman who pursued wealth. Nokiko's eyes were also clear, and she and Bell-mère looked like a real mother and daughter.

After playing on the ship for a long time, Nami finally got tired and reluctantly said goodbye to everyone.

Before leaving, Bardock gave them a red envelope with 200,000 Baileys in it. This was prepared in case Bardock didn't encounter the Dragon Pirates.

Bell-mère didn't want it at first, but Bardock finally made her accept the red envelope because he could save Nami and Nokiko's lives at a critical moment. However, Bellmer said that the money would not be used until the critical moment.

After bidding farewell to Bellmer's mother and daughter, the White Dragon Horse began to head for other villages and towns in the Konomimi Islands.

The customs and habits of this area are similar. Later, it was a territory exploited by Aaron, and now it is under the jurisdiction of Colonel Mouse.

Not long after, Colonel Mouse learned that a "golden ship" had arrived in his jurisdiction, which was most likely made of real gold.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Colonel Mouse looks like a mouse, and even his laughter sounds like a mouse. Naruto next door also has a beard, but he is treated as a protagonist, while Colonel Mouse is far behind.

"Keep an eye on them and wait until they leave the jurisdiction before taking action."

"Yes, Colonel!"

The marines below are all in cahoots with Colonel Mouse, and they are all eager to make a fortune, thinking that they will make a fortune soon.

"Colonel, the headquarters asked us to keep an eye on a group of pirates coming to the East China Sea from the Grand Line and report their location in time."

A marine reported to Colonel Mouse and handed over a document.

"Don't worry about it. He must be a difficult character to come to the East China Sea from the Grand Line. It will give others a headache." Colonel Mouse didn't even open the information. He was now focused on taking down the golden ship, so he didn't have the energy to deal with the tasks of the headquarters.

In fact, even if there was no golden ship, Colonel Mouse would not cause trouble for himself. He had not paid attention to the information sent by the headquarters for a long time. Anyway, he was already the highest commander of the branch base, and he didn't want to be promoted to the headquarters at all.

If Colonel Mouse was willing to look through the documents in his hand, he would definitely find that the person he was about to take action against was the difficult character he mentioned, and it was a more difficult character than he imagined.

A week passed in a flash, and Bardock and his men planned to leave here, and Colonel Mouse's people discovered the situation at the first time.

At the 16th branch of the East China Sea Navy, Colonel Mouse gathered all the men and immediately set out to chase Bardock and his men.

On the White Dragon Horse, Enel had already detected the navy warships that followed him. He nodded to Bardock. This was all Bardock's plan to lure the rats out, and now everything was going well.

After leaving the Konomimi Islands, Colonel Mouse's warships immediately accelerated, and finally caught up with Bardock and his men not long after.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, you guys, you're carrying so much gold through the city, aren't you afraid of encountering pirates?"

Colonel Mouse said in a righteous manner.

Bardock and others just watched him pretend quietly, and they were indifferent when they should cooperate with him in acting.

Colonel Mouse vaguely sensed that something was wrong, but money can move people's hearts, and gold is in front. Even if he wants to withdraw now, his marines will not agree.

"I suspect that your gold is from unknown sources, please accept the investigation

"Colonel Mouse began to show his true colors, but Bardock and the others still showed no expression. He was immediately angry, "The pirates attacked you, and none of you survived. But I, Colonel Mouse, led people to defeat the pirates and took back the golden ship. Your last words were to dedicate the golden ship to the 16th branch. Go!"

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