The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Colonel Mouse said the word "take action" to his men. The marines were well prepared and rushed to the White Dragon Horse.

"Show them some color!"

Bardock waved his hand, and several newcomers immediately went forward to fight. This was agreed before, and the battle in the East China Sea should be left to the newcomers as much as possible.

Even if they were newcomers, fighting these marines was as easy as cutting melons and vegetables. Gardino, Kidd, and Kira were like entering an empty land, and the marines were beaten to the ground. Soon, it was almost impossible to find a marine who could still stand.

That is, it was agreed before the battle that they would not kill them, otherwise, these marines would not only be defeated, but would form a team to travel to the underworld.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Colonel Mouse immediately retreated quietly. He was going to run away.

Bardock pretended not to see it until Colonel Mouse rowed the lifeboat away. Enelu got the signal and raised his hand to release a divine punishment.


The unlucky Colonel Mouse almost became a scorched mouse. He lay on the lifeboat and lost consciousness.

After the battle, Kidd and his men were still unsatisfied. The navy of the East China Sea branch, or the navy of the 16th branch, was too weak.

Including Colonel Mouse, the navy of the 16th branch was concentrated on the deck of the warship.

"Manshili, treat the seriously injured and don't let them die. Bonis, you and Cai will be responsible for the interrogation. Record all the evil things they did and ask if there are any clues left. Enelu, after they confess, you go to verify it. This time, just give Morgans a little news."

Bardock arranged the things, and the others began to work in an orderly manner.

"What a hassle! I should have electrocuted them to death if I had known."

Enelu complained, but he did not refuse Bardock's assignment.

During the interrogation, other people on the ship also joined in, especially with the help of Robin, the speed was greatly improved, and all the interrogations were completed quickly.

These subordinates of Colonel Mouse are just like Colonel Mouse, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, abusing their power, and doing pirate things in the name of the navy. The evil things they did were no less than those evil pirates, and because of the skin on their bodies, they were even more hateful.

Enelu got the record and went to verify it immediately. Some navy officers still had some evidence in their hands to protect themselves, which provided great convenience for Bardock.

When Enelu came back, he brought back enough evidence to send Colonel Mouse to Judicial Island for trial. Bardock asked Robin to sort it out and sent it to Morgans.

Morgans, a birdman, is afraid of chaos in the world. He will not miss the opportunity to make the navy suffer. He immediately said that these news are very valuable and he will definitely publish them, but they cannot be the headlines of the main edition. The headlines of the East China Sea edition can be vacated.

Bardock praised Morgans repeatedly, saying that he is worthy of being a great journalist, not bowing to power, and daring to report the corruption of the navy.

Morgans praised Bardock for his sense of justice and asked Bardock to find more news for him in the future.

The next day, Bardock saw the news about Colonel Mouse in the newspaper he bought: "The mouse fell into the rice warehouse and fell into the 'pirate' career of the navy", which tells the story of Colonel Mouse leading the 16th branch of the East China Sea Navy to do whatever he wants, comparable to the deeds of pirates.

Bardock was very satisfied after reading it, but there was one person who was very dissatisfied.

In Marinford, Zhan Guo pounded the table hard and yelled, "Morgans, that bastard! How dare you report such a thing!"

He picked up the Den Den Mushi and wanted to call Morgans to ask him to recall this issue of the newspaper. At the end, he stopped again. He knew that if Morgans had any intention, he would definitely inform him in advance. Now that the newspaper has been sent out, it would not be so easy to ask Morgans to recall it. He couldn't contact Morgans directly, otherwise there would be no room for maneuver.

After thinking about it, this matter can be handed over to Ahe. The most urgent thing is to deal with the matter of Colonel Mouse. Fortunately, Garp has arrived in the East China Sea, so let him go.

Zhan Guo sent the Den Den Mushi to Garp. Not long after, Garp's dog-headed warship began to turn and sailed towards the Konomimi Islands.

And Vice Admiral Tsuru also began to communicate with Morgans.

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