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Still far away from Bardock's area of ​​the sea, three large warships were advancing.

On the warship in the middle, Vice Admiral Tsuru and Gion were chatting.

"Sister He, does Bardock need us to deploy this kind of lineup?"

"Don't underestimate them. They are strong men who escaped unharmed from the hands of Kuzan and Garp one after another."

"Really? I heard that there are a few people on their ship who are good at swordsmanship. Let me see if they are worthy of the name." Gion caressed the hilt of the famous sword Kinpira, a little eager to try it.

At this moment, Lieutenant General Tsuru and Gion turned around at the same time, and saw a shabby-looking man striding towards them.

He came to Gion and handed a rose to his hand behind his back, "Gion, okay..."

"don't want!"

Gion didn't wait for Kaji to finish speaking and refused directly.

The same scene has happened many times, and Gion has become so skilled that he refuses Kake's confession without having to listen to it.

"No!" The eggplant, which had been hit by frost, instantly withered. But the next moment, he regained his composure, "Gion, I will never give up."

What can Gion say? She had already said what she needed to say many times, but Jiaji still went her own way. She could only sigh in her heart.

General Tsuru looked at this farce and shook her head. She knew Gion and Kake would never have a chance. Unfortunately, no matter how much others persuaded her, it would be in vain.

"Lieutenant General He, the latest information is that the target is heading to the white town of Freifans." A communications soldier came to report.

"Freifans?" Lieutenant General He frowned, "What are they doing there? After the incident a few years ago, the place should be in ruins now."

Lieutenant General He thought for a while and asked, "Is the source of the intelligence reliable?"

"This?" The communications soldier raised his head and glanced at Lieutenant General He cautiously. "The information was provided by someone sent by His Majesty Shichibukai, Doflamingo Tenyasha. It should be accurate."

"It's that flamingo again, it seems he has some bad ideas again." General He was not afraid to speculate on Doflamingo with the worst possible evil.

This time Doflamingo really didn't have any other bad ideas, he just wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Bardock and the others had offended him, and if possible, he hoped to do it himself.

However, after Diamanti came back, she complained that Bardock and the others were described as being extremely powerful, and Doflamingo was not sure of defeating them.

Anyway, both the navy and Bardock are enemies, so let them have a collision.

No matter who wins, he will not suffer. If it's a lose-lose situation, that would be perfect.

Doflamingo's flagship Numantia Flamingo is also on its way to Frevanth. This time, except for the backbone of the mission, he can be said to be all out.

On the navy side, Lieutenant General Tsuru finally decided to go to Frevans to have a look, and both Gion and Kake had no objections. The three warships began to sail towards the island where the white town was located at full speed.

The days at sea always pass quickly. After a period of sailing, the White Dragon Horse has arrived at the island where Freifans is located.

Frevans is a small country surrounded by several countries. Although it is small in area, it was once very wealthy and beautiful because of the amber lead mines here.

Amber lead has a wide range of uses. It can not only be used to produce tableware, paint, sweet condiments, cosmetics, but can even be used to make "weapons."

High-quality amber lead products have many buyers around the world, and the "amber lead industry" has become a major industry in Freifans.

But they don't know that the amber mine is poisonous, and the world government has concealed this. Persinosis then appeared.

Because there were so many patients, lead disease was considered an infectious disease.

Everything took a turn for the worse, and the borders of Freifans were blocked by several surrounding countries. All the patients with lead disease died of the disease, and those who were killed were killed, that is, Luo Mingda escaped.

Several years have passed, and there are still people stationed at the border of Frevans, preventing anyone from entering.

Bardock and the others took an unusual route and drove the White Dragon Horse across the border from the sky, directly to the hinterland of Freifans.

“Look, this is the white town!”

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