The white town is really a white town. The ground and trees of Frevans are as white and flawless as a fairy tale world.

At this time, this white town is stained with filth.

From countless traces, we can see how desperate the abandoned patients are. We can also see how cruel the surrounding countries are.

"Do you know? The tragedy here can actually be avoided. It was the World Government that caused all this." Bardock said to everyone.

"Oh? What's going on?" Robin asked calmly.

"About 100 years before the rise of the amber industry, the World Government sent people to Frevans to conduct a geological survey. In fact, they had already realized the truth about amber at that time - mining amber mines would cause poisoning.

However, in order to obtain this endless wealth, the World Government and the royal family of Frevans concealed the truth of the matter, resulting in the death of citizens one after another.

In the end, the entire country was destroyed, but the royal family of Frevans fled this hell on earth in advance with countless wealth."

Bardock's answer made everyone feel cold. Was this place sacrificed?

They couldn't imagine how desperate people were when they learned the truth.

They also didn't know what kind of existence ordinary people were in the eyes of the World Government? Would they really be regarded as the same kind?

"These people are so pitiful. If I had come here earlier, maybe they would all be saved." Mansherry looked around the ruins and said with pity.

"What ifs are there in the world? You can't save all the patients." Robin shook her head and sighed.

"The World Government is so disgusting!" Perona expressed her opinion.

"This is indeed what those termites can do!" Kidd and Kira had already recognized the true colors of those rulers and said unhappily.

"Captain Bardock, is there really no survivor in Frevans?" Hawkins asked at this time.

Bardock replied, "Speaking of survivors, there is indeed one."


Everyone looked at Bardock.

Whether it was pity or curiosity, they were very concerned about the only survivor of Frevans.

"Well." Bardock did not disappoint, saying, "The survivor is Trafalgar D. Wattaire Law, the son of a doctor and a patient of Perkins. He was lucky to eat the Operation Fruit and should be in a corner of the North Sea now."

"D again! Just like Sauro!"

"It's the Operation Fruit!"

"I don't know if it's a lucky thing for him to be alive?"


Everyone talked a lot and finally said that if possible, they must go to see the only survivor.

"Okay, let's look around! There are no corpses here. It seems that the surrounding countries have sent people to clean up. There should be nothing left." Bardock looked around and said.


A group of people began to explore the ruins of Frevans. At first, everyone was moving together, but slowly they scattered.

Bardock climbed to a higher place with the Moon Step to find the location of the Amber Lead Mine.

He was a little curious. The World Government knew that Amber Lead Disease was poisoning, not an infectious disease. Would they arrange people to mine in private?

Anyway, human life is really cheap to them and is a consumable.

In the end, the Amber Lead Mine was found by Bardock, but there were no miners in it. That's right, if there were miners, Enelu would have found it just now.

I just don't know if the World Government is waiting for the storm to pass or has given up. They must have a lot of Amber Lead in stock, but greed is their original sin.

At this moment, with a flash of lightning, Enelu appeared.

"Bardock, the enemy has appeared!"

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