One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 138: Red dog marshal

Thunder has been pretending to be a model, and the awakening factor that has seen the domineering color has been put into this body. When he saw the awakening factor of the color domineering into the body, he felt that he really awakened to see the domineering, he is also very eager to improve his strength, so he was in the naval headquarters during this time, he Go and learn all the ways to improve your strength.

The three-color domineering is naturally in the first place, so he is still very familiar with the domineering color. I can now feel the movements of everyone within 100 meters. This is definitely awakening, and there is no second possibility.

The man stared at Tianlei and said with an incredulous face: "I really wake up to the boss and see the domineering."

Tianlei is very pretentious: "It’s not just awakening a domineering domineering! As long as you help me get things done, it’s the domineering domineering, I can also help you wake up!"

When this person listens, it is even more shocking. This is the capital of the king who will appear in a million people! And it doesn't always wake up. Thunder once again patted the shoulder of this person: "Okay! I will calm down my mind, I have something to say."

This person stunned and immediately took a few deep breaths: "Boss is good, you say it!"

"If I do something big next, it will not only increase my own reputation, but also make the naval headquarters and the world government a great prestige, and at the same time let most navies disappoint the naval headquarters and the world government. In this case How many people can you pull?"

This person thought about it again and again: "How big is the boss, how big is the impact?"

Thunder faintly said: "Shock the world!"

The man’s eyes immediately lit up: “If this is the case, apart from the fact that Major Brannu is not sure, other people have little problem. And those young unnamed generals will increase the number of people who can pull in, and the soldiers are the same. ""

Tianlei nodded with satisfaction. As long as this matter was done, he would first awaken the armed color domineering. In the future, as long as he tried his best, the domineering domineering is not a problem. After saying that Tianlei and the alien space have been handed out from a large number of Berry to this person, Tianlei can have so many Berry, that time, the Krohdal's nest, and Yuxiduo, they are engaged in the heavenly gold. There will be so many.

Commanding all things, Tianlei came to the office of the Warring States. The atmosphere here was extremely tense. This atmosphere has been maintained for a long time, because the Warring States has recommended the position of the Navy Marshal. But the world government has taken a fancy to another general, the red dog!

Therefore, the atmosphere between the two has become different, and Tianlei is waiting for the battle of this general. Because he knows that this time will be defeated by the Qing Dynasty, so that after he went out independently, he will have the opportunity to pull the Qing dynasty into his own group.

If the plan is implemented now, as a cheap uncle, the red dog will definitely be affected. He will also be the position of the marshal of the navy. Then the young man will sit on the position of the marshal, and naturally he will not The navy went out.

Another month passed, and Tian Lei soon learned that Qinglu had withdrawn from the Navy. Although the ordinary navies did not know what it was, but who did not know the top of the Navy? Tianlei Road is very keen to see the lava and ice, but no one knows where they are right, although Tianlei knows, but he will not appear there! Once they are discovered, it is not easy to explain!

Thunder also started his own plan. Just when he planned to call them over, Major Brannu came in: "Lieutenant General Tian Lei, the Red Bull Marshal will let you go." Although the Marshal of the Red Dog The position has not yet been officially appointed, but the Warring States has already handed over all the things of the Navy headquarters, so the Navy headquarters has begun to call the Red Dog a Marshal.

Tianlei quickly followed the major Brannu, the office of the Marshal of the Navy headquarters, and Tian Lei stood outside and looked at it. He thought that the world change would start from the appointment of the new Marshal of the Navy headquarters.

Major Brannu looked at Tianlei standing outside the door and could not help but shouted: "Lieutenant Tianlei?"

Tianlei smiled at the major Brannu and walked into the Red Dog Office: "I have seen the Red Bull Marshal!"

The red dog who was busy looking at the documents, when someone heard a shout, looked up and looked at the face with a smile: "Thunder! Let's sit!"

Tian Lei listened, sitting? In this marshal's office, in addition to the three major players, only Lieutenant Capt and Crane Lieutenant will have their place! Everyone else is standing!

The red dog looked at the thunder and did not move there. He smiled and said: "You can now be called a general. The great inspector, the warring country, the naval instructor Karp, the general, Huang Wei, and the crane and me will join me. The old star applied for the position of your general. After all, your performance in the battle of the top, everyone sees it in your is recognized for your strength."

"You can move with your heart, the metamorphic space ability has already made you invincible. Plus the shocking fruit ability and the sparkling fruit ability, the attack power is enough. Of course, because your own strength is not enough, still These abilities cannot be used to the strongest power, so overall there is still a lack of it, so you still have a little gap with us."

"But it is already the strength of the generals. With the departure of the generals, there is only one general of Huang Wei, and it is difficult to support it! It is urgent to have a new big future to shock the pirates, so the five old stars are very happy. I agree. Just the day after tomorrow, I will be with you."

Speaking of this, the red dog laughed again, and then said: "Tian Lei! The day after tomorrow, you can sit in the rank of general at the age of 19 and become the youngest general in history."

Thunder is also shocked, but never dared to think about it, they are so fast sitting on the general. After a while, I came back to God. Tian Lei looked at the smiling red dog on the face. I was afraid that this was the most day of laughter in his life. Tianlei is even a little unbearable. Now it is planned to go on. Although it is known that this red dog is valued by its own strength, if there is no strength, it will be thrown aside. But after all, this time, he is not thin on himself.

Just thinking of it, Tianlei immediately smashed the hoe, this is not enough. The justice of this red dog is not what you want. Tianlei can only say sorry to the red dog in his heart.

Tian Leidao: "Then I would also like to congratulate my uncle as the Marshal of the Navy. Yes, when I was the last lieutenant general, I was compared to General Mole and General Huang Wei. Now I am going to be a general. General Huang Wei is a tester!"

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