One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 139: Honorary conference

"The Navy owners know your strength, and your strength is known throughout the world in the battle of the top, so there is no need." The red dog faint.

Today is the promotion ceremony of the red dog and the thunder. Tian Lei walked over to the square. I really didn’t think that the person with this heart can do this. The navy’s highest-ranking naval general, this feeling is really not. Generally.

"Reporting that the Tianlei Lieutenant has been prepared, the Red Dog General has arrived!" Tianlei is thinking, suddenly came a navy to tell him.

Tian Lei looked at the young navy who was reporting to himself, and looked at himself with a look of worship. He thought that he had some prestige in these ordinary naval hearts. So he smiled at him and said, "Okay, I am ready. I am going now."

After Tianlei came to the square, he looked at the two rows of naval soldiers around him and stood neatly to meet themselves. I thought, "It seems that this time the navy, this is going to be a fight."

Suddenly, Tianlei discovered that someone has come to greet himself. It is the partner Yuxi, who has not seen for a long time. At this time, Yuxi has matured a lot more than two years ago. There are also two partners in the industry. It seems that this red dog and the navy are really attentive to themselves, and they have also found all three partners together.

"Oh! I really didn't think that you would come to the naval headquarters! Hey! It's already a major general!" Tianlei walked over and jokingly said, and finally went to the golden week: "Little guy, you are also Have you been a major? It seems that you have a lot of strength!"

"Yeah! We are here to meet you, our Tianlei generals." Yuxidu also answered jokingly.

"The boss is really amazing! It is really the most talented person in our navy. It is so much faster to become a general. This has never happened in history. You are already a legend in the navy. Now But there are a lot of navies who admire you!" said the face and smiled at Tianlei.

"Tianlei Lieutenant's strength must have improved a lot! We all saw you and the white beard from the impact of the phone bug, although the final loss, but did not suffer a bit. But we are scared! "Golden Monday asked curiously."

"Golden Week Major, you can no longer call this in front of you as a lieutenant. You should change your name to Mr. General." Tian Lei said with a smile to Golden Week.

"Okay, OK, don't care about this between us. You still call me the boss like them in Golden Week!" Tianlei said to the three of them with a smile.

"Okay, okay, we don't want to stand behind this, there are people!" Tianlei said to the Yuxiduo three people, but also to the back of the mouth.

The three men said as they walked and suddenly met an acquaintance. Tianlei greeted him. "Huang Wei’s general hasn’t seen it for a long time."

Huang Hao naturally saw the thunder, so he came over. "It’s been a long time no see, but Lieutenant General Ling Xiaoyi passed by at noon. We are the same classmates. Don’t call the generals, call me Huang Wei directly!” Huang Wei smiled at Tianlei.

"Well! Yeah! Anyway, we are also old acquaintances, the generals called the too many students." Tianlei laughed back.

"Oh! Yes, the red dog is already there, wait, do you still go first? Although you and him are uncles, after all, he is a marshal, let him wait for a long time, but it is not good!" Lei said with a smile.

"Yes? Then I will go first." Tian Lei heard, although Huang Qi is laughing, but it is not unreasonable.

"Then Huang Wei, I am going to see the Red Bull Marshal, are you going?" Tian Lei said back to Huang Wei.

"I won't go, you go! I still have things." Huang Yi, a leisurely look, is facing the sky.

When Tian Lei looked at Huang Wei’s appearance, he knew that Huang Wei’s so-called thing was actually finding a place to drink tea. Frustrated and shook his head and said to Huang Wei: "Then I will go."

"Well! Good go! I will go first." Huang said to Tian Lei.

"Yu Xi Duo, face 瘫, Golden Week, you go with me!" Tian Lei saw Huang Hao left, they said to Yu Xiduo.

"We? We will not go, let the Daxie go together! We don't want to be an electric light cannon." Yu Xiduo answered them, and they looked at the back of the scorpion, and they were behind.

"Hancock, let's go together!" Tianlei listened to them and said that they would come back without looking back.

"French, I came here specially to accompany you." Hancock said to Tianlei.

"Well, then I will go with Hancock first, let's go!" Tianlei said to Yuxiduo.

"Hancock, let's go! Ugly wife, see my in-laws again!" Tianlei said to Hancock with a smile, and extended her arms to her.

"Hey! Hancock is not an ugly wife, if is also the world's first beautiful wife." Hancock is quite dissatisfied with Tianlei said she is ugly, said to Tianlei's face spoiled, but Still reaching out and holding the arms of Tianlei.

"It’s finally arrived, it’s hard to find!” This time, Marin van Gogh, after a change of six, the change is too great, that is, the square is also divided into three, or connected with a bridge. Tianlei and Hankook did not know how many times they had been asked along the way, and they came to the place where the red dog was.

"Red Bull Marshal!" Tianlei went to the front of the Red Dog Marshal and made a greeting.

"Red Bull Marshal!" Hancock also screamed. Tianlei smiled and said: "Hancock, I am a navy. I have to be a red dog marshal in public, but you are not, you must call your uncle!"

Hankuk’s face was red, and some of the shy white glanced at the sky, but it was still very well-behaved to the Chihuahua Marshal: “Uncle Red Dog is good!”

"Oh! It's Tian Lei and Hancock! Sit here!" The red dog smiled and sat down on the side of the seat. Although I have seen it once, but the red dog sees the arrogance of the arrogant, the pirate female emperor Hancock, such as a little girl who is generally stunned by the thunder, he still can't accept it. At the same time, he is also convinced of Tianlei! This is not a big boss, I have not yet settled a woman! This little guy got the most difficult woman in the world.

"Good stinky boy, the time is almost up, the honours conference should also begin." Tianlei three people have been chatting for a long time, and then the red dog looked at the time and said to Tianlei.

"Well! Let's go!" Thunder picked up his coat and put on a coat for Hancock.

"Hey! I haven't seen you guys to serve me well." The red dog saw Tianrui's thoughtfulness to Hancock, and couldn't help but smile.

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