One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 150: Thunder VS Red Dog II ","

Tianlei saw the red dog that was hit by two consecutive hits. The red-hot rock on his body did not show any cracks, but he always felt that this trick was very familiar! Tianlei could not help but say to the red dog: "Uncle, you are a trick, but it is a powerful defense in all aspects!"

Speaking of this trick, the red dog is somewhat proud of the words: "How can I do this trick! The rocks in my body are all calcined in the lava, so this armor is very hard, but your swordsmanship It’s really amazing! If it’s not for me, it’s a bit of a hassle to block it!” said the red dog to Tianlei.

"Oh! I remembered, you are like this incarnation of the ice incarnation?" Tianlei smiled and looked at the red dog.

"What tells me to be like him, his trick is to learn from me, come to understand! Not his is mine." The red dog said, immediately said a very angry look.

Tianlei really didn't think that the red dog would be true on this, but Tianlei didn't say anything more. The face touched the knife again: "Uncle! Then see how I broke your defense." Thunder is very casual.

"Kid, you want more! You want to break my defense, you are still a little worse." The red dog looked quite awkwardly and said.

"Then let you see it! A slap in the face, a lion song!" Tian Lei's feet pushed forward with a full force, and the whole person rushed toward the red dog at a very fast speed. Out of the sky cloud sword. The power is concentrated on the sword, and the surrounding airflow is cut by the sword. Looking down from the sky, the thunder seems to be an arrow.

"The lava armor is coming!" The red dog greeted him directly.

After the "叮" sound, the sword slammed into the rock together, and the Tianlei cloud sword stabbed the red dog's armor, but there was no gap in the armor.

"Ha ha ha! Tian Lei does not seem to be able to do it! I said that I want to break my lava armor, you are still much worse!" The red dog said with a big smile.

"Is this the case? Look carefully." Tian Lei said softly.

When the red dog heard the thunder, he looked at the armor on his body in confusion, and the armor of the red dog seemed to understand the words of the thunder. I saw the lava armor, and it began to crack from the point that was stabbed by the Tianlei cloud sword.

"啪", the lava armor on the red dog was broken and fell.

The red dog looked at Tianlei with a surprised look: "How did you do it?" said the red dog to Tianlei.

"This is very simple, to break the face. Do you not understand?" Tianlei smiled and said to the red dog.

"Is it? Do you want to break the face?" The red dog groaned and then showed a contemplative expression.

Tianlei looked at the appearance of the red dog, and suddenly thought that this is a theory in the past martial arts! Maybe there is a theory in this world!

"Not bad." The red dog thought that there was income, and the red dog wanted to say something, but at this time the phone bug on his body rang. The red dog finally turned around and said to Tian Lei: "Come on! Let us have a final victory!"

After seeing the red dog picking up the phone bug, the face of the red dog changed, and the thunder could not help but think that something would happen again! Immediately said: "Well! Good!"

"Take me this trick! Mighty dog!" Above the hands of the red dog, a large amount of lava poured out immediately, and then a fist was formed with lava, which quickly sprayed out to the thunder. Tianlei is very familiar with this trick, but also very jealous. It must be known that in the anime of previous lives, this trick ruined the half face of white beard!

Tian Lei’s heart couldn’t help but think: “It seems that this trick can’t be hard-wired. If you have it, you can use that trick.” I thought that this day, Lei Ping’s sky cloud sword began to spin up quickly, and a strong hurricane was produced. Around the thunder, and then stopped in an instant, throwing a powerful sniper, smashed the dog to the red dog.

However, while the red dog was playing the dog, he came to Tianlei's side with a shave, and swung it to Tianlei. The power of Tianlei was all in the dog's dog. Because the red dog said that it was a set of wins and losses, so I did not expect that the red dog would speak without saying anything, with a strong dog as an arch, and unexpectedly launched an attack again.

When the Tianlei reaction came over, the red dog’s fist had already hit the head of Tianlei. Tianlei was directly shot and flew out. The moment the red dog hit the thunder in his fist, he reduced the strength to the lowest. The red dog looked at the thunder who was flying by himself. After standing up from the ground, he immediately said seriously: "Tianlei, you remembered me, the world government asked you to go to G5 to guard. My fist is to let You understand that pirates are some extremely wicked So don't trust them easily, be prepared for any of them, know that my punch is light, but if the pirates It is likely that you will have your life.

Tianlei looked at the red dog in front of him. He couldn’t help but think that he was taken for granted. In the anime of the past life, many pirates were positive characters, and their vigilance was indeed a bit lacking.

The red dog looked at Tian Lei and understood it. He reached out and took two shots on Tian Lei’s shoulder. Tianlei was browed by the red dog's two brows, and Tian Lei wanted to say a word, you fucking, what are you doing in the city! Isn't it finished? Isn't it just a shoulder? As for the next heavy hand?

The red dog looked at Tian Lei's face and smiled: "How do you know the pain? Know the pain, give me less trouble later. And now you go to G5 as the general, and then G5 is the naval headquarters. The division is over."

Tian Lei listened to music and smiled and said: "Uncle, that is, I was sent?"

When the red dog heard his face, he said, "How come you are not happy? You hit the dragon, and you are punished. You will steal it!"

Thunder thought, I am stealing music! G5 is a base that I think is good! This G5 is just a place in the border with the Navy and the Four Emperors. As long as this place is taken as a base, the Navy and the Four Emperors will not move easily, because this is a strategic place to take the lead.

After all, once the Navy has no such strategic location, the Four Emperors will definitely not let the Navy get it. On the contrary, the Navy will never let the Four Emperors get this strategic location. A situation of the three countries will be formed immediately. Of course, the premise is that Tianlei must have sufficient strength, but Tianlei already has its own goals. As long as you win these goals, you can immediately compete with the Navy and the Four Emperors.

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