One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 151: partner","

Tianlei is very strange red dog, obviously it is to find his own trouble, but now the shelf is half, it is going to leave, which shows that the phone he just received, must be a big deal!

Tianlei could not help but ask: "Uncle, what is so urgent?"

The red dog Zou said: "This is not the last battle. The navy lost too much. So in order to strengthen the strength against the four emperors, we must first complete the seven Wuhai, let them contain the four emperors. After that We have to come to the world to conquer the army and strengthen the navy to suppress the four emperors once again."

"Four emperors?" Tianlei is puzzled. Now he hasn't heard a little bit of Ace's news. Now Aunt and Kaido can't play for the white beard's site! Where did the four emperors come?

The red dog looked at Tianlei’s incomprehensible look and smiled: “Ha ha ha! Our naval intelligence system is very large. Ace appeared in the new world, and our eyeliner has already sent the news. But this It’s really not easy! I think this time Aunt and Kayto will have a big loss, and this Ace will also sit in the position of the four emperors."

Thunder is also a serious face, as if he is worried about the future for the Navy, he asked the Red Dog: "Who are the people who took over the Seven Wuhai now?"

The red dog replied: "Eagle Eye, Don Quixote Dofranco, Solomi Bear, Poya Hancock, Sha Krokdal, Heping, Moonlight Moglia, Marshall D · Tiki, this is the former Wuwuhai. Shak Krokdal, Heping, have been detained by the Navy, and can no longer be seven Wuhai. And Moonlight Moglia, Marshall D. Tickey are dead. Soromy Bear can't continue to be Qi Wuhai for some reason."

After the red dog finished, he glanced at the thunder, as if to say that the big reason here is you. Then went on to: "So the Seven Wuhai, now only the Hawkeye, Don Quixote Dolfranming and Poya Hancock are left. This time the Navy has a total of 9 people, of which accept seven There are exactly four people in the title of Wuhai, which is to complete the seven Wuhai."

Thunder couldn’t help but ask: "Which are four?"

Red dog: "Bakir, Edward Weibull, disc music - Skurachman Apu, "Magic" Basil Hawkins."

When Tian Lei listened to his heart, he laughed. Others couldn’t care, but this Edward Weibuli couldn’t care! He is a key in his plan! With his thunder, it is possible to pull Zefa into his own side.

To know that, he smashed an arm of Zefa, and the students loved by Zefa were all killed except Ai Yin and Binz. At the age of 73, Zefa learned that he had broken his arm and killed his student's pirates to join the Navy as King of the Seven Seas. He began to have a strong doubt and distrust of the Navy, and resolutely withdrew from the Navy to destroy the whole The "NEO Navy" was established for the purpose of the world pirates.

Isn't it the best time to win him? As for the disc-sounding - Skurachman Apu, "Magic" Basil Hawkins, I really didn't think that without Kidd, they actually became seven Wuhai.

The red dog left, and Thunder also returned to his own Xingqiang warship. All the friends were surrounded, and Bartol Romeo asked with a look of gossip: "How can the boss not fight! We are just looking at it!"

The black line of Tian Lei’s face, your sister saw me as a movie? Tianlei slammed directly into the past. Bartol Romeo "ah!", flew out and fell into the pool.

After Bartol Romeo came out of the pool, he looked at the grievances and said: "Boss, I just ask! Don't yell at me!" Others could not help laughing.

Tianlei looked at the beginning of the game and immediately stopped drinking: "Okay, don't play tricks! There is something to say!"

Bartol Romeo said with a smirk: "Boss, you said, you said!"

"First of all, I asked you a question. What are we wearing on our backs?" Tian Lei said with a serious face.

Bartol Romeo’s glance, it’s a weird return: “Isn’t the back of the navy’s cloak?”

When the other partners heard the words of Bartol Romeo, they couldn’t help but laugh, and they held their foreheads. It’s really a faceless person to have such a partner.

Seeing the thunder is also speechless, facing Bartol Romeo: "We are wearing a cloak behind us, but it is more justice! Do you know?" After Tian Lei said to Bartol Romeo, another face Seriously asked a few people: "What justice?"

This question of Tianlei, but all the people have been asked, Bartol Romeo weakly asked: "Navy?"

"What about the dragons that day? Is it justice?" Tianlei has not made a Rome asked.

"Dragons? It's slag!" Bartol Romeo immediately thought about it, and he gave a cry.

At this time, Drake also said: "But the Navy is protecting the Tianlong people. As long as they are disrespectful to them, the Navy will send a naval general."

Bartol Romeo, when he was stupid, stunned his head and immediately said: "What is wrong with him? Anyway, I listen to the boss, the boss let me do, what do I do!"

Nokiga also smiled and said: "Battor Romeo, this sentence, you are right! What is wrong with him? Anyway, I am also because the boss is going to the sea. Wherever he goes, I will go there." Noki Gao is not stupid to hear the words of Tianlei, he knows something, and immediately said.

Kebi: "I am the same, where is the boss, I will go."

Chennai said with a calm face: "I was robbed by the boss." Although this is not the right thing to say, the meaning of this is that the fool can hear it.

Baby-5 is looking at the sky with a happy look: "The boss needs me."

Drake and Luo smiled and said: "We are both, only in the boss can mix here, as soon as one leaves, the Navy will once again reward us."

Tian Lei listened to their expression and couldn’t help but laugh: “It seems that everyone will follow me, then let me talk about what I do!”

Listening to the Tianlei to start to say, all the people are wide-eyed to see the thunder, after all, Tianlei is so cautious, the things that are said to be small, are curious!

"I want to leave the world government, set up a new navy, a real navy. Unlike the current navy, the justice of the world is the world government, serving the Tianlong people."

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