One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 85: Festival

Handcuffs don't know what her feelings for Sasuke are?


Definitely not love, she has only met with Sasuke several times now, to say that he likes him is simply a fantasy.

But why is it so uncomfortable, my heart is sour... She still remembers the scene when she met with Sasuke for the first time. The blue boy had to say to her, "Handcuffs, really a good name, as beautiful as yours."

Gradually, the thoughts of the handcuffs began to fly, watching Sasuke and White, who were intimate in front of her, and the tears gradually blurred their eyes...

Already at 10 o'clock in the morning, the summer sun is shining directly on the earth, and the heat is blowing in the air. The originally refreshing air has become a bit dull.

On the playing field of Nuo Da, Naruto watched the Ning times in front of him, and a few drops of sweat on his face. In the face of strong Ning times, Naruto is not nervous, it is a lie, he clearly knows the strength of Ning.

When the young Hatada and Ningji played against each other, the strength of Ningji’s show made the Naruto scared. Although the strength has improved a lot, but in the face of the strong Ningji Naruto, there is still no bottom.

Ning times saw the tension of Naruto, and there was a sneer on the face. Some madly said to Naruto: "Naruto, do you know? The tail of the crane is never better than the genius, even if the tail of the crane is hard, they The gap between the two can never be overtaken!"

The gap between the tail of the crane and the genius? Think of what Sasuke said to him, "Naruto, you are also very strong, I am looking forward to fighting you."

Sasuke’s words echoed in Naruto’s ear, giving Naruto strong confidence. What about the tail of the crane? Even the tail of the crane can defeat the genius!

Naruto quickly calmed down and licked his mouth and said, "Is this your view of life? It is really sad! I want to prove it to you, even if the tail of the crane can defeat you as a genius!!"

It’s really interesting that Naruto’s sudden change makes Ning a glimpse? I don't know where he came from. Looking at Naruto, I immediately said, "Let me see, how do you beat me this genius!!"

In an instant, the atmosphere between Naruto and Ningji suddenly broke out, and the powerful warfare between the two men screamed in the air, and the sound of Chakra was heard in the air, and the tense fighting atmosphere was raised to the extreme!

I don’t know if Xuan Huo looked at Naruto and Ningji, felt the tit-for-tat chakra fluctuations, and showed a strange smile on his lips. Can’t wait? It seems that this game is more exciting.

With the beginning of the sound between the Xuan Huo, Naruto's figure flashed, his hand quickly printed, multiple shadows of the body!

The six Naruto quickly surrounded Ning, and added the fists and feet, blocking all the space of Ning.

Is there only such strength?

Ning times white eyes open, the blue veins of the knot quickly cover the face, the white pupils see through all the movements of Naruto, the hands are faint blue light, the fingers are light, and the strong Chakra winds are excited from the fingers.

Soft fist! Chakra's strong wind swept the body of Naruto, hehe! Hey! Uh... With the five muffled sounds, Naruto’s avatar was completely cracked. A sigh of wind hit the body of Naruto, and with a bang, Naruto’s body immediately flew out and fell five meters away.

Ningji does not continue to pursue Naruto, and the Naruto on the ground climbs up and sarcastically said, "Hey, is your strength only like this? It's a waste!"

Naruto didn't care about the ridicule of Ning, rubbed the dust on his face, and printed it again. The only thing he wanted in his heart was to defeat the opponent in front of him and defeat the powerful Ning times!

Multiple shadows! !

This time, Naruto’s avatar has tripled, and sixteen Naruto have once again surrounded Ningji, attacking Ningji with a combined attack.

The fist is like a knife! Ning times easily escaped Naruto’s repeated attacks. Under the white eyes, he thoroughly saw the movements of Naruto. I avoided the Naruto's pinch, and the Ning times were evenly flashed, and the fingers were light, like a split flower, and the full of the erosive Chakra wind hit all the avatars.

Hey! Naruto's avatar once again turned into a smoke dissipated, looking at the Naruto body in front of him, Ning's face showed a cold look. The foot moves, and it instantly appears in front of Naruto. The sound of the broken voice in the right hand is infinitely magnified in front of Naruto.

A strong wind will blow up Naruto's hair, hehe! Naruto's body flew out and fell to the ground like a broken sack.

After being beaten by Ning, Naruto only felt that the door was extremely painful. He squatted on the floor and wiped his face with his hand. The red blood dyed the hand of Naruto, and Naruto struggled to hold the ground with his hands. Fresh red blood is dripping from the nose and mouth.

Because of the severe pain, Naruto’s facial features were entangled, squinting at the opposite side, and the fists that held the body were close together, resisting the feeling of fainting.

In the audience, a group of spectators looked at the game in front of them, and they showed boring expressions. Such a game was not what they expected. There was no passion or suspense. How to see Naruto is not a rival.

Naruto gasped, vomiting black blood in the mouth, rubbing the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and looking at the lounge. I saw a gazing gaze watching him, Naruto's eyes widened, and Sasuke's figure was seen. Sasuke calmly sat there, holding his white in his arms, seemingly laughing at him, and his face was full of trust and encouragement.

Sasuke... Sasuke helps him to see me again... He believes me! How can I let him down!

Naruto bites his tongue and dispels the vertigo from his head. He slowly stands up and looks at the Ning times over there. He prints again in his hands and multi-shadows! !

In the next second, dozens of avatars appeared quickly, and the voice roared and resounded throughout the audience.

Naruto's face full of anger was quickly magnified in front of Ning, and he felt the warrior and perseverance of Naruto. In the heart of Ning, there was a hint of fear.

No! Can't fall here! Can't lose! Sasuke is watching me! Everyone believes in me! I want to be a man of Naruto! !

Naruto roared dozens of fists mixed with the sound of the empty, all will be Ning times all over the body!

This guy! Ning times bit his teeth, his hands open, and a powerful Chakra airflow in his hand. In the next second, Ning's body rotates rapidly, and the Chakra airflow quickly forms a blue Chakra shield, returning to heaven!

Naruto's fist collided with the sky, and the squeaking noise continued to sound. The Chakra airflow caused the two people's clothes to flutter. The returning sky of Ning was gradually weakened, and the color of the blue sky was lightened. You can see the figure of Ning.

Seeing that the day was almost completely broken, Ning times extracted a chakra, the blue light in his hand lit up, and the faint back to the sky immediately burst into a dazzling light!

Hey! All the Naruto avatars immediately turned into white smoke, solved?

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