One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 86: Festival

Seeing that the day was almost completely broken, Ning times extracted a chakra, the blue light in his hand lit up, and the faint back to the sky immediately burst into a dazzling light!

Hey! All the Naruto avatars immediately turned into white smoke, solved?

Just when Ning had thought that Naruto would fly, a fist screamed and attacked Ningxia.

what! This guy! Ning times completely dodge, hehe! Ning was hit by the fist of Naruto, and his body rolled and fell to the ground.

"This guy……"

Ning times climbed up and re-examined the Naruto in front of him, obviously already knocking him down, why he would stand up again.

Ningji began to pay attention to the opponents in front of him, looking at Naruto, his eyes with a trace of solemnity, said: "I don't know what is supporting you, but then, that's it..."

Zuo Futian, right to the ground, Ning times to make the action of the Taiji wild horses, the powerful momentum instantly enveloped Naruto, the invisible Chakra gravitational field will tie the Naruto's body tightly.

"Soft Boxing. Eight Diagrams and Sixty-four Palms!"

Ning moved, like a tiger slamming down the mountain, and the raging chakras continued to attack Naruto.

Two palms! Blocking the Naruto's motor nerves, his body can't move at all.

Four palms! The Chakra supply line in Naruto was cut off.

Sixteen palms! Naruto's Chakra operating system completely collapsed.

Thirty-two palms! A black blood spurted out of the population, and the thoracic vein was hit hard!

Sixty-four palms! Like a landslide, Naruto’s body exploded and hey! Falling to the ground, the mouth spewed bright red blood, it is obvious that Naruto's internal organs have been hit hard.

Looking at the Naruto who fell to the ground, Ning times relieved, is it over?

At this point, I do not know Xuan Huo also rushed to the field, ready to end the game.

"Because Naruto is unable to fight again, this game is by..."

"Wait..." There was a weak voice over there. Naruto climbed up awkwardly and walked over.

Ning times, Naruto climbed up again, and the pale face was full of horror, this guy!

"I haven't lost yet." Naruto grinned, his mouth flowing out of blood, looking at Ning, his eyes flashed with tenacious light.

Seeing that Naruto asked to continue the game, I don’t know if the mysterious fire looks at Naruto, this guy is really tenacious! Did not say anything, asked the game to continue.

Due to the pollution of blood stains, Naruto’s image at this moment was awkward. His right hand rubbed his chest and gasped. He said to Ning, “I’m going to be a fan of fire, how can I fall here!”

Naruto's tenacity and persistence in infection Ning, this guy...

"I don't know how you persisted. In my eighty-six and sixty-four palms, I can still support you. I admire your strength. But what about you who have been blocked by the whole body of Chakra?" Ning times saw that Naruto’s external strength was in the middle, and the current Chaba in the Naruto’s body was completely sealed. He could not use Ninjutsu at all.

"Cough." Naruto coughed and said: "Ning, I want to prove one thing to you, even if it is the tail of the crane, you can defeat the people who are crowned with genius!"

"Haha, are you joking? I have been blocked by all the Chakra acupoints, how can you beat me?" Ning thought that Naruto was not self-sufficient and laughed.

Sealed all the acupuncture points? Naruto intends to use his nine-tailed Chakra, looking at Ning, and his eyes flashed a firm look. How about trying this? !

Naruto found the feeling of cultivation, the nine-tailed Chakra in his body quickly condensed, like a volcanic eruption, the surging power swept the Naruto body.

The flaming chakra will cover the body of Naruto, as if wearing a red gauze.

This chakra! Ning's white eyes turned into a horrified look, he saw that Naruto's Chakra is rapidly figurative, forming a red monster!

"Multiple Shadows!!"

Naruto's hands are sealed, and hundreds of avatars are instantly condensed. "Ning, I want to defeat you! Prove my existence!!" All the avatars attacked Ning times. Because of the large number, Ning's defense is somewhat stretched.

good chance! Naruto grabs a defensive weakness of Ningji, and an uppercut will fly Ning times. The next moment, all the avatars will come up, "Naruto will play!!"

The continuous fists all fell on Ningji, squatting, the bones of the chest were broken, hehe! Ning had a spurt of blood, and under the attack of Naruto, Ning was seriously injured.

boom! Ning times fell heavily on the ground. Naruto walked over and prepared to give Ning a final blow.

In the game, Naruto will defeat Ning, and reversing the game. Everyone in the audience was shocked by Naruto’s performance. I didn’t expect this little ghost to be so powerful!

The sun shines on the playing field and drives out the darkness. Naruto all walked to the Ning times step by step, and the powerful momentum oppressed Ning times, like the Mount Taishan.

Ning times struggled to get up, the mouth spurted blood again, watching the Naruto step by step, the pale face showed a sad look, so that is over?

Surrounded by all the avatars, he closed his eyes and waited for Naruto’s attack. He had already given up his intentions, or rather waited.

For a while, there was no unexpected boxing, and I opened my eyes more. I saw that Naruto had lifted all the shadows and the right hand fell on his shoulder.

"Ning, I have already defeated you." After that, Naruto grinned and smiled with sunshine and encouragement.

Ning times only felt that his heart was not competing, and the feeling that Naruto brought him was unprecedented. This feeling is very warm, like the spring rain, nourishing the long-lost soul.

It seems to be a good friend for many years. Ning times to face Naruto, suddenly there is such an impulse. The warmth and sunshine of Naruto make him very moved. Is this the friendship between friends?

"Naruto" Ning times stunned, and some looked at Naruto.

Naruto released the hand on Ning's shoulder and said: "Ning I agree with your strength, you are strong, so I want to beat you upright."

Is this the case? Ning was moved and looked at Naruto. He suddenly had an urge to go.

This time I’m all right, I’m looking at the audience. I’m having a familiar figure. I’m a patriarch, I’m looking at him.

Finally, it was time to talk about everything. Ning times untied the forehead, and a pale green tattoo appeared in the pale forehead. It was very awkward. "Naruto, do you know? People are always different from life." "When I stroked the tattoo between the foreheads, I looked at Naruto more than once, and there was a trace of sadness on the face.

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