One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 107: Festival

Three generations of flying leaping, hands sealed, fierce Chakra fluctuations came, the next moment, a loud, a huge ape appeared, it is the three generations of the psychic beast!

The demon appeared, the eyes of the big snake pill were shrunk into needles, and it turned out to be a demon beast, and this could not be defeated.

In front of the demon, the three generations of the body looked so small, the devil smashed the big snake pill on the dome, and said with anger: "猿飞, really is the big snake pill, I let you kill him, now finally taste the bitter fruit! ”

The three generations smiled bitterly, and asked the demon to say: "The devil, don't argue now, let's talk about the big snake pill first."

The demon is very obedient to the words of the three generations, the white smoke rises, and the body instantly turns into a giant golden hoop.

The gold hoop was taken in the hands of three generations, and the golden hoop was quickly and long, and it was swept at the location of the big snake pill.

The big snake pill is in a flash of shape, and it is easy to escape the powerful golden hoop.

Standing in the distance, the big snake pill gaze slightly, and the hand prints, a blue viper appears from the mouth. The next moment, the blue-eyed grasshopper sword is taken in the hands of the big snake pill, and the three generations fight together.

The golden hoops danced, and the huge golden hoops were light in the hands of the three generations. The stormy shadows shrouded the snakes. Under such a fierce offensive, the Big Snake Pill can only be defensive, relying on the sharpness of the grasshopper sword and the three generations of fighting.

The big snake pill couldn't resist it quickly, and he was anxious to control the second generation and the first generation to attack the three generations at the same time.

The first generation of rafts and strange force fists, the second generation of leeches, continuous attacks, let the big snake pill have a breathing space.

Grasping the defensive weaknesses of the three generations, the big snake pill was shaped into a snake, and it was wrapped around three generations of body, tightly hugged for three generations, and the teeth rubbed.

When the demon saw three generations in crisis, the huge golden hoops turned out to be two big hands, and the thunder was too late to take the big snake pill and save the three generations.

"Thank you, demon."

Three generations breathed a sigh of relief, guarding the surrounding.

The demon saw that the three generations of physical strength were not supported, and the heart sighed, really old? Turning around to protect the three generations behind him, said: "Three generations, we will defeat the big snake pill, I will fight to protect you."

The demon... Looking at the tall body of the demon, the three generations suddenly felt sour eyes. For many years they have been fighting side by side. For the peace of Konoha, in order to protect the embarrassment between them, the devil did not know how much he paid.

Perhaps, the best friend around me is the devil. The **** deeds of the young are closely linked to the fate of the two. Under the fate, the two are shaped like one.

Feeling the determination of the demon, the three generations of Shen Sheng said: "Devil, old man, let us fight together side by side, as a shadow! For the wood leaves, even if you die, you will not hesitate!"

"Three generations..."

The demon knows the determination of the three generations, no longer hesitates, and immediately becomes a golden hoop. Under the control of three generations, it fights with the big snake pill and the first generation.

Somewhere in the village of Muye, a white man dressed in red and gray clothes squats in the grass, holding a telescope in his hand and looking at the waterfall in the distance, and the roar of the pig brother.

"Wow, this is a good point, it’s so big."

"That Loli is also good, er er, the sound is clear and easy to push down, and really Loli is true love..."

This person is also a self-contained person. After leaving the competition venue, he has been searching for hunting objects everywhere, searching for the favorite women as his material.

"Wow, I can't stand it. If I go on like this, I really want to burn myself."

I also turned my body shape immediately. I turned around and stopped looking at the waterfall. I was lying on the grass, and my eyes showed a wretched light. "If you can touch it, how good it is, big round, definitely elastic." Full."

Unconsciously, I have also seen the clouds of the sky as a beautiful woman with a stature, imagining how beautiful women can play.

Just as he was also obscenity, he had some fireworks coming from the direction of Muye Village. The strong fireworks were mixed with the faint chakra flow. !

I also experienced the unusual atmosphere in the air, and gradually showed a dignified color on my face. The previous wretched and lasciviousness disappeared.

The seal in the hand, hehe! A red little cockroach appeared in front of the comeback, and I saw the appearance of 蛤蟆吉, and my face turned green. How could it be?

"How could it be you?! What is your father's text too?! It is also a big eye with 蛤蟆吉.

Because the voice is too loud, the girls playing in the distant waterfalls heard the high-pitched baritone, and they immediately realized that someone was peeking at them. Everyone screamed and wore clothes and ran away. This place.

I know that my own behavior is being made, and I am angry with the grievances. "When are you, when are you not here at this time, are you worried about me?!"

When I heard the truth, Yu Ji said with a depressed face: "The amount, the self is also, are you not taking me out of the spirit?"

"What I am psychic, you come out, my psychic is your father, how do you come out?!!" He also said, and he knocked on the Philippine violent.

" Don't fight, Dad is hurt, so I will tell me to see what you have." Yu Ji sneaked into the fist of his own, and said hurriedly.

Is the text too hurt? I also stopped my action on Yu Ji, and asked with a puzzled question: "How is your father hurt? When is it?"

"That, that was the last time, after Dad returned to Miaomushan, he was very weak. He heard that Dad was injured by a small ghost of Uchiha."

"Uchihabo's home! Is Uchiha Sasuke?!" It is also known that Yuki-mura is only Sasuke, and the identity of the devil is in line with his identity. In the sense of self, Sasuke is just a little devil. Only.

Yan Ji said with a grin, "I don't know, Dad said that he didn't know, but the two rounds of writing were really true."

Sasuke has the strength to defeat Wentai? !

I also looked at the micro-coagulation, and my face changed. I don’t know what I was thinking.

After a meal, I said, "I will find out what your father is doing. Right, can you help me to find out the situation in the village?"

"Looking at the situation?!"

蛤蟆吉呱呱 said: "This is my best!"

In the eyes of the self-confident, Yu Ji plopped and jumped out of the river in the distance. After a while, he took a few squats on the shore.

Yu Ji looked at the self and said: "They are also the ones in the village of Muye. If you have any questions, please ask them."

Ask them! Really, I am awkward! He also gave Jiji a violent temper and said, "You ask me for help!"

Yuji had a painful meal and asked about the current situation of the villages.

For a while, Yu Ji asked about the change of Muye Village, and now he told the story.

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