One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Festival

I heard the retelling of Yu Ji, and I was still sinking in the water. I didn’t expect that Muye Village had such a big change.

Big snake pill, I really should have killed you!

There was no nonsense with Yuji, and it was printed and sent back to Miaomu Mountain. The figure flashed and immediately rushed to Muye Village.

Looking at the village of Muye, still in the distance, the anxious color of the face is overflowing with words, the three generations of old man, you must not have anything...

Above the dome, the three generations and the big snake pill stand opposite each other. The previous attacks of the storm have already made his body exhausted, and there are not many chakras in the body.

Really old, the three generations gasped, looking at the big snake pill in the distance, the gold hoop in the hand tightened tightly.

"Hey, how do you feel?" The golden hoop made by the demon is out of the crowd.

"Nothing, stunned, do you still have the power of a war?" 猿飞 asked about the devil's situation.

The demon knows that Fei Fei is dead, and he said, "Hey, I am fine. If you can't do it, you can escape. Even if you die, I will protect your life."

Feeling the devil's mind, Fei Fei said: "Thank you, sorcerer. However, as a fire shadow in Muye Village, how can I escape, my villagers are suffering, if I escape, What is the difference between this and the beast?!"

"Hey, you..."

"I have decided, demon, you cover me, I want to end this battle!"

Yu Fei finally made a decision. In order to protect the village, for the sake of peace in the future, he will use the corpse to seal up, and thus end the fate of the big snake pill.

"Oh..." The demon sighed, and he knew that this was the fate of Fei Fei.

Without violating the defensive flight, the demon body turned into a body. In an instant, a huge black ape monkey with a height of five feet appeared next to the big snake pill.

The devil's fist is like a wind, and the fist full of destructive power attacks the big snake pill.

In the face of the attack of the demon, the big snake pill did not resist the front, but controlled the first generation, with the first generation of the strange force and the devil to do the right.

Hey! The big fists of the demon smashed into the first-generation smashing fists. In an instant, huge shock waves splashed with dust.

The first generation and the demon are doing the power competition.


The slate of one person and one beast was broken, and the first generation shouted and suddenly broke out with unparalleled power.


The devil is kneeling on one knee, and the enormous power makes it continue to recede.

Can't lose! In order to fly, be sure to hold on!

At the foot of the demon, he stepped on the ground tightly, and the body that was constantly retreating finally stopped, shouted, and lifted the body of the first generation, and slammed it to the ground.

boom! The first generation could not withstand the power of the demon, and the body would take the dome out of the deep pit, and the body would be tightly mounted on the dome.

Never let him stand up again!

In the eyes of the demon, there was a firm color, and immediately got up. The surging fists covered the first generation of the whole body. Because there was no defense, all the attacks of the demon fell on the first generation.

Rao is the perverted physique of the thousand hands and the undead power of the reincarnation of the earth. Under the tyrannical power, the first generation still quickly lost the fighting power.

Seeing that the first generation was beaten by the demon, there was no effort to fight back. The eyes of the big snake pill flashed in the eyes, and it’s really a monkey king! The corner of the mouth crossed a smirk, and immediately controlled the second generation of the knot, dark night!

The dark field is shrouded in demons and three generations. In an instant, the vision of the demon and the three generations became dark, as if they were in the dark, they could not find the opponent.

The three generations know that this moment is extremely dangerous, and immediately summon the demon to the side of their own guardian, the hand is fast-printing, multiple shadows of the body!

Outside the dark field, the big snake pill looked at the movements of the three generations with a funny smile. It was clear that there was no chakra, and he used multiple shadows to disperse his chakra. The three generations were really confused.

Seeing that the three generations were successfully trapped, Da Shemao unconsciously relaxed her attention to the three generations. Cats and mice constantly attacked the three generations with bitterness and shuriken.

"Three generations are careful!"

In order to gain time for the three generations, the demon will protect the three generations behind him, using his huge body to block the attack for three generations.


I felt that the demon body was constantly being scratched by the sharp blade. The tremble in the heart fluttered, and the hand accelerated the condensation of Chakra. It took a while for the corpse to be sealed.

"Devil, you go away, I will deal with the big snake pill!"

The three generations succeeded in producing the seal of the corpse, and the endless spirit of the dead spirit instantly became a purple-gray evil ghost, it is the **** of death!

There is a sharp blade in the shadow of the shadow of death, the long fangs appear horrible, the highlights of the ghosts condense on the shoulders of the dead, and the surging force of death continues to emerge.

Is this death? The three generations looked at the shadow of death, and the eyes showed an inexplicable look.

The shadow of the **** of death stretches out long fingers, and the purple-gray palm passes through the three generations of the body. The painful sound of the three generations is really uncomfortable.

Finally, the shadow of death is completely pulling out the souls of the three generations. The pale blue soul is tightly bound to the chest of death. The huge black chain passes through the souls of three generations and wraps around the soul Let the souls of the three generations not escape.

Is it finally finished?

The three generations of the forehead oozing a lot of cold sweat, obviously the experience was very painful.

Without hesitation, the three generations were looking for the figure of the big snake pill in the darkness. With the perceived chakra flow, the three generations easily caught the first and second generations.

The shadow of death suddenly appeared in front of the first and second generations. Under the power of death, the souls of the first and second generations were quickly pulled out. Finally, the souls of the two were completely separated.

The blade of death swayed, the souls of the first and second generations were cut off by the waist, and the power of the endless soul flew into the mouth of death, and the death was like the snoring of marijuana.

The souls of the first and second generations were smothered, and the bodies of the reincarnation of the earth were dissipated. The dark nights suddenly stopped, and the three generations and the sorcerers reappeared brightly.

The first and second generations of the earth were turned into pieces of debris, and as the breeze disappeared, the look of the horror in the eyes of the big snake pill, how come? !

The three generations seized the big snake pill and smashed the gods. The figure flashed and appeared in front of the big snake pill. He grasped the body of the big snake pill and fixed the big snake pill on his chest.

Three generations of mouth sneer, the hand of death from the three generations of chest through the body, purple gray ghost claws will pull the soul of the big snake pill, and constantly pull outward.

Grabbed by the **** of death, the big snake pill finally saw the true face of the **** of death, what is it? ! !

The big snake pill screams in horror, and his body is completely uncontrolled, and the power of life is constantly being lost.

"Three generations, what did you do to me?!!" Da Snao poked in a panic.

The three generations saw the painful expression of the big snake pill, and there was a strange smile on his face. "The big snake pill, you claim to study the world of ninja, even the corpse is not known..."

"The corpse is sealed!"

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