One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 345: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


When the water moon in the middle meter is swallowed up by the flame, the ink in the hand is finished, and the water is smashing!

Suddenly, the powerful water rising from all sides rises from the ground, forming a protective circle that will protect the water.


The blue flame collided with the water wall, and the water filled the air, forming a white cloud.

After all, the blue flame began to annihilate, and the water wall reached the pole. In a loud noise, the water wall broke open, and the water moon hit from it, and the dagger knife attacked again.

Being covered by the water moon, the wooden man also refused to use the Ninjutsu attack, and then pulled out the knife behind him. It was a knife about three feet long, and the curved blade exudes cold cold light.


The knife and the dagger knife collided, and the tremor of the roar made the wooden man's wrist sore. She felt the power of the water moon, not that she could take it.

Immediately, the wooden man left and left, and he was fighting with the flexibility of the body and the water.

I have to say that the strategy of the wooden man is very sensible. In terms of flexibility, the water moon is far from her opponent.

It didn't take long, the water moon that was good at brute force was pressed by the wooden man, and the fierce knife was able to cross the body of the water moon several times, almost leaving a flawed knife mark on it.

"damn two!"

The water moon roared. He didn't expect the two-tailed close combat to be so powerful. The flexibility and speed of the two tails just restrained him.

As a last resort, the shape of the water moon has retreated, and the body has disappeared into the water source near the Leiyun Gorge.

"The timid guy."

Seeing the water moon escape, the wooden man disdainfully smiled and turned to see Sasuke here, it is necessary to start with Sasuke.

However, at this time, the wooden man felt a strong breath behind him, subconsciously, looking back, but saw five or six water dragons roaring.

It is the technique of the water dragon bomb!

"Good leeches."

It was praised by the wooden man, and the body was turned into a residual image, which was dodged between the seams of the water dragon.

In the distance, the body that has been turned into a fluid slowly emerges from the surface of the water, watching the wooden man easily avoiding the water dragon bomb, and his heart is in a hurry, then immediately control all the water dragons, and block the wooden man. Avoiding the space, trying to defeat her completely with a single blow.

The water dragon is in a hurry and avoids it.

The wooden man was completely under the blockade of the water dragon bomb. This time, the wooden man had to choose a hard battle.

The situation was in jeopardy, but the anger was flashed on the face of the wooden man.

"Asshole, since you are so aggressive, then die!"

Immediately, it was printed by the wooden man, and the blue Chakra burst out like a flood. The chakra gauze covered the whole body, but behind her was two long tails.

The tail beast gauze has been opened, and the speed and strength of the wooden man has been improved ten times, but she has seen her hand fast.

Fire. Ghost fire pill!

The next moment, the overwhelming blue flame struck, and the figure in the air became the shape of a two-tailed cat.

The two-tailed cat screamed, and the huge flame energy came out. In the constant tremor, an endless blue flame broke out.


When the water dragon bomb touched the blue fire, it was instantly annihilated, and the blue flame was not exhaustive, and it was like a broken bamboo.

The flames were overwhelming, and there was really no escape. The water moon did not have the confidence to take this shot, and the body immediately turned into water, and quickly sneaked into the bottom of the lake.


Huge tremors, the blue flame tongue swallowed the entire waters, and the white water vapor of the sky formed a diffuse fog.

Wait for the flame to go out -->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Off, the water in the small lake with a radius of 100 meters has evaporated by a third.

After avoiding a blow, the water moon burst out from the bottom of the lake, and Sasuke’s side said a little embarrassed: "It’s really two tails, and I almost got hurt."

Say, Shuiyue took a picture of his chest, apparently fortunate.

Looking at the performance of Shuiyue, Sasuke chuckled. "You are also very good, and the next thing will be handed over to me."

"The next thing will be handed over to me."

Say, Sasuke pulled out the grasshopper sword behind him, his body shape flashed, the silver-white blade broke open the space, and the sharp sword gas greeted the wooden man.


Metal strikes, and the tremors of the cockroaches pass.

The body of the wooden man was shocked, and immediately changed, and the knife crossed the path, and the body of the sword was attached to the arm of Sasuke.


The blade is sharp and the blade that is shining with cold light is infinitely enlarged in front of Sasuke.

In the meantime, the grasshopper sword in the assistant was blocked, and the sound of the sword and the sword was restarted. The cold white light cut through the air.

The figure of the two people flashed, the sword in the hand was like a shadow, and Sasuke's sword was superb, but the knife method of the wooden man could not be underestimated. For a time, the two were quite equal in attacking the white blade.


In the huge tremor, the bodies of the two quickly retreated.

Looking at the squadron of the wooden man, Sasuke’s gaze was slightly condensed. "This is not the ninja of Yun Ren Village. The knife is really different."

The praise of Sasuke was slammed by the wooden man and said: "Even if you talk like this, I can't let you go, kill the innocent people in Yun Ren Village!"

Listening to the words of the wooden man, I don’t know why, Sasuke suddenly wanted to laugh. "It’s really confident. In that case, I will come up with strength."

Immediately, Sasuke's momentum suddenly changed, like a sharp-edged blade. The next moment, he saw his eyes became blood red, and the black three-jaw was distributed above the pupil.

"Write a round eye!"

The wood man exclaimed, as if he had thought of something, the original calm face showed a shocking color.

"It turns out that you are the rebellion of Muye, the survivor of Uchiha, Uchiha Sasuke!"


As for the recognition of himself by the wooden man, Sasuke has no accidents. After all, since he killed the big snake pill, it can be said that it is a fierce name. It is not a strange thing that the wooden man recognizes him.

"This is trouble..."

Looking at Sasuke’s self-satisfied look, I was stunned by the wooden man’s heart. If the other person is Sasuke, she really has no intention of winning.

"However, how about it, I am the ninja of Yun Ren Village, the second person's column force, no matter who it is, as long as you want to play the abacus of the country of mine, you must not let go!"

Immediately by the wooden man is a decision, but see her momentum once again improved, the blue Chakra surged out, the tail beast gauze more solid a few points.

In an instant, the wooden man turned into a residual image, and the knife in his hand broke open the air and rushed to Sasuke as before.

Although the speed of the wooden man is fast, but there is nowhere under the writing wheel, but the purple thunder light in the assistant's assistant, the grasshopper is surrounded by a small snake-like lightning.


Very easy, Sasuke took a sneak attack by the wooden man, the thunder and lightning, the purple thunder and lightning passed to the wooden knife.


When the thunder and lightning came, the wooden man only felt that the whole body was numb, and the operation of Chakra became a bit of a hit.

Knowing the power of lightning, the wooden man did not dare to fight hard, and immediately retired.

However, Sasuke is not giving the opportunity to the wooden man, immediately flying to catch up, the sword flower in the hand, the purple lightning formed a thunder barrier to block all the retreat by the wooden man.

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