One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 346: Festival

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The retreat was made, and the wooden man had to choose a hard fight. The Taidao in his hand was lifted up, and the sharp blade blocked the sharp light blade of Sasuke.

The continuous swords meet, the purple lightning is pervasive, and the small snake-like lightning is transmitted into the body of the wooden man. The irresistible feeling of paralysis suddenly hits, but it makes her movement slower.

Seeing that the human body is not supported by the wood, Sasuke's mouth is light, no longer merciless, and grasps the flaws of the wooden man, and the thunder and sharp edge of his hand squat.


The sharp blade carries a purple lightning bolt across the chest of the wooden man.


The blood was flying, and the long hole was cut by the wooden man's chest. The large blood stained the clothes.

Sasuke got a hit, and the wooden man refused to see the pain in his body, and then his body exploded and left the scope of Sasuke’s attack.


The wooden man squatted on her chest, and the tingling on her tingling made her scalp numb. She didn't expect Sasuke's Lei Jian swordsman to be so powerful, she almost did not have any power to fight back.

"It's not easy..."

From the wood man’s forehead, there was a little bit of cold sweat. I know that this is a disaster, and it is very likely that Sasuke will kill this place.

"However, even if it is dead, it will not let you harm the interests of Yun Ren Village!"

Immediately, it was printed by the wooden man. This time, the incomparably huge chakra was excited from her body, but it was ready to release the two tails completely.

Sasuke did not block the movements of the wooden man. His purpose was exactly two tails, so that he was in the middle of his heart.

But it was seen by the wooden man, the huge Chakra tilted out, but it made the space tremble.


The flowing brilliance poured out, and during the undulations, a hill-like blue civet cat appeared on the field.

I saw the civet cat burning with a blue flame, like a rune all over the body, the two long tails swaying constantly, the air inside the space has signs of anxious.

Looking at the changes made by the wooden man, Sasuke’s gaze condensed. "I don’t think it’s two tails. This kind of flame can’t be achieved even if it’s a hot fire. I’m afraid only the sun can suppress such a flame.”

At this moment, the two-tailed cat was completely liberated by the wooden man, and the wooden man was merged with the cat. In the vast canyon, the huge blue civet cat was so conspicuous.

"Sasuke, I forced me to use the tail animal, so I will kill you anyway!"

The cat shines in the blue light. In an instant, a bright blue fire attribute energy group condenses, and the power of terror makes the space fluctuate.

It is the end of the beast jade, the tail of the tail is unique.


The cat screamed again, and the horrible tail beast jade instantly provoked, and Sasuke was almost completely swallowed up.

"Is it just such a tail beast?"

Sasuke’s look was as usual, and there was no surprise at all. Then the hand was printed, and the power of the huge demon was tilted out. The purple brilliance flashed, but it was a guardian enchantment.

call out!

The tail beast jade passed by and collided directly with the enchantment.


The blue flame of the sky burst out, and the horrible high-temperature flame constantly washed the purple enchantment. Under the tremor, the water-like fluctuations continued to spread above the enchantment.

Sasuke is in the enchantment, and Jun's face is full of self-confidence. This enchantment is also taught on the 16th night. The strong defense is so astounding that it can be compared with the complete body.

Sure enough, the beast jade could not break through the enchantment anyway. At most, it was the torrent that ignited the flood and disappeared.

"How is it possible!">, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


Seeing that his tail beast jade couldn't hurt Sasuke, the cat exclaimed, almost shocked and angry, and the human strength of the district actually reached this point. This kind of strength can not be achieved even by the shadow-level powerhouse.

The cat did not believe in evil, and immediately condensed the end of the beast jade. Between the two, the blue tail beast jade came out and hit the enchantment that flashed the purple and purple.


The huge tremors revived, and the hot blue flame continued to spread, but it melted the surrounding walls, and the hard stone turned into a red, turbid substance.

In the distance, Xiang Pho looked at Sasuke's guardian enchantment with horror. She was the first to see Sasuke to exert such a powerful defense force.

"It's too strong, even the end of the beast jade can resist, is this still a ninja?"

Looking at the shocking color of Xiang Pho, Aster proudly said: "This is certainly not a ninja. This is a defensive move of our witches. It is a powerful attack. Even if it is a super s-class ninjutsu, it can't break through such a knot. boundary."

"Is it taught to him by the 16th night?"

Xiang Pho knows that there is a super strong person in the 16th night in Aster, and I know that the 16th night is the master of Sasuke. I have already told her about these Sasuke.

"Well, it was taught by the 16-night adult. The 16-night adult is the strongest five hundred years ago. Her technique is not comparable to the current Ninjutsu."

"It's an incredible power."

Xiang Pho said, and understood the powerful horror of Sasuke after having sixteen nights of power. At least for now, no one can beat him.


The cat's tail beast jade could not break the enchantment of Sasuke. She knew that her strength could not cause harm to Sasuke.

In the face of Sasuke, the cat turned out to have the feeling of fear, but when he was shocked, he turned and fled.

"Have you escaped?"

Sasuke’s voice screamed coldly, but he saw the seal in his hand. Suddenly, the broken magical light shining purple lightning condensed out.


The horrible arrow was spurred out while the cat was running away. The spiral was carrying purple lightning to make the space tremble.


The purple streamer flashed, and the broken arrow hole penetrated the cat's body.


The huge body of the cat crashed into the ground, splashing the dust of the sky, but seeing the neck, the black and red blood flowed out, the huge penetrating purple lightning through the wound, under the power of the devil, the purple lightning invaded the cat and the body. Constantly destroying her organization.


Unbearable pain came from all over the body, and the cat struggled to get up, but it fell again, and there was a lot of blood in the mouth. Such a heavy injury made her unable to move half a give up the struggle Let's go. ”

Just as the cat tried to stand up again, Sasuke’s voice came behind her.

"You will stop here, let's accept it."

Sasuke came to the cat's head, and the blushing three-hook jade wrote the round eyes to reflect the latter's face.

"I won't hurt your life."

Self-satisfaction, Sasuke appeared in the black airflow on his chest, like the power of some kind of wild and savage beast to make the cat tremble, she felt that under that power, she could not give birth to a rebellious heart.

At this point, the black fog became more and more intense, but in the end it covered the cat's huge body.

Then, in the assistant aunt, the body communicated with the refining pot and smoothly controlled the refining pot.

The black brilliance surged, but the cat was turned into a black gas and swallowed into Sasuke.

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