One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 350: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


The wooden man snorted, and although he had escaped a killing blow, the horrible blade left a lot of scars on her.

The feeling of chakra’s loss is really too uncomfortable.

The flying segment also saw that there was no chakra in the wooden body, and then a strange smile, like a cat-and-mouse-like tone said: "The next move, you can't escape anyway!"

Saying, the flying segment bites his finger and fuses his blood with the blood of the wooden man. A small amount of blood, a scorching of blood, and a mysterious rune on his face, like a ghostly look makes people shudder.

I saw the knot in the hands of the flying section. The next moment, the horrible red light rose from the sky. The red spooky chakra surrounded the flying section like a storm. It was only a moment, and the power was increased tenfold.

"Feel the power of the evil spirits!"

The flying paragraph is a wicked smile, but the huge blade is stabbed to his chest.


The sour cracking sound suddenly sounded and the whole sky turned into blood.


The blood of the visceral viscera is poured out from the wood population. Unbelievably, I look at my cracked chest. The cracked organ is accompanied by a large amount of blood dripping on the ground, blurred, and it is really open.

"It’s damn... I’m not willing...”

From the eyes of the wooden people, the darker and more intense pain made her nerves unable to think about others. In the blur, she saw the same open-legged flying segment as the **** hungry ghosts slowly came to her...

The country of water, the village of Wujiu, is surrounded by misty smog.

The calm waters stretch for thousands of miles. It is the largest natural lake in the country of water. It is the outer waters of the people in the village.

In the light boat Pan Lake, the figure in the white smog gradually became clear, and it was the Sasuke who returned from Lei Zhiguo.

Sasuke is also estimating the time, thinking that the three tails were not captured by Dida. In order to get the strength of the nine tail beasts as soon as possible, and to perfect the array of methods, after the two-tailed Chakra, Sasuke immediately led the members of the Eagle team to the country of water, ready to catch three.

On the top of the boat, Xiang Pho is fully capable of opening up the ability to perceive, trying to get the clues about the three tails from the waters of thousands of miles.

Aside, the water moon lazily lies on the deck. Although it is close to the water source, there is enough water in the place to make him comfortable, but after all, he still complains.

Shuiyue leaned his head on the narrowed knives of the dagger, and glanced at Sasuke’s patrol, and said with a sigh of relief: "Sasuke, I haven’t found it, I’m looking for a day, the guy at the end of the three Is there here?"

"Yes, I am sure."

Sasuke came down from the bow and sat next to the ashes resting in the same place. He watched the sleeping face of the latter say: "Since the death of the four generations of water, the three tails have become the things of the Lord, and they have been living in this wild state. The waters of the film, it is said that the fog of the country of water is also looking for, so we must hurry."

"Yes." Shuiyue grinned and said, "How do you know so much? What if the three tails have already been picked up by others?"

"Nothing. Three tails must be!"

Sasuke was stubborn at this time, and said with the voice: "If you don't get three tails, then the last few beasts are even more difficult to capture. Two tails -->> , the fastest update One Piece The latest chapter of the bounty system!

And the three tails are just the beginning. All the nine tail beasts are, after all, my bag. ”

Sasuke’s face is positive, and it’s not like being joking. The kind of decision made the water moon screaming, and the latter said: “I don’t know what you are planning, oh, I’m born to work, capture. The nine-tailed beast, when is this dangerous life going to last?"

At the moment of the water month, the fragrant phosphorus on the side found the situation.

"Sasuke, a kilometer ahead of the sea, about 500 meters deep, there is a strong Chakra fluctuation."

When I heard the fragrant phosphorus, Sasuke was a little bit spirited, and the asters that had been asleep also woke up.

"Sasuke, what happened."

Aster yawned with a cute yawn, a little sleep on her face, and the rushing and searching these days really made her tired.

"Well, if it's right, it should be three tails."

When I heard Sasuke, the heart of the Aster was shocked, and the confused spirit was immediately awake.

On the side, Shuiyue stood up and leaned out to lie on the side of the boat, watching the deep waters say: "It seems that the water is quite deep, I don't know how to get the thing out at the time."

"Water Moon, do you want to be lazy again!"

Xiang Pho came over and kicked the water. "You are not ready-made, why, you want to push this kind of thing to us."

At this time, Shuiyue looked at Sasuke, but Sasuke is also a look that you must give me the water. I can't help it. Shuiyue waved and said, "Well, who made me work hard, Sasuke, I am only responsible. Bring the three tails out and pick them up and hand them over to you. If you are in danger, you will save me, otherwise you won't want me to continue to die."

"That is natural, I can rest assured that I am doing things."

Sasuke smiled and made a guarantee to Shuiyue.

"A word is fixed."

With the guarantee of Sasuke, the water moon was also simply. When he slammed, he jumped into the water from the boat. When he dive, he waved his hand to Sasuke, indicating that the three men followed the boat.


The deep and dark underwater world, after all, is fresh water, and the water moon is free in this space, unlike the feeling of tightness when entering the salt water.

Water Moon dexterously avoids the undercurrent vortex, and the body swims fast in the water. From time to time, it talks through the underwater headset and Sasuke, in order to determine the specific line of sight is dim, the water can only be slow Slow speed, he can easily withstand the water pressure when diving to 500 meters.

In a short time, the water moon is near the location designated by Xiang Pho. Here, the water moon secretly holds the dagger knife in his hand. In case of any danger, he can at least ensure sufficient resistance.

Gradually, a giant black shadow appears in front, breathing regular waves spread in the water, large and small bubbles make the line of sight more blurred.

Seeing this behemoth, Shuiyue was shocked, secretly, good guy, I was the first time I saw such a huge fish, and it was already a hill.

At this time, the sound of fragrant phosphorus was heard in the headset.

"Water Moon, bring the guy out, that's right! It's the three tails we're looking for!"

Three tails!

The water moon is shocked, and the dagger in the hand is tight. After all, the other is the tail beast. If it is easily alarmed, I don’t know how to die.

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