One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 351: Festival

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Carefully, the water moon does not allow itself to make any extra action that is enough to awaken the three tails, and even its own Chakra fluctuations are deliberately suppressed to a low point.

Slowly, the water moon reached a place of three and fifty meters away. Here, he could see the three tails more clearly.

To say that it is a fish, it is better to say that the tortoise is more appropriate. However, this tortoise is really a giant, and it has three large sarcoma-shaped long tails behind it. It can be seen that the three tails are full of various bumpy thorns. When you look at it, it is ugly.

"It’s a strange look."

The water moon secretly swears, and immediately floats up to the water, stopping at a distance of 100 meters from the three-tailed body.

Here, Shuiyue took a deep breath and raised his chakra to the extreme in a flash. In a flash, the blue chakras spread like water flowing, and the huge impact made the waters blurry.

The three-tailed reaction was not weak, and this wave of volatility was clearly transmitted to its dense tentacles, and it was awakened.


The huge buzzing sounds, it seems to be saying, who is disturbing this uncle to sleep!

Seeing the three tails waking up, Shuiyue was in a tight heart, but remembered that Sasuke’s accountant still suppressed the panic mood.

"Sasuke, I hope you don't talk."

After the water moon secretly prayed, the hand was printed immediately, and the waters were controlled by the water moon.

Water scorpion. Water dragon bomb!

In an instant, seven or eight water dragons were formed, and a spiral of power flowed in the water, roaring and roaring, and they swooped toward the three tails.


The continuous percussion sounded low, and all the water dragons hit the hard turtle shell of the three tails. The violent tremor came. Although it was not painful, it also made the three tails horrified. For a long time, no one dared to indiscriminately violate this. Its dignity is gone.


The three tails whispered again, and it vowed to eat the human being who did not know how to live.

Although the body is huge, the speed at which the three tails swim in the water is really amazing.

A torrent of turbulence, the three tails are like a roller coaster, and the strong tremor makes this water area like an earthquake.

Seeing the three tails to catch up, the water moon screams, "not good!"

Immediately, the water and the limbs were used together, so that the strength of the milk was rushed to the surface of the water. He firmly believed that Sasuke must be waiting for him there. As long as he got there, he could get rid of the danger.

However, this short distance of 400 meters is so long at this moment. In less than five seconds, the water moon is caught up to 50 meters, and only 50 meters left will be caught by the three tails.

At this moment, Shuiyue has even smelled the bad breath of the three tails. He has already heard the jagged teeth creaking, and the soothing sound makes the water moon tight.


The water moon bites the teeth and quickly prints during the swimming process.

Water scorpion. Water smash!

Hundreds of underwater arrows hit like a cannonball, and in the blink of an eye it fell to the three tails.


The huge shock wave spreads out. Under the intensive attack of the water, the naked skin of the three tails is still attacked, and the strong pain makes it scream.

At this point, the three tails were really angry, and only saw the huge water property Chakra in its mouth. In a flash, a circular chakra mass filled with spiral water flow was formed, which was a three-tailed tail beast jade.


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p; The tail beast jade is aimed at the water moon in front, and it is excited in an instant. The power of the dragon smashes the water fluid, and the place where it passes creates a short vacuum.


Seeing the end of the beast jade will swallow him, the water moon exclaimed, between the millennium, his print is also completed.

Water hydrazine. Hydration technique!

In the blink of an eye, the water moon is turned into a fluid substance that quickly merges with the water flow within a hundred meters.


At this moment, the tail beast jade is also exploding, and the blasting wave breaks the water stream formed by the water into pieces.


On the small boat, Sasuke's three eyes kept staring at the turbulent water surface. For a short while, a string of water rushed into the sky, and the girl turned into a diffuse stream.

At this time, a black shadow was thrown out of the water, and the speed was so astounding.

At a glance, it was the water moon. At this moment, he was embarrassed, the messy silver hair was scattered, and his face shouted nervously: "Sasuke, that thing came out, attack!"

The sound of the water moon fell, and the waters of the 100-meter radius swayed into the sky. Under the huge impact, the small boat carrying the Sasuke three people broke into pieces.

In the huge waves of the sky, Sasuke and Aster suspended the air with the seal of the void.

The fragrant phosphorus is along with the water moon, and chakra floats on the turbulent waters. After a lot of trouble, it finally stabilizes the body.

In the sky, Sasuke's gaze was slightly condensed, and he saw the giants appearing in the waters. He said to himself: "Is this three-tailed? As it is in the plot, it is now nothing."

At this point, Sasuke looked at the asters around him and said: "Aster, the seal of the master, you should."

"of course."

Aster is somewhat proud of the saying: "The 16-night adult has stored all the procedures in my memory. As long as there is enough power to break the magic, it is definitely not a problem."


Sasuke’s mouth is light, but it’s a conspiracy tone. “Aster, let’s bake this turtle!”


Three tails roared, chasing the water moon and rushing out of the lake, and the huge waves that stirred up spread all the way to the kilometer.

Because of the loss of human strength, the three tails have been wandering in this freshwater lake connected to the open sea. These time, the Sasuke group disturbed the lunch break, completely aroused its fierceness, roaring, and spit out a tail beast. Jade, the goal is the Sasuke in the air and the Asters asters! seal! ”

Accompanied by Sasuke's orders, the Aster immediately mobilized the power of the demon, and the smashing prints were formed. In an instant, the blue fluctuations of the aster were spread around the center, and the suffocating pressure made the space stagnate.

The seal was still half-finished, and the Chakra in the three-tailed body was disordered. The condensed tail beast burst, and at this moment, the seal of Aster was finally completed.


Along with the scent of Aster, the powerful seal force impeded all the space around the three tails. The seal not only controlled the three-tailed movement, but even the chakra in it was temporarily stagnant.

The figure was banned, and the three screams, and immediately wanted to resist, but there was nothing to do, almost impossible to move.


The water on the water looks stunned and looks at the strength of the asters. The mouth is big. He thought that the asters were just the oil bottles in the team, but I didn’t expect the asters to have such powerful power.

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