One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 352: Festival

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"This is just part of the strength of Aster."

On the side, Xiang Pho said with some envy: "If she is given enough devilish power, even Sasuke is not her opponent..."

"What! Is it so scary?!"

“Well, yes, she may be the only person in the world who can threaten Sasuke.”

Shuiyue didn't believe it at first, but after seeing the seriousness of Xiang Pho, it was a letter.

"How could it be... is she a monster?"

Shuiyue’s expression of a blank face, heart, can not get rid of her in the future, Sasuke has been so powerful, her strength should be how powerful.

On the occasion of the sigh of fragrant phosphorus and water, Sasuke’s voice came from the headset.

"Phosphorus, you will leave the water as soon as possible, fast!"

Although I didn't understand what Sasuke had any intentions, but Xiang Pho and Water Moon did not say much, and secretly nodded and then rushed to the lakeshore.

During this period of time, Sasuke constantly mobilized the fire property Chakra in the body, and the blue light spots gradually gathered. Under the figuration, the surrounding air became much hotter, and the water molecules in the air were continuously vaporized and squeaking. With the white smoke rising.

See the water moon and the fragrant phosphorus on the shore, Sasuke's gaze is micro-condensed, and the hand is quickly printed.

Fire. How to fire!

In an instant, the dragon-shaped flame of the size of the dragon rushed straight into the air, one after another, and nine consecutive dragon fires rushed toward the sky, and the high temperature brought forth by the water caused the water molecules in the air to evaporate instantly, visible to the naked eye, and densely covered with clouds. The sky is getting deeper.

In a short time, within a few hundred meters of the circle, it was shrouded in a black thunder cloud. The shock of the bang continued to spread, and the amount of lightning power from nature was brewing.

On the water surface, the three tails were not allowed to be pressed by the seal, but they could also feel the power hidden in the thunderclouds of the sky. The violent thunder made it burst into horror. It was incredible. It was shocked at the moment. It is like the fear of facing Tianwei.

Yes, Sasuke is ready to display Kirin at this moment.

However, unlike the original, Sasuke is not eager to lead the thunder, he understands that ordinary thunder and lightning can not make three tail injuries, even if it is Kirin, the three-tailed defense is not covered, its tortoise shell can at least bear Ninja attacks above the super s level.

In order to cause damage to the three tails, it is necessary to create a greater power of lightning, and to defeat the three-tailed defense with an instant lightning strike.

Thundercloud is still spreading. After all, it is near the waters. There is enough water vapor to be used. The water vapor that can be evaporated by the nine-way dragon fire is still rapidly condensing. In less than ten minutes, within ten kilometers, all of them are black pressure. The scene, the heavy black clouds are constantly sinking, the blue lightning flashes among them, and it really feels like a few days of thunder.

In the village of Wujiu, a crowd of people ran up the street from the house. They looked at the gloomy thunderclouds in the sky. The feeling of oppression almost made people feel sad.

"How come there is such a wide range of thunderclouds, I am afraid it is a thunderstorm that has not happened in ten years."

"The incredible power, just hope that nothing will happen."

The people are worried about the thunderclouds that are still expanding their area, and pray that the power of nature should not cause any loss to their lives.

The Water Shadow Office Building, the long-haired blue-haired woman stands in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the graceful back is tempting.

But she saw her extraordinary looks, white complexion, different hair accessories to cover the right eye, with a unique temperament, really is a seductive royal sister.

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This person is the five generations of water shadows in Wujiu Village.

According to the beauty of the sky, the more and more heavy thunderclouds frowned, such as the face of jade reveals the color of doubt.

"It's too abnormal. It's a sunny day. How can there be such a powerful thundercloud suddenly? Is it that someone is manipulating this in the back."

"Water Shadow Adult!"

At this point, the Ninja who came out to see the situation in the United States came back, it was Changjulang.

Zhao Mei turned around and saw that Chang Juro’s eager face realized what was going on, and immediately asked, “What is going on there?”

"Returning to the adults, according to the return of the spy, several foreign guys have disturbed the three tails from the inner lake. Moreover, the initiator of this thundercloud is exactly them. It seems that they are ready to use this thunderstorm to display the thunder and defeat in one fell swoop. Three tails!"


Zhao Mei’s heart was shocked and exclaimed: “You say three!”

"Yeah, the water shadow adult, I have let a team of dark parts go to stop them, the situation is critical, but also ask the adults to express!"


Zhaomei took a picture of the table, and the three tails are the property of the country of water. How can it be easily taken away?

The matter was extremely urgent, and everything was arranged quickly and beautifully, and immediately with a team of elite ninjas rushed to the inner lake.


In the air, Sasuke looked at the thunderclouds that had been spread over 20 kilometers, and the corners of his mouth were light and almost.

At this moment, he looked at the side of the Aster, and found that the asters were also at the extreme, and the blue seal of the whole body was flashing, and it seemed to disappear.

"Aster, keep it for a while!"

Sasuke encourages Aster, and immediately the purple thunder is emerging in the left hand. The snakes usually gather into a ball of thunder.

Zuo assistant's palm light shock, the thunder ball burst into the thundercloud, this time, Thundercloud completely blasted the pot, a boom, the diameter of the water tank size of the Thunderbolt thundercloud.


Feel the control of the lightning electric interest, a shocking and violent burst of hair, but see a hundred meters of the size of the beast head slowly revealing a thick black cloud.

The thunder and the intertwined, the blue and bright color of the lightning is constantly shining, the beasts are all ready, the bronze bells are full of fierce breath, and the huge mouth is not broken, it seems to devour everything.

"With the thunder scattered!"

In an instant The thunder beast roared down, and the general body of the mountain was in the blink of an eye.


Thunder and tremors, except for the sound of thunder, no other.

The eyes of everyone have turned into bright blue, and the dazzling thunder is clearly visible in more than ten kilometers. In a flash, the heavens and the earth are bright.

The thunder and lightning gradually disappeared, and the smog of water vapor rose from the lake surface. It can be seen that the lake water is constantly intertwined with thunder and lightning, and many aquatic organisms have been used as coke to rise to the surface.

Under the water, there is a hill-like behemoth, which is three tails. At this moment, it is black and black, and the residual thunder and lightning snakes are smashed around its body.

At this point, the three-tailed tortoise shells were cracked, and the large black blood stained the lake. The slightly vibrating body was like a returning light, showing the fact that it was seriously injured.

Seeing three serious injuries, Aster took back the surgery and took a long breath. The sweat from the front of the forehead showed that she spent a lot of effort in applying the seal.

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