One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 117 Drum Island, Luo's Fury

“Climate change!”

A chill suddenly enveloped me, and snowflakes fell in large tracts from the sky.

"Remove the snow quickly!"

Robin activated the flower fruit's ability, collected all the dishes and pots on the table, and put them in Gray's new dishwasher. Then he walked out of the kitchen and looked at his friends who were clearing the snow on the deck.

The weather on the Grand Line has always been changeable, but the heavy snow that lasted for so long only meant that they had entered the climate range of a certain winter island.

And their destination, the Drum Kingdom, is Winter Island.


Through the white snow, you can vaguely see several snow-covered and towering peaks in the distance. Those iconic peaks are the origin of the name Cigu Island.

"The legendary medical power!"

Luo's eyes were full of anticipation as he looked towards the increasingly clear island.

He has already finished studying the medical books he took away from Kurokas, which not only enriched his medical knowledge base, but also gave him new ideas for the development of his fruit abilities.

Presumably this famous medical country can also bring me some new knowledge.


"It's too cold, so I won't go to the island!"

Nia was wrapped in several layers of quilts and huddled in the room, unwilling to go out.

"No, we are people who have come all the way from the North Pole, and you are actually afraid of the cold!"

Pekin looked at Nia in disbelief.

"Cats are afraid of the cold!"

Nia stretched out her head and retorted, then buried herself in the quilt again.

"Anyway, I'll just be on the boat. Someone has to watch the boat anyway, right?"

"I'll stay on board too."

Even in the heavy snow, Daz Bowness was still wearing only a tight-fitting short-sleeved shirt, and the heat was rising all over his body.

He can be said to be the most serious and hard-working person on the ship. Apart from eating and sleeping, he exercises every day.

Rhodes could clearly feel the increasingly powerful aura on the opponent's body.

"Let me go to the island and take a look around."

Genos stroked Sissy's head.

As soon as the Polar Ship docked, Sissi was jumping up and down next to him, her tail wagging constantly, and she was very excited.

"Sissi seems eager to go run wild in the snow. I'll take her to the island to have some fun."

"Woof woof woof~~"

After understanding what Genos said, Sissi jumped into his arms excitedly, sticking out her tongue and licking his face continuously.

"Let's go together."

Robin and Baccarat put on thick cloaks, but still wore cool skirts underneath, which outlined their seductive curves.

"Such a famous medical kingdom must also have an extremely long history."

"I'm going to buy ingredients!"

Minina raised her little fist.

During the daily eating competition between her and Rhodes, the food on the ship was consumed very quickly.

"We protect you! Sister Minina!"

Pekin and Xia Qi appeared beside Minina, and also pulled Bebo over.

"I won't go up."

After taking a look at the ice and snow outside, Gray shrank his neck.

His design has not yet been completed. Rather than wandering around the island in the heavy snow, he still wants to carry out the renovation design of the Polar Ship in a warm room.

"No, you come with me."

Luo grabbed Gray.

"Nia and Bones stay behind; Pekin, Xia Qi, Bebo, Minina, you are the purchasing team; others are free to move around, Gray is coming with me."

After speaking, Rhodes directly pulled Gray and jumped out of the boat.

"Wait, at least let me add another piece of clothing!"


Luo threw a thick cloak on Gray.

"Let's go!"


"This country is very strange."

Rhodes, Nailu, Luo, and Gray were walking in the small town.

After walking all the way, Luo opened his mouth to express his doubts.

"Obviously this country is a legendary medical power, but I didn't even see a single clinic along the way."

"Maybe it's because it's a big medical country, so everyone knows medical skills, so there's no need for a clinic."

Gray followed, shivering slightly.

This island is really too cold.

"It seems to make sense..."

Luo put away the doubts in his heart.

"Just ask and you'll find out."

Rhodes' eyes lit up slightly and he looked towards a tavern not far away.

If there was any place where intelligence could be gathered the fastest, it would be a tavern with a mixed bag of good and bad people.

"Boss, give us four glasses of strong drinks!"

After pushing the door open and entering the tavern, a wave of heat hit his face. Gray quickly rushed into the tavern, found a seat and sat down, and greeted the boss.

"Give us some more snacks."

After walking to Gray and sitting down, Luo turned to the person next door to inquire about the news.

"Does everyone in your country know medical skills?"


Hearing Luo's question, the man who was drinking was stunned for a moment, and then a complicated expression appeared on his face.

"It would be great if everyone really knew how to heal."


Luo frowned slightly, the situation here seemed to be different from what he expected.

"In fact, there are no doctors left to treat civilians in this country."

The man took a big sip of wine, with a hint of drunkenness on his face.

"The king of our country drove away all the doctors in the country two years ago, leaving only 20 doctors to serve him. If the rest want to see a doctor, they must kneel down and beg the country to get treatment from the doctor."

"There is such a thing!?"

Gray was shocked.

Can such a person be considered a king?

"Can you see the king often?"

"No, the king rarely appears in front of us."

"In this case, the patient can't get treatment in time!"

Hearing Gray's words, a trace of pain flashed across the man's face.

"In fact, my child has been sick for a week, but has not been treated!"

"We can't see the king at all, let alone beg doctors to treat us."

"Where is your home?"

Luo asked the man.

After listening to the man's story, Luo felt an unknown anger burning in his heart.

The King of the Drum Kingdom drove away other doctors in the country for his own selfish desires, leaving only the doctor who served him 20; the King of Frevans, who disregarded the health of the people and concealed the situation to mine lead and platinum for his own selfish desires.

In this world, how many kings like this are there, and how many people are struggling to survive in such a humble way!

Facing the other party's eyes with a hint of expectation, Luo said in a deep voice.

"I am also a doctor, and I can treat him."

The man's eyes were slightly moist, and his lips trembled a few times.


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