"If there are other patients, you can bring them here and I will treat them."

Following the man back to his home, Luo quickly treated his child. After seeing that the other man's condition had improved and stabilized, Luo turned around and spoke to the others who had followed him.

"Thank you so much!"

"My mother has been feeling unwell lately."

"My husband fell and was injured while going up the mountain some time ago."

"I've had a cough for half a year and it hasn't gotten better!"


Looking at Luo, who was surrounded by the crowd, Rhodes showed a smile on his face.

Although he was surrounded by circles of patients, Rhodes could clearly feel the joy in Luo's heart.

He is happy that he can help others.

Luo, who was once trapped in darkness and only thought about revenge, finally came out of the darkness.

"let's go."

Rhodes turned around.

"Eh? Where to go?"

Gray hurriedly followed and asked Rhodes.

"Of course, save this country like a hero!"

"Don't tell me jokes seriously, that's not the kind of person you are."

Gray didn't believe what Rhodes said at all.

This guy never had any feelings of saving others, and everything he did was just to satisfy his own ideas.

"I'm doing this for you, Gray!"

"For me?"

This is somewhat possible, but Gray can't think of anything to do with this country.

"The king of this country is a devil fruit user."

"Superman type, user with swallowing fruit ability! You can eat anything, turn it into a part of your body, or synthesize what you eat!"

"Tuntun fruit! Synthesis!?"

Gray's eyes suddenly burst into light.

This is the fruit of his dreams!

Many of his designs are full of wild imagination, but they are all limited by materials and cannot be realized.

When he was making various designs in the past, he had thought more than once, if there was a devil fruit that allowed him to freely synthesize various new materials, would he be able to realize all his designs?

Now, such an opportunity has come!

"This so-called king actually ignored the lives of his citizens and expelled all the doctors in the country. It is really a heinous crime!"

Gray's expression straightened, with justice written all over his face.

"Let us save this country like a brave man defeating the devil!"

"You've gone bad, Gray!"

"It all depends on the captain's teachings!"


"This is it, the palace!"

Rhodes looked at the palace in front of him.

In this world, it seems that palaces in many countries are built on very high places.

The same goes for Drum Kingdom.

The king's palace was built on the top of the highest mountain on the island.

"It's so cold!"

Beside Rhodes, Gray shivered.

This was originally a cold winter island, and now they were standing on the highest peak of the island. In the biting cold wind, Gray couldn't even breathe smoothly.


The guards at the palace gate looked at the three people who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, with a look of vigilance on their faces.

"You came here accidentally, please leave quickly. No one is allowed to approach the palace gate at will."

A strong man with a square face stopped the rest of the guards, walked up to Rhodes and the others, looked at the three of them and spoke softly.

"Captain Dalton!"

The other guards behind him wanted to say something, but Dalton reached out to stop them.

Since King Wapol came to power, many strict laws have been enacted, especially for the palace. As long as civilians appear at the gate of the palace, they have committed a serious crime and will be severely punished by the king.

However, Dalton has been resisting Wapol's brutal rule. Especially for people like this who approach the palace unintentionally, he will let people leave on their own, instead of directly sending people away like Chroma Mon or Jace. Catch it.


Rhodes shook his head and looked at the upright-looking man in front of him.

"We are pirates ready to kill the king!"


Dalton looked at the three people in front of him in surprise.

To say that they want to kill the king so openly, these guys are really pirates!

"Hurry up and pay attention, it's the enemy!"

Dalton's expression changed, and he drew out the broad-bladed sword he was carrying behind him, while shouting for others to get ready.

"You are so foolish and loyal. It would be better if such a king were killed."

Rhodes looked at Dalton in front of him.

"Stop talking! Although the king has done something wrong in many places, it is not the turn of pirates like you to make irresponsible remarks!"

"It's all in vain."

Rhodes shook his head as he looked at the guard team in formation under the leadership of Dalton.

The gap in strength cannot be erased by relying on numbers.

Bang bang bang——

Dalton only saw one of the three people raise his hand, and a black shadow flashed. The next moment, accompanied by a burst of gunfire, all the members of the escort fell down.

"So fast!"

Half kneeling on the ground, Dalton clutched his chest, his eyes full of shock.

"You're quite a nice guy."

Rhodes looked at Dalton who was seriously injured and could not get up again.

"Don't worry, even though they are pirates, generally speaking we won't kill you. None of your subordinates should be dead. - Of course, that's assuming they can get timely treatment."

"Then, the question is, will your king arrange for his personal team of doctors to treat you?"

Dalton looked ashen.

He knew very well that with Wapol's nature, he would never take action to treat those soldiers.

Because the enemy was merciless, the soldiers whose lives were not taken away would be killed because the king refused to save them.

So sad!

"What's going on?"

A voice suddenly came to mind, followed by a fat man wrapped in winter clothes and walked out.

It is worth noting that his chin is a cylindrical shape made of iron sheet. Not only that, under his winter coat, he is also covered with a layer of iron armor.

"Dalton, what are you going to do? Yes, people are running to the palace gate to make trouble!"

After taking a look at the situation at the entrance of the palace, the visitor scolded Dalton.

"Sorry, King Wapol."

Dalton covered his wound with one hand, knelt down to Wapol, and kowtowed deeply.

"However, the soldiers have been seriously injured. If they cannot receive treatment in time, they may not be able to bear it!"

"In other words, they themselves did not do their job well and lost at the hands of the enemy. They still want to ask me to arrange 20 doctors to treat them?"

Wapol looked at Dalton who was kneeling in front of him.

"Absolutely impossible! However, I can avenge them."

Wapol looked at Rhodes and the three of them.

"It's just you three untouchables——"

Dalton reminded:

"They are pirates!"

"Pirates? In the name of the king, you are sentenced to death!"

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