One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 132 Rhodes's attempt

Nailu tightened his clothes and continued to move forward.

On Cigu Island, there are several peaks that look like magnetic drums, standing high on the island, and Cigu Island is named after this.

Among these peaks, five peaks are particularly prominent, all with an altitude of more than 4,000 meters.

These five peaks are in the middle of the island. Not only are their height far higher than the other peaks, but they all reach an altitude of more than 4,000 meters. Even the ice and snow they cover and the storms they suffer are far higher than those of the other peaks. Originally, the king's The palace is located on the highest mountain among them.

There are no steps to climb on these peaks, they are all sheer cliffs. If people in the palace want to get down from the palace, they have to go through the ropeway hanging between the peaks.

Nailu's current practice is to climb these five peaks in sequence with bare hands while carrying a heavy load.

Using the extremely cold wind and snow and the heavy weight on his body, he squeezed his potential.

On the magnetic drum peak.

Rhodes stood on the edge of the cliff, his hands stretched out, domineering flowing on his arms.

In the previous battle with Qing Pheasant, he had already seen the distance between himself and the top of the sea.

Armed Haki, knowledge Haki, and fighting skills, I am not strong enough in any of these areas!

Aoki Pheasant, who is not known for his domineering power, is better than him in terms of sight, color and domineering power, which makes it difficult for him to accurately grasp Aoki Pheasant's identity in battle. In terms of armed color and domineering power, Aoki Pheasant is not inferior either. A powerful amount of domineering energy was integrated into one attack.

In terms of physical skills, Aokiji was far beyond Rhodes' expectations. In his impression, the three generals of the Navy Headquarters were all natural devil fruit users, and they were examples of fighting with the fruit's ability.

It was only after the battle with Qing Pheasant that Rhode suddenly realized that a person who could stand on the top of the sea would not have any obvious weaknesses at all.

The Sixth Form of the Navy has been completely integrated into Aokiji's combat system, and he can freely incorporate the know-how of the Sixth Form into combat with every move he makes.

It can only be said that compared to Taijutsu or other aspects, Aokiji has developed the Devil Fruit better and left a more profound impression on people.

Even in terms of physical fitness, where Rhodes is most confident, he is only slightly better than Aoki Pheasant.

However, Rhodes was not very depressed.

He is still young!

Moreover, he is still getting stronger!

Since going to sea, although Rhodes' physical fitness has not become much stronger, his combat effectiveness has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He is frantically absorbing nutrients, constantly growing, and integrating various skills into his fighting system. After almost every battle, he will gain something new.

Rhodes squatted half-crouched, took a standard horse stance, then lowered his waist and clenched his fist, and slowly pushed out with a front fist.

Bang! !

With a punch, an astonishing air wave spread instantly, clearing the snow in the area in front of Rhodes, almost creating a vacuum area.

"That's not how it feels."

Rhodes closed his fist, not paying attention to the changes in front of him, frowning slightly and thinking.


In the castle behind, Chopper was lying at the window, looking at the huge momentum of Rhodes' punch outside, his eyes gleaming with light.

"He is indeed a powerful kid."

Kuleha also had to admit how powerful Rhodes was.

After getting along with each other these days, she can be considered to have some understanding of this group of brats. She has only been out at sea for a few months, and she has made such a big name at the age of 18. She even defeated the navy admiral, even Kuleha. , I haven’t encountered a few in all these years.

Not to mention, the other party is surrounded by a group of powerful partners.

I really don’t know what kind of drastic changes they will bring to the world in the future.

Kuleha raised her head and took another sip of wine.

"Let's go, Chopper, you still have a lot to learn!"

Chopper glanced at Rhodes on the edge of the cliff again, and followed Kuleha away.

He wants to learn medical skills from Medical Mother Kuleha, and then create a 'panacea' that can cure all diseases!

And, also want to become a handsome pirate!

On the edge of the cliff, Rhodes didn't know that there was a little guy in the castle behind who was admiring him. He just frowned, looked at his fist, and recalled the special feeling in the previous battle.

In the previous battle with Qing Pheasant, he initially used his [Hegemony Fist] in the normal way of [Hegemony], that is, blasting out the whole body's strength in the form of a shock wave, combined with the domineering entanglement.

However, when facing a person with natural abilities like Aokiji who has strong knowledge and color, it would be difficult to hit someone with such a move.

So in the subsequent battles, he changed his method. He no longer attacked directly with shock waves. Instead, he used his domineering energy to wrap and harden his fists to directly attack Aoki's body. After hitting the opponent with his fists, he then released shock waves and bombarded him. Let the domineering energy go out together.

In the process, Rhodes discovered a situation.

After bombarding with his fist, he released the shock wave again for the second bombardment, and finally used the domineering external release for the third bombardment. The damage caused by this seemed to be stronger than directly concentrating these forces and blasting them out.

However, after the battle, when he tried again, he could never find the feeling he had at that time. No matter how many times he tried, the power that erupted was stronger when the powers were combined together.

Is it an illusion?

No, that punch did cause more damage to Aokiji.

What happened?

Rhodes frowned and looked at the white snow in front of him.

He couldn't even eat peacefully without figuring out this matter.

"Rhodes! Come to eat, I will eat more than you today!"

Minina's voice came from the castle, and Rhodes turned around instantly.

"Here I come!"

A moment later.

"The 79th competition, the winner is Rhodes!"

Rhodes raised the chopsticks in his hand and declared victory to Minina.

"I can't eat anymore..."

Minina patted her belly. After competing with Rhodes, her belly finally had a little arc.

Before joining Rhodes Pirates, Minina had never eaten so much without restraint, and always suppressed her appetite.

However, after joining Rhodes's group, she never suppressed her appetite again.

Because in the team, she is not the one who eats the most.

At this moment, there were plates piled up in front of them.

Behind them, the chef in the palace wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Since this group of pirates moved into the palace, they have been very busy.

This group of pirates eat too much! Every meal must be prepared according to the amount of 300 people.

Every day, except for sleeping, they cook.

"Amazing! Do pirates eat so much!"

After a period of getting along, Chopper and Rod are familiar with each other. At this time, he is holding his plate and stuffing it into his mouth desperately, as if only by eating like this can he prove himself.

"No, it's not!"

Robin reached out and patted Chopper's head, smiling at him.

"You don't need to force yourself to eat so much. The so-called pirates are people who can do what they want freely, and don't need to force themselves to do things they don't like."


Chopper swallowed the food in his mouth with difficulty and looked up at Robin.

"What I want to do is to be like a pirate!"

"Then, you just need to be yourself!"

Robin looked at Chopper and couldn't help but rub his body with his hands.

"Be yourself?"

Chopper blinked.

How to be yourself?

"When you figure this out, you will be a qualified pirate."

Robin patted Chopper's head again, but there was one thing he didn't say.

'You also need a group of reliable partners who can support you! '

Robin looked at the group of companions in front of her.

It was because of their existence that she could do what she wanted to do with peace of mind.

'I really found a companion who can protect me, Sauro! '

Robin's eyes curved and showed a happy smile.

"No, I still can't do it!"

Nia closed her eyes for a long time, looked at her still bulging belly, and shook her head in frustration.

She originally thought that after these days of training, she had already touched the threshold of [Life Return] and could quickly digest food through [Life Return], but it was not such a simple thing to do.

"This is not an ability that can be mastered so easily."

Genos smoked a cigarette after dinner and said to Nia while puffing.

The two of them practiced almost every day, and their relationship could be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.

"Even Naylu hasn't mastered it yet."

"There is still some distance."

Naylu nodded.

In fact, he has mastered it a little bit now.

With the help of [Life Return], which is not very proficient, his physical fitness has improved a lot.

"By the way, it seems that I haven't seen Gray for several days."

Nia looked around the restaurant and was a little confused.

Although they were all doing hard training, they would still come back to eat on time every time it was time for dinner.

After all, if you want to increase your strength, supplementing nutrition is essential.

However, Daz Bonis and Gray never appeared at the table.

Bonis is like an ascetic, contemplating with all his heart and soul in order to reach the realm of "Swordsman". With his fruit ability, once he can comprehend successfully and become a "Swordsman", his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

As for Gray, after eating the devil fruit, he seemed to be possessed by a demon, staying in the laboratory all day, and even lost interest in the delicious dishes made by Minina.

"When I was delivering food to him, I seemed to hear him say that the research was almost completed, and it was said to be a super powerful thing!"

Bepo answered Nia's question.

"Oh? Super powerful?"

A hint of curiosity flashed in Nia's eyes.

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

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