One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 133 Is this your daughter?

Cigu Island, on the coast.

A ship docked slowly, and then Big Bear stepped off the ship, holding a huge wooden box in his hand.

"I really want to see the outside."

The cute voice came from the box, which seemed a little dull.

"Not yet, Bonnie!"

The big bear's face was full of tenderness and he spoke in a very soft voice.

"I'll let you come out when you're inside the room."


The voice coming from the box sounded a little disappointed.

"I will have many friends later, and there will be doctors who can treat you."

"Okay, then, after my illness is cured, I can travel around the world with my father!"

Bonnie's voice became cheerful again.

"I want to see the islands floating in the sky and the fish-man islands deep in the sea!"

"Yeah, whatever you want, dad will take you to see it."

Big Bear spoke softly, then stretched out his palm and patted himself.

Rhodes and his group are all in the castle at Drum Peak. He just wants the doctors to see Bonnie as soon as possible and start treatment as soon as possible.


A voice sounded.

"Big Bear?"

Rhodes looked at the big bear who suddenly appeared at the door.

"I brought Bonnie."

The big bear walked into the castle and placed the wooden box in his arms on the ground.

"Can I come out, Dad?"

"Not yet, Bonnie!"

The big bear squatted down and comforted Bonnie through the box.

"The doors and windows here are not closed yet."

Kuleha glanced at the box placed by the big bear on the ground, turned sideways and pointed to a door on the side.

"Come over here, we've got it ready, a room completely blocked out from natural light."

“Thank you so much!”

The big bear looked at Kuleha gratefully, then picked up the box again and walked towards the room over there.

Rhodes and his team all followed behind, except for Daz Bonis who was still practicing asceticism and Gray who was obsessed with research.

They were also curious about Big Bear's daughter.

The voice sounds like a cute little girl.

Luo walked at the front and opened the door.

Taking into account the size of the bear, when renovating this room, they made the door very large.

Pushing open the door, there is a huge room inside. Although it is surrounded by walls and does not have a single window, the room itself is very spacious, and the roof is all painted with cloud patterns and artificial light sources, making it look like it is outdoors. Same.

"It's very good. I'm starting to look forward to the Polar Ship after Gray's transformation."

Gray was responsible for the renovation of this room.

Although he was impatient to study his fruit abilities and realize many of his previous ideas, Gray still found time to build such a room.

"You can come out now, Bonnie!"

After confirming that the door was closed and there was no natural light in the room, Big Bear put down the wooden box, opened it, and spoke in a soft voice.

"Wow, what a beautiful room!"

A little girl with pink hair walked out of the box, looked at the neat and bright room, and suddenly let out an exclamation.

"So cute!"

Peijin and Xia Qi looked at the cute little girl in front of them, and then at the tall and burly bear on the other side, with a strange look on their faces.

"Is this your daughter?"

Rhodes spoke directly and asked what they thought.

Regardless of her body shape, appearance or hair color, the girl in front of her didn't look like Big Bear's daughter.

"Of course I'm daddy's girl!"

Before Big Bear could speak, Bonnie glared directly at Rhodes, like a little bristle-furred kitten.

"It's just hard for me to believe that this guy Big Bear has such a lovely daughter."

Rhodes knelt down, took out a lollipop from his pocket and handed it to Bonnie.

"Here, I'll give you a lollipop."

"Stand back, the next step is the doctor's business."

Kuleha kicked Rhodes unceremoniously, signaling him to get out of the way.

Rod smiled and rubbed Bonnie's head, put the lollipop into her hand, then stood up and moved away.

"The condition is under good control."

Glancing at the little girl in front of her, Kuleha nodded.

She had expected this situation.

Big Bear's fruit ability itself has a certain degree of healing ability. With his love for his daughter, he will definitely take good care of her.

However, after seeing Bonnie's condition with her own eyes, Kuleha still felt a little surprised.

The condition is under control very well!

"However, the specific situation will not be known until the inspection is completed. - Chopper!"

Hearing Kureha's voice, Chopper, wearing a white coat, walked over with short legs and looked at Bonnie in front of him, who was slightly taller than him.

"Come with me, I'll take you to check it out."


Seeing Chopper, Bonnie's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'm a reindeer!!"

Chopper's fur instantly tingled and he yelled at Bonnie.

"So cute!"

Not only was she not scared or angry because of Chopper's reprimand, but Bonnie became even more excited when she saw the other party's reaction. She hugged Chopper with gleaming eyes and rubbed her face.


Chopper's face was instantly stained with crimson, and his body twisted involuntarily.

"No matter how much you praise me, I won't be happy~~"

"What a lively and good boy."

Looking at Bonnie playing with Chopper, Kureha showed a smile on her face.

"I'll leave this to you."

After meeting Big Bear's daughter and satisfying his curiosity, Rhodes was ready to continue to ponder his own inspiration.

He now has a vague guess, and maybe with a flash of inspiration, he can completely grasp it.

"We will continue to practice!"

Peijin, Xia Qi and the others left together, and even Bebo also left together. In this crazy cultivation involution caused by Bonis, even Bebo is feeling the pressure.

After all, just because the reward order given to him by the Navy was marked as a pet, he couldn't really regard himself as a pet.

He is also a fighter!

"Woof woof~~"

Sissi followed Chopper and Bonnie, wagging her tail happily.

After all, she's just a dog.

Just have fun and have fun.

"I'm going to prepare dinner!"

Minina is full of energy.

I can happily make various dishes and have them all eaten by my friends. Moreover, I can no longer suppress my appetite and eat freely.

This kind of life is really great!

"Well, could you please prepare a little more for dinner?"

Big Bear said to Minina sheepishly.

"Don't worry, I know your appetite, Big Bear."


Big Bear shook his head.

"It's Bonnie. She has a better appetite, like her mother."

Mentioning Bonnie's mother, Big Bear's eyes were full of memories.

"Have you a good appetite?"

Minina glanced at Bonnie, who was only slightly older than Chopper.

The other person has the same pink hair as her, does he even have the same appetite as her?

"I see!"


"The test results are out."

Over there, Bonnie was still having fun with Chopper and Sissi, and Kureha picked up Bonnie's test results.

"How about it?"

Luo picked up another examination and looked at it.

In this treatment plan for Bonnie, Kuleha was the main one and he was the supplementary one.

This kind of difficult and complicated diseases is not what Luo is good at. As long as he can learn something from this treatment, Luo feels very satisfied.

"This child is not your daughter."

Glancing at Bonnie playing in the distance, Kureha spoke directly to the big bear.


Luo raised his head from the test results.

They only conducted a detailed examination of Bonnie and briefly checked the bear's body in case there was any need later. How did Kuleha make such a judgment?

It is impossible to make such a judgment just because the two people's looks don't match, like Rhodes did.

"You are from the Bakania tribe."

Kuleha looked at the big bear.

The Bakania are an almost extinct race.

People of this race are born with powerful bodies, possessing strength and physique far beyond ordinary people.

When she saw Big Bear, Kuleha had doubted the other party's identity. After seeing Big Bear's examination results, she confirmed her suspicion.

"I once had friends from the Bakania tribe."

"But this child doesn't have any Bakania blood in her body."

Kuleha didn't tell too much about her story, she just looked at the big bear seriously.

"She is not your child. Is it worth it for you to spend so much time seeking medical advice?"

Luo looked at Big Bear with shocked eyes.

Even though he is not his child, the other person is willing to go all over the world to find a cure for him at all costs.

This experience made him think of himself for the first time.

What kind of mood did Mr. Corazon have when he took him everywhere to seek medical treatment?

"No, Bonnie is my child!"

The big bear looked at Bonnie who was chasing Chopper not far away with gentle eyes, and seemed to see the shadow of another person in her.

"She is the most precious daughter Ginny left to me!"

"I see!"

Kuleha put down the test results in her hand.

Just by looking at Daxiong's reaction, she roughly understood the story, and she was not interested in listening to other people's stories.

"It can be cured!"

Kuleha directly gave the final judgment.

"As long as I have my medical skills and this kid's surgical fruit ability, he can be cured."

"Very good!"

Big Bear's eyes instantly became moist.

"But have you thought about the price you have to pay?"

Kureha stretched out her hand to stop the big bear's tears.

"What price can you pay for me to complete the treatment of such a difficult and complicated disease?"

"Whatever it is!"

The big bear looked at Kuleha in front of him.

"No matter what the conditions are, as long as Bonnie can be cured, I can promise you!"

This was the first time he heard a doctor's affirmative answer, and he would never give up hope no matter what.


Kureha slapped her palms on the table.

"I want half!"

"Half of all your wealth!"

"As long as you can cure Bonnie."

The big bear looked at Kuleha.

"I can give you everything I have!"

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