One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 134 Spandine

On the edge of the cliff, Rhodes stood with his fists clenched.

Domineering flowed around his body, releasing a thin layer outside his body, blocking the oncoming wind and snow. From a distance, Rhodes seemed to be enveloped by an invisible ball.

"What's wrong?"

Rhodes thought about improving his proficiency in using domineering in this way.

For the past few days, he had been trying to find that little bit of inspiration in the battle, but he still couldn't get it.

No matter how many times you try, when you combine domineering power with impact, the power that can be unleashed will be stronger.

But why are the two separate attack methods more powerful when fighting Aokiji?

"Blue Eyes Rhodes, thank you very much for your willingness to help me."

Big Bear walked up to Rhodes at some point and thanked him seriously.

"You should just call me Rhodes."

The corner of Rhodes' mouth twitched slightly, and he corrected the name of Big Bear.

Be it Zefa, Tezzolo, or Martha, please give me some help and change my title quickly!

Rhodes thought so in his mind.

"Besides, it was Luo who helped with the treatment. If you want to thank him, just tell him."

"I already thanked Mr. Luo and he asked me to come to you."

Big Bear turned his head slightly and looked at Rhodes beside him.

"If there's anything I can do to help, I'll do my best."

Rhodes was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

It seems that Luo, who has been a partner for many years and has been responsible for the treatment of Rhodes' injuries, must have vaguely guessed something about Rhodes' golden finger.

However, the other party probably wouldn't be so imaginative as to guess Rhodes' golden finger. I'm afraid they would just think it was Rhodes' special physique.

Out of his own inner persistence, Luo has always been unwilling to use his ability to hurt Rhodes.

However, if the Big Bear, who also has certain healing capabilities and has stronger combat power, takes action, there will be no such burden.

"very good!"

Rhodes put the unclear things behind him and turned around to look at Big Bear, his eyes full of excitement.

"Hurt me!"


Big Bear looked at Rhodes doubtfully.

I really don't understand why Rhodes suddenly made such a request.

"Anyway, just do as I say."

Rhodes turned around and stood opposite the big bear, defenseless.

"bring it on."

There was still some doubt in his heart, but Big Bear still raised his palm obediently.

"Pressure cannon!"

The bear paw was shot out, and a bear paw-shaped air cannon rushed towards Rhodes.

Bang! !

The air cannon hit him, and Rhodes' body trembled slightly, then returned to calm.

"Put more effort!"

Rhodes looked at Big Bear dissatisfied.

He no longer used Haki, but he still couldn't be hurt. Da Xiong was still too conservative in his attack.

"Feel sorry."

Big Bear looked at Rhodes apologetically.

"I really can't convince myself to take action against my benefactor."


Rhodes shook his head.

Why is it so difficult to improve yourself?


Cigu Island, offshore

A warship flying the flag of the World Government slowly sailed towards Drum Island.

"So, why did you choose an island like this? It's too cold!"

On the warship, a middle-aged man in a suit looked at the snowy island in front of him with a bored expression.

The climate is cold and there are no entertainment projects. If it were not for the purpose of performing tasks, he would never have thought of coming to a winter island like this in his life.

"That Rhodes pirate group is staying on this island now."

A tall figure wearing a pure white mask stood behind him, looking at the Drum Island in front of him, and spoke in a tone without any fluctuations.

"Our mission this time is to invite the other party to become King Shichibukai. As long as we can achieve our goal, the rest doesn't matter."

A few days ago, the World Economic News newspaper published news about the Rhodes Pirates' battle against Admiral Aokiji.

Although the result of the final battle was not stated, the fact that the Rhodes Pirates are still on the island is enough to explain the problem.

The World Government originally planned to contact Aokiji to inquire about the situation, but the other party did not answer the call because he was on vacation. Even the World Government was helpless.

"Be careful when we meet later. The other person seems to dislike the nickname 'Biyan'. The World Economic News reported on it using another name. Let's call him by that nickname."

"I know."

Spangdine tugged at his tie.

Because of the new pirate emperor born in the new world, the Five Old Stars urgently need to gather candidates from the [Shichibukai] to fight against the increasingly rampant pirate forces.

Rhodes, who has proven his ability in many incidents, is undoubtedly the most qualified candidate now, especially after his battle with Aoki Pheasant some time ago.

Being able to compete with the admiral was enough to guarantee his status in the Shichibukai.

As long as I can successfully complete the task this time, it must be another big credit.

That guy Spandam did a good job this time.

Spangdine thought of his son.

It was he who first thought of recruiting Rhodes to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and reported the situation. After understanding and evaluating Rhodes' situation, the World Government found that he was indeed a very good candidate.

However, for some reason, not long after Spandam reported the situation, he lost contact.

Before that, Spandam had a situation statement, saying that he was going to the Seven Waters City to find the whereabouts of the [Pluto] design drawings. This was what he had been preparing when he dealt with Tom's matter that year.

Thinking of this, Spandane was not too worried about Spandane's situation.

For intelligence personnel like them, intermittent loss of contact is a very normal thing.

"Let's go, let's go directly to that Rhodes."

The boat slowly approached the shore, Spandane took the lead to get off the boat, and three tall figures wearing pure white cloaks and pure white masks followed behind him.

"Who is it!"

As soon as the few people entered the town, a group of soldiers appeared in front of them.

"Soldiers of the kingdom?"

Spandane looked at the soldiers in front of him in surprise.

"Now that the king has been killed, you are still holding your post?"

"Even if there is no king, we have to take the responsibility of defending the country."

The leading soldier looked at Spandine and his four companions vigilantly, holding his weapons tightly in his hands.

"After all, our families live in the town behind us!"

"I am not interested in your ideas."

Spandine waved his hand and ignored the ordinary soldiers in front of him.

"Are the Rod Pirates on the top of the mountain over there?"

Spandine pointed to the peak in the middle of the island.

It turned out that the palace of the Drum Kingdom was there.

"Rod Pirates!"

The soldier's face changed slightly.

Although they have been avoiding it, it is an obvious fact that the Rod Pirates killed their king and occupied the palace.

"It seems so."

Ignoring the change in the soldier's expression, Spandine walked over there with several members of CP0.

"By the way."

As if he remembered something, Spandine suddenly turned his head and looked at the soldiers.

"I remember that your country is a member of the World Government. Although your original king was killed, I suggest that you elect a new king as soon as possible, and don't forget to pay the sky gold."

"Otherwise, the navy will no longer protect this place!"

Hearing Spandine's words, the soldier's face changed drastically.

Their country is located on the Grand Line. Since the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, the number of pirates active in the Grand Line has increased significantly.

If their country loses its status as a member of the World Government and loses the protection of the navy, I am afraid that a large number of pirates will swarm in and bring complete disaster to this country.

"Who are you!"

"We are from the World Government!"

"Make a decision quickly. We will probably stay on the island for half a day. Make a decision before I leave. I will speak well of you to the government's senior officials."

Spandine showed a sly smile on his face.

"Of course, the premise is that you pay the corresponding price!"

Looking at the backs of the few people going away, the soldier gritted his teeth.

"We must tell Captain Dalton about this!"


"You don't forget to ask for benefits even at this time. You are worthy of it."

Walking in the snow, a member of CP0 suddenly spoke.

"This kind of thing should be remembered at all times!"

Spandine stretched out his hand to block in front of him. The wind and snow in front of him made him very uncomfortable. However, after hearing the words of the CP0 members behind him, he still showed a sly smile on his face.

"Besides, the officials of the World Government personally spoke for a small country like them. They should feel that it is worth the money."

In fact, even among all the member countries of the World Government, the Drum Kingdom is considered good.

It's just that the former king here is a selfish and arrogant fool who doesn't know how to give gifts to government officials like them.

However, now this country is leaderless, and the remaining citizens must be very worried that the country will lose the protection of the World Government and the Navy.

In this way, not only can he successfully recruit Rod to become a Shichibukai, but he can also let this kingdom that has been in turmoil return to the rule of the World Government.

This is a double credit.

Not only that, but he could also get benefits from them. This trip was really a big profit!

"Don't worry, I'm not a stingy person. Everyone will get a share of this harvest!"

Spandine added.

Strictly speaking, the CP0s who came with him were not his subordinates.

He wanted to consolidate his position within the government, and the support of these CP0 members was also crucial.

"By the way, why is the palace of this country built on such a high mountain top!"

Spandine raised his head and looked at the cliffs in front of him.

This kind of cliff without even stairs is too difficult for him.

"I'll take you up."

A member of CP0 came forward and held Spandine under his armpit.

"Moon Step!"

Bang bang bang——

Several people kept stepping, and layers of air waves spread. With the help of the Moon Step, they quickly approached the top of the mountain.

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