One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 164: Aftermath, the Flame of the East China Sea

"This is the historical text!"

In the mausoleum of Alabasta, Robin looked at the historical text in front of her, touched it lightly with her palm, and complex emotions flashed in her eyes.

It was because of this that O'Hara was destroyed by the World Government with the Demon Killing Order, and all traces of its existence were completely wiped out.

"Can you understand it?"

Cobra looked at Robin.

This was the second day after the dinner. According to the agreement, Cobra brought Robin and Neru to the mausoleum of Alabasta to let them observe this secret passed down from generation to generation by the royal family of Alabasta.


Robin stroked the historical text gently. Through the words in front of her, she seemed to travel through time and space and see everyone in O'Hara.

"What is recorded on it?"

Cobra looked at Robin curiously.

Although they have been guarding the historical text, they have not mastered the interpretation skills of this ancient text, and do not know what is recorded on it.

"Some history about this country."

Robin finished interpreting the words on the stone tablet in front of him and showed Cobra a dangerous smile.

"There are some other things."

"Do you want to know?"

"Forget it."

Cobra shook his head.

Some things are better not to know.

"Let's go!"

Robin turned and left, and Neru followed behind him in silence with Cobra.

The World Government, which obviously controls the strongest power in this sea, is actually worried about the contents recorded on those small stone tablets.

Even he couldn't help but be curious about that period of history.



Smoker gritted his teeth and hung up the phone, the cigar in his mouth burned violently, and a large cloud of smoke came out of his nostrils, making the whole room smoky.

Before or now, he had clearly reported the complete situation and emphasized Crocodile's conspiracy to "usurp the country", but the headquarters had never given him the order to capture Crocodile.

Now that Crocodile has escaped, he contacted the Navy Headquarters again, and only received the reply of "received, waiting for orders".

Those insects in the headquarters!

How can we practice [Justice] with them!

"Hahaha, wait for orders calmly, Smoker boy."

Garp laughed, then picked up the snacks on the table and continued to eat.

"The snacks in Alabasta are really unique. Is it made of cactus?"

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

Smoker looked at the naval hero.

Although he had always heard that Vice Admiral Garp was an unreliable person when he was in the headquarters, Smoker really realized his unreliability when he performed a mission with him for the first time.

If Vice Admiral Garp had taken action, he would definitely have been able to keep Crocodile, but he chose to turn a blind eye and let the other party escape.

Now, if Vice Admiral Garp came forward to report the situation here to Marshal Sengoku, there would surely be a different result.

"Smoker, our mission is to keep an eye on the Seven Warlords of the Sea, 'Rod', not Crocodile."

Garp glanced at Smoker, who was completely surrounded by smoke. The kid had already smoked countless cigars.

"As a navy, it is also an important quality to understand your mission."

"As a navy, I want to practice the justice in my heart!"

A glimmer of determination flashed in Smoker's eyes.

While reporting the situation, Smoker also applied to join the operation to capture Crocodile.

Crocodile, who committed such a crime, certainly could not continue to serve as a Seven Warlords of the Sea, and if such a guy was allowed to stir up trouble on the sea, who knows which country would be harmed.

As the first person to know the true face of Crocodile, Smoker regarded the capture of Crocodile as his mission.

However, two days have passed, and until now, there has been no news that Crocodile has been removed from the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and no arrest order has been received from the Navy Headquarters.

What are those guys in the headquarters thinking about?

Smoker puffed on his cigar irritably, then took out a Den Den Mushi from his bosom.

This is the Den Den Mushi that contacts Admiral Aokiji.


Marinford, Navy Headquarters


Warring States looked at the materials in front of him with a headache.

After Smoker first reported Crocodile's situation, the Navy quickly gathered all the relevant information, and the Criminal Investigation Department sorted and analyzed it and reported it to Marshal Warring States.

In these materials in front of him, Crocodile's intelligence was recorded in detail, from his arrival in Alabasta to his many years of business in Alabasta, and even his identity as the behind-the-scenes boss of Baroque Works was recorded.

The most eye-catching of them were the words that were highlighted.

Ancient weapons!

"These scums of the sea!"

Warring States spat lightly and rethought the current situation.

The fourth sea emperor was born in the New World. Although there were hatreds between the four parties, the existence of the four sea emperors gradually stabilized the pattern of the New World.

The pirates who were originally in chaos and attacking each other gathered together around the "Four Emperors", and the power of the pirates became unprecedentedly strong.

Although the navy has three generals in charge and is much more powerful than before, it does not have much advantage over the pirates.

Not to mention the revolutionary army hidden in the dark. Although they have not made many moves in recent years, there are still some news about them from time to time, and every move will cause an uproar.

Although he is not satisfied with the policy of the Seven Warlords, in such a situation, the Seven Warlords are an indispensable part of maintaining the balance of the sea.

Some time ago, Gekko Moria suddenly left the Devil's Triangle and entered the New World. Although there has been no news, it still makes Sengoku feel uneasy.

As a result, not long after, Crocodile broke out such a thing again.

Fortunately, there are not many people who know about this matter, and the navy still has time to deal with it.

'It's about ancient weapons, let the Five Elders worry about this matter. '

Sengoku stuffed the materials in front of him into the mouth of the goat beside him, let it eat the secret information, and then took out a Den Den Mushi from a drawer.

"Moses, this is Sengoku!"

After the Den Den Mushi was connected, Sengoku's face straightened.

"I have something to report to you."


Holy Land Marijoa

"That kid is really not a quiet person!"

As soon as the Den Den Mushi hung up, the bald Five Elders spoke immediately.

"He has only been a Shichibukai for a short time, and he has already had conflicts with two Shichibukai."

"Now even CP0 doesn't know the whereabouts of Gekko Moriah, and now such a thing has been revealed."

"Rod can't be blamed for this, after all, it was Crocodile who had evil intentions."

The bald Five Elders looked at the curly-haired Five Elders with an unchanged expression.

"Crocodile's goal is ancient weapons!"

"Humph, wishful thinking!"

The curly-haired Five Elders sneered.

"Ancient weapons are not something that a guy like him can get."

"Compared to that kid Crocodile, I care more about this kid Nott Rod."

"He has been pursuing something from the past!"

At this point, a shadow flashed in the eyes of the Five Elders.

After CP0's investigation, there were also some secret transactions between the Rod Pirates and Tesoro.

After the Lavis Island incident, Tesoro has been searching for something from the past, whether it is a sword or a gun, or something else, as long as it is a few years old, or something left by a famous strong man in history, Tesoro will buy it at a high price.

And these things collected by Tesoro through the channels of the underground world finally fell into Rod's hands.

Although he has been covering it up by saying that he likes to collect, Saint Satan still keenly noticed a hint of abnormality from his actions.

Like to collect things from the past, he took Nico Robin, who can read ancient characters, under his command.

All these actions of Nott Rod are provoking the nerves of the Five Elders.

"A blank hundred years?"

The bald Five Elders, Nasujuro Saint, looked at Satan Saint.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out!"

"Let CP0 investigate secretly."

"It is not suitable for large-scale changes in the Seven Warlords of the Sea now."

"That's right."

The bearded Maz Saint nodded.

"What about Crocodile?"

"The news has not been publicized yet. Let the Navy and Rhodes not talk too much. Let the kid with the Sand-Sand Fruit continue to bear the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"Also, let CP0 find other suitable Seven Warlords of the Sea. Once they find suitable people, Crocodile will be wiped out."


The Five Elders decided Crocodile's fate with just a few words.

As the highest ruling class of the World Government that holds the greatest hegemony in the world, the five of them can almost decide most of the things in the world.


"Martha, do you want news?"

"Lord Rhodes!"

A flattering voice came from the other end of the Den Den Mushi.

Her heart was still in the other person's hands, so Martha didn't mind being extremely flattering when she called.

Not to mention, the other person was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and now he was going to bring her big news.

"I'm in Alabasta."

Rhode said directly.

"This is absolutely big news. If you're slow, there will be no news."


A decisive voice came from the other end of the Den Den Mushi.

"I'll be in Alabasta early tomorrow morning!"

Although she didn't sail with Rhode and his group, Martha had been paying close attention to Rhode's itinerary.

After all, she originally wanted to follow Rhode and his group to discover news, but she was discovered later on Drum Island, and she changed from a paparazzi to a photographer.

During the time when Rhode's pirate group was not sailing, she was just relaxing and vacationing on the surrounding islands.

"Very good, I'll wait for you in the palace early tomorrow morning."

Rhode's mouth curled up slightly.

Three days have passed since they landed in Alabasta, and two days have passed since Smoker reported Crocodile's situation.

But until now, Rhode had not seen any relevant news, let alone the news that Crocodile was stripped of his status as a Shichibukai.

I'm afraid the World Government didn't want such news to be exposed, so they kept it under wraps.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea, who were established by the World Government to balance the power of pirates, have ulterior motives and are plotting under the banner of the World Government.

Whether it is secretly exploring ancient weapons or coveting the throne of a member country of the World Government, any incident that is exposed will cause an uproar in the world! It will also cause a sense of crisis in the member countries of the World Government.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of such concerns that the World Government chose to suppress this matter.

However, Rhodes will not let things develop according to the ideas of those old men.

I just don't know if Big News Morgans has such courage.



Smoker shouted at the Den Den Mushi in front of him again.

He thought that the call from the headquarters was to ask him to pack up and capture Crocodile quickly, but he didn't expect that he was asked not to disclose the situation here.

Even such a pirate who threatened the king with the lives of the people in the capital of a country and wanted to obtain the legendary [Ancient Weapon] to subvert the world, can the World Government turn a blind eye?

How can such a navy be called justice!

Smoker's eyes were about to burst into fire.

"Haven't I reported all the situations? Crocodile wants to destroy this country and even subvert the world!"

"We already know what you reported."

A calm voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Now I emphasize to you again, Colonel Smoker, the intelligence you reported before is a navy secret. Without the permission of the headquarters, you are not allowed to disclose the relevant information to other people."

"Damn you, can you also call this justice! Why don't you cancel Crocodile's status as a Shichibukai, arrest him and offer a reward again?"

"Colonel Smoker!"

The voice from the Den Den Mushi was still calm, but the word "colonel" was emphasized.

"This is the order of the Navy Headquarters."


Smoker hung up the phone fiercely, and the cigar in his mouth burned wildly.

"Bulu Bulu~~"

A Den Den Mushi voice sounded in front of Smoker, who blew away the smoke around him and picked up the Den Den Mushi.



The Den Den Mushi imitated the person on the other end, holding a cigarette in its mouth, and the crisp sound reached Smoker's ears.

"You quarreled with someone again?"


Smoker dragged out his voice in dissatisfaction.

"Hina has told you many times not to quarrel with people in the headquarters often."

The person on the other side of the Den Den Mushi was one of Smoker's few friends in the navy, Kurokan Hina.

"Those guys are so hateful!"

When Smoker mentioned the matter again, there was still a flame burning in his heart.

"I heard some news that your position may be transferred."

"Are you going to throw me into a corner, out of sight, out of mind? It just so happens that I don't want to see the disgusting faces of those guys."

"It's the Rogue Town in the East China Sea."

"East China Sea?"

Smoker paused slightly, then blew out a puff of smoke nonchalantly.

"Well, I won't let anyone from the East China Sea enter the Grand Line!"

Even if he was sent to the so-called 'weakest sea', it would not affect his practice of justice in his heart.

At least with me here, I will never let pirates enter the Grand Line from Rogue Town!


"Hahahahaha, I just happened to go back to the East China Sea with you."

On the deck of the warship, Garp patted Smoker's shoulder and laughed.

Not long after Hina hung up the phone, Smoker received a transfer order from above, asking him to go to Rogue Town in the East China Sea to serve as the commander of the naval base.

After learning the news, Garp went straight to Smoker's warship and prepared to go back to the East China Sea with him.

"I haven't seen my lovely grandson for a long time."

Garp pinched his nose and thought of his grandson far away in the East China Sea.

"He should be an adult this year."

"Grandson of Vice Admiral Garp?"

Although Smoker was still full of dissatisfaction with the high-ranking officers of the Navy, he had already accepted the reality and spoke after hearing Garp's voice.

"Now that he is an adult, Vice Admiral Garp is going to bring him to the Navy this time?"


Garp laughed.

"They have grown up under the iron fist of my love since childhood, and they will definitely become excellent navy!"

"I want to meet them now, the future star of the Navy."

Smoker said sincerely.

No matter what his personality is, Vice Admiral Garp is a 'navy hero', a strong man who once chased the Pirate King Roger around the world. He grew up under his iron fist and will definitely become an important cornerstone of the future of the Navy.


Hearing Smoker's sincere words, Garp laughed again.


On the nameless island in the East China Sea.

"It's burning!"

A boy wearing a mask looked at his companions in front of him, and the flames burned quietly on his body.


The pockmarked boy seemed to be unaware of what was happening to him. He swallowed a strange-shaped fruit in his hand.


The boy suddenly looked at his arm in surprise. There was also a ball of fire burning on his arm. The next moment, he was surrounded by a ball of blazing fire.

The raging flames illuminated the coast and the boy wearing the mask.

"I seem to understand."

The flames gradually dissipated, revealing the young man with a pockmarked face.

The young man stretched out his palm, and a ball of flame appeared in his hand. The young man's index finger and middle finger were put together, making a pistol posture, and the ball of flame was fired from his hand like bullets.

"This is the power of the Devil Fruit!"

The young man's body was ignited with flames again, but he could not feel the slightest burning heat. It was as if he had become the incarnation of flames.

"It seems that the ability of fire is more suitable for fighting than rubber!"

Thinking of his younger brother who also ate the Devil Fruit, a smile appeared on the boy's face.

"Next time we meet, I want you to see what I can do, Luffy!"

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