One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 165: Interns and Direction

Just as the young man in the East China Sea was cheering for his newly acquired abilities, Smoker and Garp's warships passed through the doldrums and entered the East China Sea.

"You're amazing, Rod!"

Smoker looked at the newspaper in his hand and laughed softly.

[Seven Warlords of the Sea! Hero of the country? Thief who stole the country! ]

The new issue of the Shikei newspaper had such a conspicuous headline printed on the front page, and below it was a photo of Crocodile.

The newspaper detailed Crocodile's "stealing the country" conspiracy, as well as some battle photos.

Although Smoker already knew that Crocodile's real purpose was not to steal the country, but to seize ancient weapons, but ancient weapons were too sensitive after all.

It was a happy thing to be able to reveal some of Crocodile's ambitions through things like "stealing the country".

At least, in this way, even the World Government would not be able to continue to let him serve as a Seven Warlord.


"Oh, you are worthy of being my captain, you actually have such a big ambition~"

On Crocodile's pirate ship, Von Clay, who saw the news, happily turned around on the ship and practiced his dance.

'Not good! '

Unlike Von Clay, Mr. 3's mind was alarmed the moment he saw the news.

After doing such a thing, is it possible for Crocodile to continue to serve as a Shichibukai?

As a former Shichibukai, the World Government will definitely send a heavyweight navy to hunt him down.

Will the admiral be dispatched?

If it is a navy admiral, there will be no way for them to survive!

Thinking of this, Mr. 3 touched his chest calmly.

Although Crocodile rescued them and took them away before, their hearts are still in Law's hands.

It's just that they tacitly didn't mention this.

If Crocodile knew that their lives were in the hands of others, he would probably abandon them without hesitation.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

After reading the news in the newspaper, Crocodile threw it aside with a confident smile on his face.

He is the king of the desert, Crocodile!

Even if he loses his status as a Shichibukai, he is still a strong man who once stirred up the storm on the sea.

Now that he has chosen to go out to sea again, he must regain his rightful position.

"I will wait for you in the New World, Tyrant Fist Rod!"

Crocodile looked forward and seemed to see the turbulent sea.

The New World will not calm down because of the establishment of the 'Four Emperors'.

The new Four Emperors, like that kid, have red hair.

Crocodile remembered the news about 'Red Hair' Shanks that he had seen in the newspaper before, and his smile became even bigger.

Let me weigh the value of the 'Four Emperors' in the New World!


Red Earth Continent, Marijoa.

"It's that kid."

The bald Five Elders, Saint Vulchuli, looked gloomy.

"I said that this kid Rod is not a stable character."

They had just made the decision to cover up Crocodile's incident, but they didn't expect that the news that Crocodile intended to "steal the country" would be revealed in the World Economic Daily the next day.

Although the relevant information about the "ancient weapons" was covered up, the scandal about the Seven Warlords of the Sea still made the Five Elders furious.

Next year is the World Conference held every four years, and it is unknown how many countries will express dissatisfaction with this incident.

"The most important thing now is to release the news as soon as possible and abolish Crocodile's status as a Seven Warlord of the Sea."

The bald Five Elders Nasu Shoulang Sheng reminded.

Since the matter has been exposed, Crocodile can no longer serve as the King's Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the news must be announced as soon as possible.

"Not only that, since that guy has been eliminated from the Seven Warlords of the Sea, a bounty must be issued for him again."

"It's best to capture him before he enters the New World."

The Five Elders Satan Sheng with white curly hair added.

Such ambitious pirates who covet ancient weapons must be captured as soon as possible.

Especially Crocodile, he is different from ordinary pirates, with a flexible mind and a lot of schemes. If he is allowed to re-enter the new world, it is unknown what kind of changes he will bring to this gradually calm sea.

"Leave it to the navy."

The bearded Maz Saint nodded.


"Nott Rod!"

Sengoku hung up the phone and rubbed his head.

Ever since Tyrant Rod went to sea, he seems to be often annoyed by news related to him.

That guy has been very high-profile since he went to sea, from the Don Quixote family, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, to Black Arm Zephyr, Golden Emperor Tezoro, and Aokiji.

This guy has been facing elites from all sides along the way. It was thought that he would be quiet after joining the Seven Warlords, but he first raided the Devil's Triangle, allowing Gekko Moriah to re-enter the New World, and then clashed with Crocodile in Alabasta, accidentally revealing the other party's conspiracy, causing him to be directly removed from the Seven Warlords.

The addition of the last Seven Warlords not only did not stabilize the Seven Warlords system as expected, but made it more unstable.

Warring States always has an ominous feeling that the world seems to be rioting again.

However, what is in front of him now is another matter.


If this pirate, who is a rare brainpower, really re-enters the New World, it may become very troublesome.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party has been away from the New World for a long time and his strength has declined, it is the best choice to arrest him directly in the first half of the Grand Line.

But who should be sent?

If that guy Garp had caught him directly in Alabasta, it would be better.

Warring States thought of Garp at this time.

However, he considered maintaining the current situation at the beginning, and repeatedly warned Garp before he left.

Don't make a move! Don't make a move! Don't make a move!

I didn't expect that such a problem would be left.

The old guy now ran directly back to the East China Sea for vacation.

Akainu is in the New World to prevent the pirates from taking the opportunity to make trouble; Aokiji also took a mission and is temporarily unable to come back outside.

In this case, I'm afraid that only Kizaru can go. Although he is currently leading the scientific forces, it is still possible to go out temporarily.


Sengoku picked up the Den Den Mushi and called Kizaru.


Alabasta Coast

Rod and his party re-boarded the Polaris.

With the sails raised, the Polaris slowly sailed away from the coast. The hot wind blowing from the desert of Alabasta gradually subsided, replaced by the breath of the ocean.

"See it."

On the second-floor deck, Rod stood at his own observation deck, looking at the coastline that gradually disappeared from his sight, and suddenly turned his head to look at Robin and asked.


Robin nodded and glanced at the captain beside him who pulled him out of the abyss.

Although he didn't experience anything special, even when he joined, it was very dull, but Robin always had a deep gratitude for Rod in his heart.

The other party accepted me, allowing me who had been wandering to have a safe harbor, and protected me with absolute power, breaking the demon in my heart for more than ten years.

Not only that, he really took on his dream as he said.

Even if what he pursued was the "truth of history" strictly prohibited by the world government, and Captain Rhodes himself had no interest in the "truth of history".

"In fact, the historical text does record things about ancient weapons."

"So what?"

Rhodes shook his head indifferently.

"You can't seize hegemony with that kind of thing."

Even if the so-called ancient weapons really survived to this day, it's hard to say how much they can play a role.

Moreover, Rhodes is a firm person who values ​​the present and despises the past. He doesn't think that what people in the past could do, people today can't do.

What's more, compared to the so-called controllable weapons, Rhodes still believes in his fists more!


Robin covered her mouth and chuckled, her eyes slightly curved.

"Our captain is really domineering~"

"Damn it!"

Nia drank a glass of rum and then put the bottle on the table.

"I didn't fight the natural system again!"

Last time on Drum Island, she didn't fight the admiral Aokiji. This time, she couldn't fight Crocodile because she had to take care of Bakara who was possessed by the "God of Misfortune". She missed the opportunity to fight the natural system twice in a row, and Nia was depressed.

"Very strong!"

Daz Bonis said lightly.

He held a huge iron rod in each hand and was swinging it to exercise his body.

After half a year of training on Drum Island, he thought his strength had improved greatly, but when he fought with Crocodile, he was instantly sucked dry by the opponent and turned into a mummy. If it weren't for the care of his companions, he would probably have died.

This blow suppressed Daz Bonis's complacency. After his body recovered, he immediately began his original ascetic practice. Even when other people on the ship were chatting and drinking together, he continued his practice.

"Yes, if it weren't for Boss Rhodes, we might not be his opponent together."

Pekin recalled the previous battle and nodded with lingering fear.

"He didn't even use his domineering power, and he beat us helplessly."

Xia Qi nodded on the side. The other party should be afraid of Boss Rhodes, so he left room in the battle.

"Natural Devil Fruit users are all monsters!"

Thinking of the other two natural admirals in the navy, several people couldn't help but nod.

Although they are the same devil fruits, there are still obvious differences between different fruits.

Compared with ordinary superhuman fruits, natural ones are still more advantageous in battle.

"That...that navy colonel is also a natural devil fruit user."

Brook put down the black tea in his hand and suddenly spoke.

Smoker's face flashed through everyone's mind.

"Nature system... doesn't seem to be that powerful..."

Although they hadn't fought, both Pekin and Xia Qi felt that they would win against Smoker.

"The ability of a devil fruit still depends on the development of the user."

Because Genos was wandering around the island with Sissy, he couldn't catch up with the battle on Rhodes's side or the battle on Luo's side.

However, he saw the traces of battle left by Rhodes.

The bottomless pit in the desert should remain for a long time to come.

Captain Rhodes was able to cause so much damage purely by relying on his own strength without relying on Devil Fruit abilities.

The three natural ability users their team had encountered so far were all very different in strength.

"Ability itself is also very important."

Nia retorted loudly.

"If I were just an ordinary animal-type ability user, I probably wouldn't be a match for that leopard-skinned man on Ravis Island before."


Minina's brisk voice came from the kitchen.

"It's time to eat!"

"oh oh!!"

A group of people rushed into the restaurant. The huge dining table was filled with all kinds of food. Behind the dining table, there were several huge stew pots. The rich aroma emanated, stimulating everyone's appetite. Taste buds.

"It's not too late to regret it now."

After entering the restaurant, Rhodes walked to his place and looked at Kosha who was standing next to Minina.

"I can do it!"

Kosha's hands trembled slightly, which was the body's instinctive reaction after overloading exercise.

"If I can't even persist to this level, how can I talk about protection?"

"Very well, I hope you can stick with it."

Rhodes patted the other party's shoulder.

After they finished the dinner at the palace and were about to leave Alabasta, this young man who had met once before took the initiative to find Rhodes and asked to join them.

Rhodes still remembered the answer Kosha gave when he asked the other party why he wanted to join them.

"Obviously everyone just wants to live a stable and peaceful life, but the world is not peaceful. You don't know which one will arrive first, tomorrow or the accident. Those who have mastered the power may do it on a whim or have planned it for a long time. bring unpredictable harm to the country.

I thought I was old enough to fight, but after seeing their power, I realized how insignificant I was.

I want power, I want to gain power! Get enough power to protect this country! "

Rhodes could feel the firmness in Kosha's voice and also the other party's awareness.

In the original timeline, due to Crocodile's plan, rain stopped for many years in Alabasta, triggering many rebellions in the country, and he became the leader of the Alabasta rebel army, leading the citizens to protect their own interests. war.

And now, he knows Crocodile's conspiracy in advance, has seen the top power in the world, and understands the truth of this world - power determines everything!

So he decisively seized the opportunity and applied to join the Rhodes Pirates.

However, now he is just an intern.

Just assisting Minina in finishing the food already made his arms tremble and he was exhausted.

After all, there are several big eaters on board the Polar Ship, and they consume a lot of food at every meal.

"During this period, just follow Minina and exercise your body!"

Rhodes had high hopes for Kosha.

In any case, to be able to become the leader of the rebel army, his leadership and organizational skills are no problem. As long as he undergoes training for a period of time, he will surely become an excellent cadre.

The most important thing is that he has extremely firm beliefs and determination to become stronger.

In this world, being firm is powerful!

"Eat more, Kosha!"

Minina sat down and pushed a large bowl of food in front of Kosha.

"This is specially prepared for you and Bowness."

The dishes cooked by Minina will have special effects, and this dish specially prepared for Bowness and Kosha can allow them to quickly restore their physical strength and maintain their energy. When she was on Drum Island before, Minina always used this kind of cooking to ensure nutrition for everyone.

"I won this time~!"

The Nth Big Eater Competition ended with Minina's victory.

Without fighting, Rhodes didn't need to eat so much food, and Bonnie was still young after all and was no match for Minina.

"Where to go next?"

After drinking and eating, Nia was the first to ask about the next course.

After all, they are different from ordinary pirate groups.

The average pirate group only needs to follow the record pointer and move forward along the course, but they hold a lot of permanent pointers in their hands. After entering the Grand Line, they rarely move in the direction of the pointers.

"Sky Island!"

"Sky Island!?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes shone with light.

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