One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 61: The Attention of the Navy Headquarters (New book, please read it!!)

Grand Line, Malinvando

As the door of the conference room opened, one by one the navy entered the conference room.

"It's such a big battle, even people from the Criminal Investigation Bureau participated."

Seeing the people seated in the conference room, a naval general couldn't help but speak.

"After all, it was the pirate group that defeated Vice Admiral Ghost Spider and destroyed two warships."

Another navy stretched out his hand to hold his hat, a cautious look flashed in his eyes.

"The newcomers nowadays are really scary. They just made such a big noise just after going out to sea."

"They also provoked Doflamingo, right?"


"I heard that Vice Admiral Ghost Spider also fought against Doflamingo."


A navy man stopped his colleagues next to him.

Because of the news published by Morgans in the newspaper, there was an undercurrent in the Navy Headquarters in the past two days, and the Shichibukai system, which was already full of disputes, was once again brought up for discussion.

It's better for them to be cautious in their words and actions.

"What a bold bunch of guys!"

Understanding the meaning of his colleague, the marine turned the topic back to the pirates.

"But he's also a very dangerous guy."

"That's right!"

"If you ask me, it's better to drive them to the new world as soon as possible."

"Only the first half of the naval branch..."

The navy who spoke shook his head, clearly not optimistic about the navy.


Seeing that the naval admirals were already seated, Brannew, who had green hair and sunglasses, walked up to the top with a stack of documents in his hand and looked at the big bosses below.

Although he was only a captain in the Navy headquarters, he didn't have any stage fright when facing a group of naval officers.

"I believe you all know the pirates we are going to discuss today!"

After hanging the photos of several people on the whiteboard in front of him, Captain Brannew looked up at the colleagues in front of him.

"The new pirate group that just went to sea, the Rhodes Pirates! As soon as they went to sea, they attacked the Shichibukai's property and killed the Don Quixote family's original bounty of 31 million beli, the Explosive Fruit user, Guladi Us!”

"After that, several members of the Rhodes Pirates also defeated Major General Bastiu, Colonel Drake, Colonel Barrow, and Lieutenant Colonel Hina!"

"We have issued a bounty on them before, but just two days ago, they did something big again - they attacked Tiger Shark Island, almost turning the entire island into ruins, and repelled Lieutenant General Ghost Spider. , and destroyed two naval warships!"

"Considering the crimes they committed and their wanton style, their reward order is now updated!"


After hanging several updated bounty orders on the whiteboard, Brannew looked at the navy below.


Seeing the updated bounty, the navy below couldn't help but take a breath of air.

"Such a high reward!"

"After all, we defeated Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!"

Although it was said that it was repulsed, all the marines present knew clearly that Vice Admiral Ghost Spider lost to the red-haired boy in a one-on-one battle.

Thinking of this incident, the navy who had spoken out just now stopped talking.

"The rest of them can't be underestimated either!"

"All elite members, are they like red-haired pirates?"

"So, he also has red hair."

"If it weren't for the age difference, I would really wonder if he has something to do with the red hair."

"The title has also been changed?"

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, this guy is not a pure swordsman. If the title causes misunderstanding to others, it will affect the arrest work."



The admirals below were talking a lot, but no one expressed objections to the bounty announced. When Brannew saw this, he patted the whiteboard.

"If you don't have any objections, then let's spread the reward to the sea like this!"



With every second of approval, the new bounty of the Rhodes Pirates was officially determined, and would follow the newspaper bird across the sea the next day.


Navy headquarters, in another small room.

"So, Ghost Spider really lost to the opponent in a one-on-one battle?"

A strong man with purple hair tilted his head slightly.

"That's right."

Bastiu, who put on a new horn mask, hesitated and said.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider himself is unwilling to talk about that incident, but judging from the aftermath, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was not too hurt."

"However, that kid escaped successfully after fighting the ghost spider one-on-one. This is an indisputable fact."

The purple-haired strong man picked up the tea on the table in front of him and took a slow sip. His right hand was a prosthetic leg, but it was relatively flexible.

"You have fought against him, tell me about this little pirate!"

On the table in front of them, there were several bounty orders, and the top one was surprisingly Rhode's new bounty order.

"Very weird!"

Bastiu hesitated for a moment and finally gave this answer.

"When I fought with him before, he didn't stand out in any way. Whether it was combat experience or fighting methods, he was relatively immature."

Bastiu said slowly while recalling the battle with Rhodes at that time.

"But, he is physically very strong!"

"This is very strange! Generally speaking, people who can train their physique to that level must have experienced a considerable amount of fighting, and their fighting skills should not be so immature."

"And what worries me most is that he grows too fast!"

"When we met him in Speda Miles, he learned to shave with just one look, and he mastered it completely in the battle with me, and perfectly integrated it into his own battle."

"And, as I said before, this guy is not a pure swordsman. I am very sure that when he fought with me, he had not yet entered the realm of swordsmanship, and he could only be said to be superb in swordsmanship."

"However, according to the information sent back from Tiger Shark Island, the strength shown by this kid when he was on Tiger Shark Island is undoubtedly that of a swordsman!"

The purple-haired strong man paused slightly.

"Not only that, in the battle with me, he did not show the power of Armament Haki, but only had a pretty good Observation Haki."

"However, when fighting Vice Admiral Ghost Spider on Tiger Shark Island, he not only mastered Armament Haki, but also fought Vice Admiral Ghost Spider on equal terms."

"Either he was hiding his skills in the battle with me, or he learned Armament Haki in just a few days and mastered extremely advanced techniques for using it."

"In either case, this pirate is very dangerous!"

Major General Bastiu, who was once defeated by his men, gave a very profound evaluation.

"In short, I have a hunch that this kid will become a big problem for the navy!"


A calm and powerful voice sounded, and the purple-haired strong man picked up the bounty on the table.

"I will take action!"

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