One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 62: The strength of the lieutenant general, Luo's thoughts (new book, please read it!!)

North Sea

"The wind is very noisy today!"

Rhodes stood on the small balcony on the second floor, feeling the sea breeze blowing in his face, and felt very good.

This was the third day after they left Tiger Shark Island.

In Neo's youth training manual, the training principles of the Sixth Naval Style are recorded in detail, and he also writes down many key points and his own experiences.

And [Knights will not die with bare hands] is as unreasonable as ever. When Rhodes held the long sword seized from the Ghost Spider, the weapon completely changed into his shape, whether it was the characteristics of the weapon itself or the It turns out that the master's various usage techniques are all open to Rhodes without reservation.

At this point, the return of life is no longer a secret to Rhodes.

With the combination of the two, Rhodes had mastered all six moves in just two days.

As for the secret of the Six Styles, the Six Kings Spear, which brings together the whole body's strength and explodes in the form of a shock wave in an instant, he also saw the clues under his groping.

I think it only takes a few days before I can master it.

"Are you finally willing to put down the captured sword?"

Seeing Rhodes walking out of the room empty-handed, Nia couldn't help but laugh.

Ever since she handed Rhodes the training manual given to her by Neo two days ago, Rhodes had been studying it intently.

Although the results looked pretty good, Rhodes would occasionally leave his room in the past two days to experiment with the use of the Sixth Form on the boat.

However, almost every time, Rhodes held the long sword captured from the navy in his hand and dangled it in front of them.

It was as if he was constantly emphasizing that he defeated a veteran naval vice admiral and captured the opponent's personal weapons.

"Is the novelty over?"

"So be it."

It was not convenient to talk about Goldfinger, so Rhodes waved his hand casually and changed the topic.

"Tch, after all, men are all the same. Once the freshness has passed, they don't care anymore."

“Don’t read too much into it!”

Rhodes crossed his arms and interrupted Nia's dangerous topic.

"When it comes to pursuing novelty, cats are even more so."

"That's right! I just love the new and hate the old!"

Nia nodded generously.

"Naru, how long do we have before the Upside Down Mountain!"

No longer discussing this topic, Rhodes turned to Neilu and asked.

"We should be there in another hour or so."

Neru glanced at the sky.

The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky.

"The weather is good today, which is good news. After all, we don't have many people. If we encounter bad weather again, I'm really worried."

"Although I don't believe in anything like fate, we are pretty lucky."

"Speaking of which, Rhodes, how strong is the Vice Admiral?"

Shortly after Rhodes walked out of the room, Luo also walked out of his infirmary.

Seeing that Rhodes had come out of that delving state, Luo finally couldn't help but ask this question.

Yesterday's newspaper published the news of their riot on Tiger Shark Island.

Along with their news, there was another big news in the newspapers.

Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral Ghost Spider fights against Doflamingo of the Shichibukai!

After seeing the newspaper, Luo learned that Doflamingo arrived at Tiger Shark Island shortly after they left Tiger Shark Island.

It seemed that Rhodes' previous judgment was correct. After Gladius was killed by them, Doflamingo couldn't help but kill him directly from the Grand Line.

If they had stayed longer at Tiger Shark Island that day, they might have bumped into each other.

However, what Luo wants to know now is another thing.

The battle between Doflamingo and the vice admiral did not result. Does this mean that the strength of the two should be relatively close?

And Rhodes won the one-on-one battle with the Vice Admiral.

Although the outcome of the battle cannot be inferred based on this simple conversion relationship, it is also affected by various factors.

It may just be the limitations of the venue, the influence of status, or the restraint relationship between fruit abilities, which may affect the outcome of the battle.

However, Luo still wanted to know.

What kind of strength does that Vice Admiral have after the inconclusive battle with Doflamingo!

"Very strong!"

Rhodes thought for a moment and then gave a pertinent evaluation.

"Although I was slightly better in that battle, that doesn't mean that the opponent is weaker than me."

"The reason why he was instantly knocked away by me was more because I kept adjusting my rhythm during the battle with him, giving him the illusion that my physical strength was not strong enough and was gradually declining."

"And when I exploded with all my strength in an instant, it was no surprise that he was knocked away by me without warning."

"However, he probably didn't suffer any injuries. If Luo hadn't used your ability to bring me back to the ship instantly, I'm afraid our battle would have continued."

As a veteran lieutenant general and an absolutely hawkish general in the navy, there is no doubt about Ghost Spider's strength.

"However, if we fight again now, I can definitely defeat him!"

Rhodes clenched his fists and was full of confidence in himself.

"What you want to know more is Doflamingo's strength."

Rhodes patted Luo on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, even if that flamingo appears in front of me now, I will punch him away!"

"Who's worried?"

Luo unconsciously tightened his arms around Guiku.

"If possible, I'd rather defeat him myself!"

"Then you have to train well! I forgot about this these two days. Don't worry, I have time now and will train you well!"

Looking at the smile on Rhode's face, Luo's heart couldn't help but shrink.

If possible, even if it's just practicing step by step, it's not a bad idea.

"Boss Rhode!"

Pekin and Xia Qi pushed Luo aside and looked at Rhode with expectant eyes.

"Those two ability users, can we take out their fruits?"

Take out the fruits?

Genos, who was lying listlessly on the recliner with Sissi, pricked up his ears.

"Have you not dealt with them?"

Hearing what Pekin and the others said, Rhode was slightly stunned. He thought the two had been killed long ago.

"No, but we did put a lot of fruits around them."

Neru explained.

"Because the supplies on the ship are not very abundant, in order to save food, we only fed them a little water in the past two days."

"To be honest, the two of them were seriously injured, and I was quite worried that they would die suddenly."

Speaking of this, Neru glanced at Genos who was lying there like a salted fish.

When they first got on the ship, Nia wanted to spar with Genos, but after Genos found the lounge chair on the ship, he wanted to take root on it, and basically lay there to sleep or fish every day.

"What kind of devil are you? Why don't you give them a quick death."

"For this kind of thing, of course you have to wait for the captain to give the order!"

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