One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 63 The Second Devil Fruit (New book, please read!!)

"It's better to give them a happy life quickly."

After walking into the utility room below the deck and looking at the two people soaking in the fish tank, Rhodes couldn't help but say.

Because these two people are both Devil Fruit users, and one of them is a rather troublesome "Bomb Fruit" user, in order to prevent them from getting into trouble, Peijin and the others still followed the old method and completely soaked their bodies in seawater. Inside, only half of the head is left to breathe outside.

After two days of soaking in the sea water, the tragic situation of these two people had already made Rhodes feel a little uncomfortable.

"Then, I'll start."

Luo's expression remained normal.

Not to mention his identity as a doctor, even what he had seen in his childhood was far more terrifying than the scene in front of him.

What exactly is to be done?

Genos also followed them in. Looking at the people gathered in a circle and the faint expectation on their faces, he felt a little nervous for some reason.

He had a feeling that what he was going to witness next seemed to be something huge.

"After a Devil Fruit user dies, the fruit's ability will be reborn randomly in the ocean."

Nia, who was standing next to Genos, opened her mouth to answer his questions.

Although this guy is too tired to fight with her, he is still a companion after all.

"We are now trying to master this pattern and turn randomness into certainty."

Hearing Nia's words, Genos' breath suddenly stopped and he stared at the scene in front of him.

"Old rules, mat."

Rhodes pointed at Ms. Valentine.

Compared to Bomb Fruit, the potential of Kilogram Fruit is too small.

Not to mention, the Don Quixote family has a user with tons of fruit abilities, whose growth potential and upper limit are much higher.

"ROOM, isolation room!"

Luo skillfully activated his abilities and dispatched Ms. Valentine neatly.

"It failed."

After waiting for five minutes and looking at the unchanged fruits around him, Rhodes shook his head and was not too disappointed.

It was originally a mat.

The focus is on the next bomb fruit.

"You... are enemies of Baroque Works, the BOSS will not let you go!"

Mr.5 woke up at some point. He was seriously injured and had been starved for two or three days. By this time, he was extremely weak.

"Krokdal? Do you think I'm afraid of him?"


Crocodile? King Shichibukai? That hero of Alabasta?

What is his connection to Baroque Works?

Seeing the confusion flashing in Mr.5's eyes, Rhodes suddenly slapped his head.

"Sorry, I forgot, you guys in Baroque Works don't even know who the boss is."

Not wanting to talk nonsense to the other party, Rhodes waved his hand and signaled Luo to kill the other party.

He is not interested in Mr. 5, but he is very interested in his fruits.


As soon as Mr.5 uttered a word, Luo quickly solved the problem.

The next moment, under the nervous gaze of everyone, a piece of fruit suddenly changed.


Rhodes happily held up a fruit covered with strange patterns and said loudly to his companions.

"I just said mats are useful! This theory of mine is valid!"

Looking at the happy Rhodes, Nailu smiled, and then arranged for Pekin and Xia Qi to quickly dispose of the bodies of the two people.

"It actually worked..."

Looking at the Devil Fruit held by Rhodes, Genos felt a strong shock in his heart.

As a Devil Fruit user, and one of the rarest among them, Genos has always been a little proud.

He doesn't have to do anything, just relying on the ability of the Devil Fruit, he has huge strength, amazing defense, and super recovery ability.

Relying on this kind of ability, especially his super recovery power, even if he faces an opponent who is much stronger than him, he can still use his recovery ability to kill the opponent.

Just as others on Tiger Shark Island described him, a monster!

So Genos has always been lazy and just wants to live his own peaceful life.

However, it was not until this moment that he realized that he was too narrow-minded!

Compared with themselves, they are more like monsters!

Looking at these companions in front of him, Genos suddenly showed a smile.

Maybe, I want to become more of a monster.


Genos opened his mouth and stopped Nia.

"If you have time, how about we compare with each other?"

Seeing the surprise on Nia's face, Genos looked away slightly.

"I wish I could have it!"


"So, now we have two fruits!"

On the deck, Rhodes took out two Devil Fruits and placed them in front of him.

"The Explosive Fruit has the ability to expand itself and the things it touches and explode."

"Bomb Fruit, the ability to turn any part of yourself into a bomb."

"How do you two choose!"

Rhodes looked at the two partners in front of him.

As a partner for several years, Rhodes knew the situation of the two of them very well.

After several years of training, their bodies are already strong. Even now, they can make a name for themselves if they are thrown into the Grand Line.

And with a strong physique as the foundation, as long as you eat the fruit, you can quickly turn it into strength.

Moreover, the growth potential of these two fruits is not low, and can be improved with a little exercise.

"Sounds very similar!"

Peijin touched his chin and looked at the two fruits in front of him.

"That's right, doesn't the bomb just explode?"

Xia Qi rubbed his face and hesitated while looking at the two fruits in front of him.

"Idiot! It's completely different, okay!"

Gray, who was watching on the sidelines, couldn't help but explain to them the difference between the two.

"There are several different categories of Superman-type Devil Fruits!

The Explosive Fruit expands and detonates. It can be regarded as a super power for the time being. It is the same type as Whitebeard's Shock Fruit;

The Bomb Fruit turns itself into a bomb. It should be regarded as a superhuman body, and has the same ability as Diamond Jozi, the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates. "

"You know a lot, I thought you only knew how to make ordnance."

Rhodes looked at Gray in surprise.

This kind of understanding of Devil Fruit is not like that of the folk scientists in Beihai.

However, everyone has their own secrets, as long as they truly regard themselves as companions on the ship.

"Are you kidding me? I'm an almighty scientist!"

Gray said to Rhodes dissatisfied.

"So, how do you two choose?"

"It sounds like the exploding fruit is a bit more powerful."

Peijin touched his chin and thought.

When he was at Spyda Miles before, Gladius' battle really left a deep impression on him.

"In that case, I'll choose the bomb fruit."

Peijin grabbed the bomb fruit and bit into it.

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