Lan Ran knew that the golden lion had a rebellious heart, and the golden lion also understood this.

Golden Lion has always felt that the relationship between the two is a bit similar to the default partnership.

Now he is still in a fierce battle with the navy, as the N0.1 of the Ten Blades, no matter how he thinks about Lan Ran, he should not kill him!

"Don't understand?"

"Even if they continue to fight, they will not have any results, I just made such a simple judgment."

Seeing the shocked expressions of Sakaski and Borusalino on the other side, Lan Ran said very normally.

After all, these two are their old classmates, and it doesn't matter if they talk a little more.

Watching the severed golden lion slowly fall into the earth, they didn't know what to evaluate.

Glad? That should indeed be rejoicing, after all, the combat effectiveness of Lan Ran's side has weakened a lot.

However, they could not rest easy anyway.

"But I really didn't expect that the ten blades I had painstakingly gathered would add up to far less than me alone. Especially as a golden lion N0.1, it is so difficult to deal with several generals, and he actually dreams of replacing me one day. For

the golden lion guy, Lan Ran gave a very ruthless evaluation.

It's just that you are weak, and you still vainly try to replace yourself, which is really not enough.

"Okay, without further ado. Let's get started, admirals.

After the golden lion's body fell completely to the ground, Lan Ran focused his gaze on the four admirals in front of him.

"Blue dye!"

Suddenly, Sakaski took a step forward, his fierce eyes constantly shaking.

"Sakaski, don't..." Fuji

Hu noticed that something was wrong, and just wanted to stop Sakaski, but then the yellow ape suddenly stretched out his hand to block him.

Kuzan on the side did not speak.

Unlike them, Sakaski, Borusalino, Kuzan, and Lan Ran came out of the elite camp.

And the friendship between Sakaski and Randy is not small.

The sword in Lan Ran's hand was still given to him by Sakaski when he entered the elite camp.

Obviously, as long as Lan Ran is willing, he can easily change to a better knife to create a mirror, but he has never done this.

In this way, an ordinary knife, but representing the friendship between the two Nash, is still used today.

"Our Navy's job is to fight pirates and all kinds of evil people every day, but we get paid only a little salary."

"It is also a battle for life, but pirates can enjoy the spoils recklessly, as long as they have the ability to grab as much money as many things as many women."

"I remember once you said that the battle between the navy and the pirates was a very unfair showdown. What both sides can obtain is not at all an order of magnitude.

"Silently watching the death happening around you without complaining is justice for the Navy."

However -

Mary Joa on the

wounds of a series of people in Yuan, Gaji, Zefa, and Sengoku, that smell of dying.

"Lan Ran, I don't hate you for leaving the navy, nor do I hate you for establishing Dressrosa in a vain attempt to replace the world government, and even if you open your mouth to let me assist, I will come to Dressrosa to help you without hesitation."

"However, I absolutely cannot tolerate your harm to your colleagues!"

Sakaski bit his lip and raised his head to meet Lan Ran squarely.

"You ruined our friendship with your own hands and failed us all."

"If I don't execute you with my own hands, the resentment in my heart will never be eliminated."

Hot molten slurry dripped down Sakaski's body, and even from a long distance, you could feel the terrifying temperature above.

However, Sakaski's sensational speech did not touch Lan Ran's heart in the slightest.

"Does this level of persuasion want me to waver? Do you think I'm someone who would fall twice on a mistake? "

In his memory, he once temporarily lost his ability due to his inner turmoil.

Since he had made such a mistake before, it was naturally impossible for him to do it again.

"Sakaski, don't be too impulsive. You can see clearly the appearance of this guy killing the golden lion just now. Attacking him at will will only invite destruction. Borusalino

was afraid that Lan Ran's calm attitude would irritate Sakaski again, so he persuaded him in advance.

"Che, of course I know."

Although he said so, Sakaski's fist clenched even tighter. It's a complete look like it's going to be hit at any time.

"Stupid, since you understand, then don't clench your fists so tightly."

Sakaski's wrong look made him feel a little helpless.

"Borusalino, although you usually look lazy, you are still very considerate when it is critical."

He remembered that in the anime he watched, Sakaski became a marshal of the navy, and the people below did not listen to him much, and only Borusalino was silently supporting him.

And when there was turmoil in the country of Wano, Sakaski had a great headache, and it was also Borusalino who offered to go to that kind of dangerous place.

You know, in that place, there were two Four Emperors and a group of terrifying super newcomers, and Borusalino actually planned to go deep alone in order to help Sakaski share his worries.

This guy is actually a very considerate person at heart, but he usually looks a little free and loose, and his thoughtfulness is limited to his friends.

Of course, this guy's friends are currently limited to Sakaski alone.

"But there's one thing that sounds ridiculous to me. It doesn't matter if you attack recklessly, or plan it after careful consideration, seamless cooperation, or standing still. The end result is actually the same.

"I'm not predicting the future, the end of the few of you is a fact of the past."

As soon as Lan Ran's words came out, everyone present felt great contempt.

Lan Ran didn't mean to treat them as opponents at all.


And at the same time that Lan Ran confronted several generals.

Instead of leaving after defeating Drought Jack, Tsuru finds two special guys.

"This is what happened back then, Karp was used as a material for the blur experiment by blue dyeing, and the void buried in Luffy's body now is Karp."

Tsuru told the brothers Luffy and Ace almost everything he knew about Lan Ran and Karp.

"I... The void in my body, is it grandpa?

Luffy touched his face in disbelief, as if he could touch a mask of nothingness.

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