Ace on the side was equally silent.

Originally, for him, Lan Ran was the lifesaver of him and Luffy, and gave them such great power.

His father's supreme fast knife was also delivered to him by Lan Ran.

However, after listening to Tsuru's narration, he had to suspect that the fire was deliberately caused by Lan Ran.

Where in the world is there such a coincidence, the void in Luffy's body happens to be their grandfather.

"In other words, you shouldn't have seen the initial solution ability of blue dyeing, right?"

"Solution, what is that?"

Ace scratched his head, not knowing what the original explanation in the crane's mouth was.

"Is it... He hasn't explained it in front of either of you. That's so lucky. After understanding this, Tsuru's eyes flashed with hope.

"Now, among the navy, pirates, revolutionary army, seven martial seas, and all the people in the world government, I am afraid that only the two of you have the opportunity to kill Lan Ran."

Tsuru's words made Luffy and Ace stunned, only the two of them had a chance to kill Lan Ran?

Isn't that an exaggeration? Although Ace is not incomprehensible, Tsuru wants to win them over to deal with Lan Ran's idea together.

"Don't worry, now I'll tell you. Lan Ran's real ability in the mirror flower water moon and the conditions for launch.

"The ability to mirror the moon is completely hypnosis - dominating the opponent's five senses, making him fully believe in the appearance, form, quality, feeling, and even smell of a particular object as the owner wants. As long as he has seen the moment of his understanding, whenever he activates this ability in the future, it will become a toy in Lan Ran's hands. "


After listening to Tsuru's explanation, Ace swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

This ability is probably too overbearing. As long as you see it once, it will forever become a toy in Lan Ran's hand, which is simply an unsolvable ability.

"Therefore, only we who have not yet seen the beginning of indigo dyeing are the only ones who can defeat it. Luffy, what are you going to do?

After understanding how special the two of them really were, Ace took a deep breath and quickly made a decision in his heart.

Although Karp is not his own grandfather, he also brought him up since he was a child, and there is no difference from his own grandfather.

He is a pirate, does not have as many scruples as the navy, and there is no psychological obstacle to working with the navy to defeat Lan Ran.

And, now, it sounds like this is probably the only chance to beat the indigo dye.

If the navy loses this time, it will definitely not be possible for so many forces to gather together to fight a decisive battle with Lan Ran in the future.

Such a grand occasion is already the strongest lineup in the navy in 800 years.

"Of course it's to shoot off that guy named Lan Ran!"

Luffy didn't say much, and his eyes no longer had the innocent silly big boy appearance before, but were filled with terrible concentration and killing intent.

That's his own grandfather.


"Nice look. On you, it seems that you can travel through time to see the beautiful scenery of the Mary Joa riot in the Holy Land of the past. The eyes at that time were exactly the same as now. Lan

Ran's provocation of saying a word slowly broke the inner defense of several generals, generals, and marshals here.

Still as always, it is so good in all aspects that people can't be picky, obviously everyone present is a battle-hardened navy, but Lan Ran is still fluttering lightly, and a few words will almost make them lose their minds.

Sakaski, in particular, had a temper like a volcano.

"Hate me, then come and kill me. Sakaski, this time I make an exception and use this knife to fight you well. A

fresh breeze blew through, and the mirror flower water moon on Lan Ran's waist was completely revealed in front of everyone.


"Yellow Ape!"

Sakaski suddenly called out Borusalino's codename, and this sudden strangeness made Borusalino stunned for a second.

"Although I know that this is a bit willful, please keep the situation and wait for Lieutenant General Tsuru to return."

After speaking, Sakaski teleported in front of Lan Ran with a shave.

"Hold on until Granny Tsuru comes back? It seems that you trust the one very much. Lan Ran chuckled.

"A guy like you must be incomprehensible, a bastard who doesn't even trust his companions."

Sakaski gloomy face and scolded directly.

It is clear that Sakaski's words mean something else, after all, they were also companions, and very good companions.

"Trust is the same thing as dependence."

"Dependence is the behavior of the weak, I don't need it."

Hearing Lan Ran's words, Sakaski laughed instead.

"With a group of subordinates to fight us, they actually dare to make such a big statement. Obviously, you also use various methods to trick them into trusting you.

Sakaski's speculation is not unreasonable, according to the thinking of normal people, if it is not through all kinds of rhetoric to win the trust of the other party, how can he let these people work for him so easily.

However, the next words of blue dye completely stunned Sakaski.

That is a completely transcendent rebuttal.

I saw Lan Ran slowly close her eyes: "I have never let them trust me." Instead, I've been admonishing them not to trust anyone, including me.

"Sadly, however, there are very few strong people who can insist on doing this." Therefore, the way for living things to survive is to blindly follow and trust the good.

"The trusted are overwhelmed and seek after the high-handed." Those who are high and high also seek higher and stronger people who can be trusted. In this way, all kings were born. In this way, all the gods were born. A

sense of oppression suddenly emanated from Lan Ran's body.

There is no doubt that Indigo sees himself as the figure at the top of this food chain, the god who leads everything.

Just like what she said when Mary Joa rioted and Lan Ran left.

The unbearable window of the throne of heaven is coming to an end, and from today onwards, the blue dye will stand at the top.

That's not just talk, Lan Ran really intends to become a god.

"Same words to you, Sakaski, don't believe me. However, in the future, I will slowly tell you who is a trustworthy god with actions. "


"Bastard, quickly get out of Lao Tzu's body!"

At this time, an exaggerated tug-of-war was also underway on the blue-dyed wolf.

Originally a torrent of steel, the evil wolf was full of black and bright steel aura, but now it has turned into a forest full of vitality.

However, this forest does not appear for no reason.

Green cattle, natural Mori fruit ability, can make a variety of different plants and control the growth of plants at will, the most important thing is to have vines that can rob others of nutrients and water.

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