"I didn't expect that a big steel man like you would actually have such strong vitality. I'll have to enjoy it. The

green bull had no intention of letting go of the evil wolf, and while absorbing nutrients from the evil wolf's body, he created more vines, as if he intended to cover the entire evil wolf.

The evil wolf tied by countless vines felt that he could not move, and he could also feel his life force absorbed by these vines.

It's as if there are no limits at all.

"Bastard! Look I don't burst you! After

finding that it could not stop the green bull from absorbing the life force no matter what, the evil wolf directly changed his mind and took the initiative to pour the life force in his body into these vines.

Aren't you going to absorb? Then I will simply let you absorb enough and directly let you suck up your body!

Feeling that the evil wolf, who was originally very resistant, suddenly became very cooperative, and also took the initiative to send the life force in his body to his mouth, the green bull understood what this guy was thinking almost instantly.

"You'd be naïve to think that my absorption has limits. The forest is the source of life that can stand side by side with the "sea", but I am a Sensen fruit ability, no matter how much I can bear!

This made the wolf's eyes widen and his gaze was very surprised.

The embodiment of the forest? No matter how much you can endure?

Doesn't that mean that he is completely delivering vegetables to the green cow?

This wolf is completely crying, this guy's ability is actually so perverted? And it just restrained a huge guy like him.

The larger the body, the more places are wrapped in vines and the more power is absorbed.


"Finally pulled the knife."

Watching Lan Ran pull out the mirror flower on his waist, Sakaski said in a low voice: "No matter how strong you say you are, you should still have some concerns." After all, we have not seen each other for decades, and you should know nothing about how much effort I put in and how much strength I have raised in order to catch up with you. Over

the years, Sakaski has never stopped and has been doing everything he can to improve his strength.

He is much stronger now than he used to be.

"Do you think that your strength has improved a little, and I can't do anything about you?"

In this world, it is nothing more than domineering and devil fruits and physical skills.

No matter how strong Sakaski is, after all, he is still limited to the power system of this world, and these abilities have limits.

"I already know very well your ability to mirror the moon, and even the five senses and even the domineering color can not accurately capture your true body. But that doesn't mean I can't determine your exact location. "

Words first, blue dye. If you think that 100% manipulation of other people's five senses can easily win, you are very wrong.


resolute declaration of war on Blue Dye made many people look forward to it, and their eyes focused on Sakaski's body.

In an instant, Sakaski burst out the flames in his body, accompanied by a panicking breath spreading, and the scorching molten slurry surged around like a river.

And in the next second, the molten flame erupted, directly surrounding Lan Ran and Sakaski.

"This is the field I built, take a good look, how I will completely knock you down next."

"Field? Is this your trick? It's true that such an indiscriminate range attack can indeed catch my tracks, but after dispersing the power, this molten slurry is not worth mentioning. "

Stepping on the molten slurry at will, there is no need to deliberately use spiritual pressure for defense, and these molten slurries under your feet cannot touch the blue dye itself.

"If that's what you've been preparing for me for decades, it's a bit too disappointing. Sakaski. Lan

Ran still looked light, and did not put Sakaski in his eyes at all.

A white robe stood in the air, ignoring Sakaski's terrifying aura and posing like an idle cloud wild crane.

However, the cold look in the corners of his eyes made people feel very terrible.

"Sure enough, you still haven't noticed!"

The corners of Sakaski's mouth suddenly rose, and the next moment, his figure disappeared instantly, and then swept directly in front of Lan Ran.

The molten fist with a terrifying temperature flew rapidly, blowing bursts of heat in the air.

"Big Spitfire!"


hot fist accurately aimed at Lan Ran's body.


Mars burst out, and Lan Ran swung his sword to block Sakaski's fist.

Then a sharp force, the huge force instantly forced Sakaski back more than a dozen steps.

My wrist was almost dislocated.

However, at this time, Lan Ran's face changed, and he looked at Sakaski with some puzzlement.

"Interesting, obviously it has been hypnotized by my mirror flower water moon, but it has accurately launched an attack on my body. How is this done? "

The ability of Jinghua Shuiyue is to control the five senses, don't say anything domineering, seeing and smelling domineering is just an extension of the five senses, this point is very clear to the blue dye.

No matter what it is to listen to the voice of all things or to be able to foresee the future, it still belongs to the category of the five senses.

There was no reason why Sakaski could attack him.

"Lan dye that guy..."

Sakaski's gaze was solemn, although he managed to determine the location of Lan Dye, but after all, it was not observed with the most accustomed eyes, Sakaski still felt a little unaccustomed.

"But anyway, the loophole has now been found. Before Lan Ran found out that Fuji Tiger helped me provide me with a specific location, I had to hit him hard.

Sakaski subconsciously raised his hand and touched the position of his ear.

At this time, in his ears, there was actually a very hidden miniature telephone worm, and it was through this telephone worm that Fuji Hu commanded him and determined the true position of Lan Ran.

The ability of Mirror Flower Water Moon is very terrifying, but the launch requires a premise, that is, the opponent has seen the moment when Mirror Flower Water Moon is liberated.

On the side of the Navy, the only trustworthy person who can never go wrong is Fujitora, after all, he is blind.

Taking a deep breath, Sakaski's burst out again, directly aiming at the position of Lan Ran's true body and punching up.

The most direct and simple and rough collision, the two figures needle point to Mai Mang.

"What's the matter, Lan dye, will you only simply defend." When did you become like a shrunken-headed turtle.

Sakaski, who was attacking like crazy, yelled angrily in front of him.

The movements are as swift as lightning, so fast that they are elusive and impossible to defend against.

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