Go ashore!

The air in Alabasta should be the driest of all regions, but I don’t know why Vivi’s skin is so good.

There are always some common senses in this world that are beyond Lin’s cognition.

“Food, food, food!!!”

As soon as he got off the boat, Luffy ran out shouting.

He has been hungry for several days at sea, and food is definitely the first priority for him.

Lin’s face was tired. His mental strength has been overdrawn in recent days. He still felt a little weak when he woke up this morning.

But he wanted to sleep but couldn’t. Instead of lingering in bed, he might as well get out of bed and go out for a walk.

He was also very curious about this country because he had read a lot of history books in Alabasta.

The city they were in was named [Nahana], which was famous for its perfume.

As a result, Chopper had to plug his nose to adapt to the air here.

The buildings in the city have unique styles, with square houses, semi-circular roofs and light-colored paint.

The people here have a unique cultural style relying on the desert. In order to prevent being burned by the scorching sun and high temperature, the local residents mostly wear light and loose long-sleeved robes, and most people wrap their heads with scarves.

Vivi: “Where did Luffy run to?”

Lynn: “Judging from his performance just now, he should have gone to find a restaurant.”

Nami: “How can we find him in such a big city? He has a bounty on him.”

Sanji: “Miss Nami, Miss Vivi, don’t worry, Luffy must be in the most noisy place.”

Zoro: “Don’t worry about him, we have to eat something too.”

The crowd finally decided to ignore Luffy and go to the restaurant to eat something and replenish the supplies on the ship.

After eating, Nami’s shopping nature surfaced again, and she pulled Vivi and Lynn to go buy clothes.

The dressing style here is basically thin and high in coverage. At this time, Lynn and others who had just left the Snow Country were wearing a little thick.

But why did you call me over again?

Lin En was still complaining that every time Nami asked him to go shopping,

Sanji’s eyes seemed to shoot lightning, but he didn’t really want to go.

He had to carry a lot of bags and waste time.


The curtain of the dressing room was opened, and Lin En took back his previous thoughts.

Because Nami and Vivi were both wearing very revealing desert dancer costumes.

Lin En’s spirit was excited again, and his state was out of depression.

I worked hard for four days, and this is what I should see!!!

Vivi was still a little embarrassed.

“Nami, these clothes don’t seem to be worn by ordinary people.”

“The sun here is very strong.”

Nami showed her with her hands on her waist.

“It’s okay, just wear a robe outside when the time comes.”

“How about it, deputy captain, does it look good~”

Although Lin En was very excited, he couldn’t show it because he was a serious person.


“Forget it, I know you can’t say anything.”

However, Lin En has been exposed by Mee Mee in some aspects.

The three of them returned to the restaurant just now, and suddenly the street became chaotic.

“That kid didn’t pay after eating!!!”

“He seems to be a pirate! I’ve seen his face!!”

“Tell the navy to catch him!!!”

The familiar restlessness came from the street.

Luffy was puffing his big mouth, which was full of food.

Because he didn’t bring any money, he left after eating.

Seeing that everyone in the small restaurant in front was looking at him, he suddenly became happy.

“Nami!! Lend me some money quickly, I will give it back to the boss and tell him not to chase.”

“Stupid! You have been found to be a pirate, why are you still paying back!!”

“We have been exposed, let’s run quickly.”

Because of Luffy’s characteristics, Lin En and his friends once again lost their leisure time, and rushed back with the purchased supplies.

Finally, everyone boarded the Merry and left under the watch of the navy.

“Let’s finalize the battle plan.”

Weiwei introduced the main reasons for the conflict in Alabasta to everyone.

Except for the capital city, the surrounding oasis cities of Alabasta were hit by sandstorms one after another. Since there was no rain for too long, many cities became empty cities.

A few years ago, someone discovered that someone was transporting “dancing powder” at the port of Arubana.

Dancing powder is a powder that can increase local rainfall, but the price is that rainfall in the surrounding areas will decrease.

Dancing powder was found circulating in the capital, while the surrounding cities were attacked by drought and yellow sand.

The people became less and less satisfied with the king.Full, eventually formed a rebel army of millions of people.

And Baroque Works is the culprit of all the conflicts.

“Now what we need to do most is to find a way to tell the rebels and King Crocodile’s conspiracy.”

While Vivi was speaking, she wrote down what she had investigated and handed it to her Kalu Duck.

But Lin En stopped Vivi.

“It’s best not to pass this information to the king easily now.”

Lin En still has some memory of the plot, and he gave his own judgment.

“Mr. 2, who we met on the sea before, since he can become the king, it means that he must have used the king’s identity to do something.”

“I suspect that your father has been captured by them a long time ago, and the current king is just an actor.”

They arrived in Alabasta a few days earlier, so Crocodile did not start his Utopia battle plan at this time.

“We should be dead in Crocodile’s eyes now.”

“If the message is delivered by mistake, Crocodile will find out that we are still alive.”

“He will definitely take measures.”

After hearing Lin’s words, Vivi fell silent. Indeed, they had just seen Mr. 2’s ship on the shore.

If the current king is really Mr. 2, the wrong message will cause big trouble.

Lin thought, the main goal now is to prevent the rebels from fighting with the king’s army.

And because they arrived many days in advance, they still have a huge advantage.

“So I suggest that we go to the rebels first and let them stay calm and don’t take any action.”

“But you must find someone you trust for this matter. There must be people planted by the Baroque Works among the mixed rebels.”

It seems that there are Vivi’s childhood friends in the rebels.

“Then find those in the king’s army who have not been touched by Mr. 2, and finally work together to catch all the people in the dark in Aruba.”

After hearing this, Vivi’s eyes lit up. This is indeed the most perfect method at present.

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