“I agree with this plan.” Vivi was the first to raise her hand.

“Me too.” Nami and the others also agreed!

“Zzzzz…” Luffy fell asleep!

After Lin En said the second round of words, his brain could no longer bear it.


“Well, what’s wrong? Who are you going to fight?” Luffy woke up from his dream.

Sometimes Lin En didn’t know why Luffy could pass all the levels. If this villain had a little brain, Luffy would be in trouble.

“Where is the rebel army currently?”

“Joba, this is where we are going now. We can get there today at our current speed.”

Lynn was thinking. He didn’t know whether the rebel army had left Joba, but after all, they came a few days earlier and might meet the rebel army halfway.

The road to Joba was not easy.

The high temperature in the desert and the scorching sun made everyone miserable.

Chopper even had a little heatstroke because of the thick fur of the moose.

And they still had to walk for half a day under such conditions.

During this time, Luffy even got entangled with the Kung Fu Manatee and eventually lost half of the food.

“I can’t stand it anymore.”

Chopper was already fuzzy from the heat.

“Nami, can you come down and let me sit for a while.”

Usopp made a request to Nami.

“Mee~~~(;`O´)o NO!”

“Look, Mee has rejected you.”

“How can you understand what it says!!”

“I don’t know, but I feel that way.”

Mee, who had grown bigger in the desert, carried Nami and Vivi on his back, and held Chopper in his mouth.

“They are all furry animals, why don’t you feel hot!!”

Chopper didn’t understand a bit, because Mee also had thick and fluffy red wool, but for some reason it was in very good condition here.


“Damn it, just because you are not an animal!!!”

Usopp’s feet felt like they were stepping on a red-hot iron plate.

“It’s so hot, so hot, the sand under my feet is so hot!!!”

Lin was strolling in the desert.

“Why aren’t you afraid of the heat!!!”

“I’m a blacksmith, why would I be afraid of the heat?”

Luffy: “Water!! I want to drink water!!!!”

Sanji: “Luffy!! You drank too much!!!”

Finally, as everyone was busy and half-dead, they finally arrived at their destination, Yoba.

It was already evening, and the night in the desert was particularly cold.

Everyone changed their clothes immediately.

But for Vivi, what was colder than the weather was that Yoba had become a ruin in the desert.

It no longer looked like the oasis city it once was.

“Are the rebels gone?”

Vivi murmured, they were still late.

“Look, there’s someone over there!!!”

As Usopp spoke, everyone looked in the direction he said.

In the ruins covered with yellow sand, an old man was digging gravel down bit by bit with a shovel.

“Are you a traveler? Sorry, this city is deserted.”

Even though the pit had been dug very deep, the old man was still digging the ground one handful at a time.

After recognizing Vivi, the old man introduced his name Duoduo, the father of the rebel leader Kosade.

In Vivi’s memory, Duoduo was still the fat uncle, but now he was as thin as a skeleton.

Duoduo was once assigned by the king to lead the reclamation team to develop Yoba. Now that his son has become a rebel, he is still digging the ground in Yoba to find water.

In his heart, he always believed that the king was innocent, and he has been completing the tasks given to him by the king.

“The rebels just left a while ago.”

“There are no more supplies here for the rebels to consume.”

“Please, Princess Weiwei, those rebels are too stupid, we must stop them.”

Weiwei was silent for a moment, looking at her people who were still suffering.

“We will stop them, for sure!”

It was completely dark, and everyone had found a room in the empty city.

The temperature in the desert night was very cold, but the cold wind seemed to have no effect on Duoduo’s thin body.

Lin En looked at the old man in front of him who was still digging the ground silently.

“Can you dig water?”

“You will dig it.”

Lin En shook his head. This matter was too difficult for the old man in front of him.

“Meimei, can you try?”

“Meimei! ᕙ༼◕_◕༽ᕤ.”

Meimei turned into a ball of red light and merged into the yellow sand of the earth.

Lin EnSitting next to the big pit dug by the old man, waiting for news.

Two hours passed.

The old man looked at Lin En still sitting there with some doubts.

“Aren’t you going to rest?”

Before he finished speaking, a ball of red light emerged from the earth again.

“Mee! (o^▽^o)”

Mee, who had merged into the earth, came out again and brought Lin En to another open space.

The volcano broke out, Lin En clapped the ground with one hand, and a stone pillar rose from the ground, but the difference was that the top of this stone pillar was wet. .

Mee Mee is the spirit of magma, so he can explore the earth at will.

He just sent Mee Mee to find underground water.

“Dig here, there is water below.”

He pointed to the water stains on the stone pillar to Duo Duo, and Duo Duo was very happy.

“I said that Joba would not be buried by the sand. Thank you, young man.”

With high hopes, the old man buried himself and dug the ground again, his face full of expectations and smiles.

For him, no matter how bad the environment is, as long as there is water, a city has all the hope.

Early the next morning, the old man filled three large kettles with water and gave them to Vivi.

He successfully dug a water source last night, a constant source of water, a constant source of hope.

“Princess Vivi, Joba will definitely become an oasis city again, I promise you.”

Before leaving, Duoduo made a promise to Vivi.

“What’s wrong, Luffy, why don’t you drink water?”

Looking at Luffy holding a large kettle and looking like he wanted to drink but was struggling with himself, Lin En was a little amused.

“This is the water that the dry old man spent a night digging out. You can’t drink it so easily.”

Luffy was rarely serious.

Two hours later, Luffy still resisted drinking water, but at this time he was a little thirsty and couldn’t walk.

“Okay, relax and drink Luffy, the water dug by that old man is much more than you think.”

“As long as you mark it well, there will be a constant supply of water there in the future.”

After confirming again and again that Lin En was not lying to him, Luffy finally took a sip.

Unlike the last time when he drank the whole bottle, he really only drank a small sip this time.

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