“You are from Qinghai, you must have seen the earth.”

Aisha sat on the cloud next to Lin En and showed her small package to Lin En, as if showing her treasure.

The package contained fresh soil.

“We step on the earth every day, except when we go out to sea.”

“It’s great, I also want to step on the earth every day.”

Aisha’s face was full of yearning, she reached into the package and felt every grain of soil carefully. ,

Then she stood up and stepped hard on the ground of the cloud.

“The clouds here feel light and soft, I don’t like it here at all.”

She seemed to think of something again and blew into Lin En’s ear.

“How did you let Wappa bring you here? He has a bad temper.”

After saying that, she immediately put her ear next to Lin En, and Lin En also covered his mouth with one hand halfway, imitating her just now.

“I am a devil fruit user, and I used my power on Wapa.”

Aisha was very surprised. Devil fruit users are not common here. She has not seen any other devil fruit users except Enel and the mount of the previous god.

“My fruit is called talk fruit, also known as chat fruit.”

“As long as you chat with me, I can make you believe what I say.”

Aisha laughed loudly.

“What a useless fruit.”

“Isn’t this very useful? You believe what I said.”

Wappa was smoking in his tent with a gloomy face, watching the conversation between Lin En and Aisha.

His childhood sweetheart, Lachi, who is also a Shandia warrior, looked at this scene with some concern.

“He won’t hurt Aisha, why did you bring him here?”

Wappa smoked a cigarette and responded to the female warrior’s words.

“Aisha can hear unusual sounds.”

“I want her to try this Qinghai man.”

“He may help us fight against Enel.”

Laki thought for a moment, and finally walked towards the two people who were talking. Although she listened to Wapa’s words, she was still worried about Aisha’s safety.

“Laki, this is Lin En.” Aisha happily introduced her new friend today.

“Hello, Qinghai man.”

Although she said hello. But Laqi still looked a little alert.

After a while.

“Ms. Laqi’s skin is really well maintained. You can’t tell that you are a warrior at all.”

“Mr. Lin En is really joking. Mr. Lin En’s skin is not bad.”

“How can it be, my rough skin is much worse than yours.”

Wapa watched all this in silence, gritting his teeth and smoking.

“I can’t stand it, boss. Lachi has been bewitched. I’ll go and remind her.”

The Shandia warrior Kamaqili, who was called Mantis behind him, couldn’t sit still and rushed to the place where the three were talking and laughing.

After a while.

“Is this the Burning Sword? It’s so handsome?”

“Not so handsome anymore.”

“Kamaqili, you look like a warrior with superb swordsmanship. The priests under Enel should not be your opponents.”

“Ah, really, Mr. Lin, you are exaggerating, but it is true that the priests are still a little behind me.”

Wappa picked up another cigarette and watched the people in front of him talking and laughing. Even some residents of the Hidden Cloud Village started chatting with Lin. He was silent.

That day, Wapa smoked all the cigarettes in the tent, but he didn’t understand how Lin did it.


“Oh, everyone is really enthusiastic. Let’s talk later.”

After talking and laughing with the villagers, Wapa called him into the tent.

“You are really amazing.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

This time, Wapa spoke first. He was afraid that if he talked about some meaningless topics again, he would become the same as the villagers of the Hidden Cloud Village.

“What information do you need? You came here to find out about Enel.”

“His priests.”

Wapa was silent for a while, and finally called all the warriors in the village into the tent.

Some of them had fought with the priests.

As each warrior described the priest, Lin En also memorized the characteristics of each priest.

“What about Enel’s ability? Now I know that he is the user of the Thunder Fruit.”

Wapa shook his head.

“That’s all we know. His fruit can emit powerful electricity.”

“In order to deal with this situation, we also prepared seastone that restrains the natural fruit.”

Lin En also speculated about the plot of the Enel stage based on the existing clues.

Now he knows the informationYes, Enel’s natural fruit, the Thunder Fruit, is more powerful than the plot stage.

The Shandians prepared seastone to deal with him, but in the end, Luffy still had to defeat Enel.

So there are two conclusions, either the seastone did not touch Enel at all, or the seastone was removed by him in other ways after it touched Enel.

Seastone is a hidden weapon of the Shandians. It took so long for his own talk fruit to be activated before he knew the news, so Enel should not know the existence of seastone.

He is arrogant and should not be on guard.

So the seastone is likely to have worked successfully, but was removed by Enel in some way.

Otherwise, it would not be a battle between Luffy and Enel in the end, and there would be Luffy’s problem.

If Luffy defeated Crocodile by relying on the weakness of water being sand.

Then what did he rely on to defeat Enel?

It seems that the Thunder Fruit is stronger than the Sand-Sand Fruit, after all, he can’t think of what the weakness of lightning would be.

Is it because Luffy is a rubber man, and rubber is an insulator of electricity?

How is it possible… . . . . .

Rubber will definitely be burned by high temperature under absolutely high voltage electricity.

Lin En missed a part of the plot and his knowledge of physics in his previous life destined him to not understand this matter.

So he gave up thinking and just dealt with it.

If it doesn’t work, he can just temporarily install some magic resistance equipment himself.

“Do you have a way to fight against Enel?”

“I haven’t thought of it yet, but theoretically our captain should have a way.”

“Your captain has a way to deal with Enel? He must be very smart.”

“Ah, that’s definitely not.”

I almost gave Luffy a smart personality.

But think about it carefully, Luffy’s combat IQ is indeed abnormally high.

When leaving the Hidden Cloud Village, the villagers waved goodbye to Lin En. Lin En has memorized the way to the village, and he will come here again on the eve of attacking Enel.

Riding on MeeMee in the sky, Lin En was also thinking.

Am I really the user of the Talk Fruit?

Or do I have a kind of charm?

I have charmed the whole village.

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