The chat just now made Lin En learn a lot about the past conflicts between the Sky People and the Shandian people.

A war about the land has lasted for 400 years on this land.

The Sky People, who originally lived at an altitude of 10,000 meters,

were born to live on the clouds,

and the land of Qinghai has always been their dream.

When this land, Gaya Island, suddenly appeared in front of them because of the huge upwelling current,

this dream naturally turned into naked occupation.

The indigenous people on the island were eventually driven out of the island by the Sky People because of their lack of strength.

This war to regain their homeland for the Shandian people has been going on for hundreds of years.

While clearing his mind, Lin En followed the induction of the equipment to find his companions.

Nami still had the multi-blue shield necklace that she had forcibly taken away.

As Meow Meow flew through tens of thousands of clouds, an ancient green island appeared in front of Lin En.

This island was pierced by a huge vine from the middle, like an umbrella.

This should be the land that the Shandians wanted to take back, but Lin En didn’t know what Nami was doing here.

According to the Shandians, this is not a safe place. Enel’s priests and servants are gathered here.

As the induction got closer and closer, an orange-haired head was hiding behind the clouds and watching what was happening on the island.

Nami was panicking now.

She accidentally came to the vicinity of this island and saw the priests on the island hunting pirates.

The pirates in front of her were still asking her for help in the last second, and they were swallowed by the huge thunder in the next second.

When the priests left one by one, she felt relieved.

She just heard a lot of incredible things.

A faint voice came from behind Nami

“What are you hiding from?”

“Ah … “Just now I heard from the priest that there are seven illegal immigrants here.”


“Maybe you haven’t been discovered by them, there is a high probability that these seven people are us”


“Now hurry back to Luffy and leave this island.”



Nami looked back at Lin En in confusion, he was now in a trance state.


“My fault, say it again.”


Lin En was indeed a little distracted.

“I said this island is too dangerous, we have to leave this island.”

“That shouldn’t be possible yet.”


“There are still things to do.”

Nami was stunned for a moment, and then she understood what Lin En meant.

“I really have no way to deal with you.”

“Tell me, what did you see again?”

Lin En told Nami what he saw in the Hidden Cloud Village.

“In other words, the island I saw just now is the island that Nolando discovered, right?”


Nami’s mind became active instantly.

“So, there is a lot of gold on the island, right?”

“Uh… it should be.”

“Well, let’s not leave yet, and leave after we find the gold.”

The house where Yunhaikongzhiming lives is getting closer and closer to the two of them. Luffy’s straw hat can be seen from a distance, and there is a group of people wearing white berets and uniforms talking to Luffy and his friends.

That person may be the other party.

“Oops, we are still a step late.”

“Now let’s hope they don’t have any conflicts.”

Lin En didn’t care much when he heard Nami’s concerns, Luffy still had a good temper.

“As long as they don’t touch Luffy’s bottom line, it’s not so easy to have a conflict.”

The figures of the berets were approaching, and Nami shouted hurriedly.

“Luffy, don’t resist those people!”

The people on the shore also lookedNami returned.

Usopp: “If you don’t resist, can you afford the 7 million berries fine?”

“That’s too expensive!!!”

Nami immediately drove the Viper and knocked the man in the white beret away.



Lin En had a lot of question marks on his head.

“Didn’t you say not to start a conflict? Why did you hit him?”

“Ah!! Sorry, I did it subconsciously after hearing about the huge and unreasonable compensation.”

Nami’s mind was also clear at this time.

Lin En understood that this was just like when Nami was in the mermaid village, impulsive for money.

“What should I do, what should I do, what should I do to get into trouble.”

“What else can I do? Fight. If we knock them all down, there will be no one to go back and report the news, right?”

Lin En jumped on the ground and jumped into the beret team, and then was immediately surrounded by soldiers.

The captain who was knocked away also gave orders to his men with a ferocious look on his face.

“Now, in the name of God, I will punish you with the Flowing Clouds. Catch them!!”

The berets drew their bows and aimed at Lin En, but Lin En did not move at this time. They were also frightened and did not act rashly.

“Why don’t you attack?”

“I’m waiting.”

“Waiting for what?”

“Waiting for CD.”

The small dots next to the heads of the people around them gradually turned into red dots,

Activating humility,

The movements of the berets seemed to be slowed down several times, and even the sweat beads stuck on their faces did not fall for a long time.

Ding ding ding ding ding~~~


At this time, the sky girl Conis and her father on the side were full of panic.

“Run quickly! Attacking the guards will only make you more dangerous on this island!!”

“Enelu cannot be violated on this island!!!”

At this moment, Lin En seemed to feel a tremor in his heart.

He immediately jumped up and ran to the top of Conis and his daughter, and the natural force armor transformed on him. ”

A thick bolt of lightning came down from the dome in an instant, and was captured by the blue armor and fell on Lynn.

In the distant temple, Enelu was closing his eyes and feeling everything on the sky island.

“Hey, it was stopped. Is this the variable?”

His lightning was stopped by something he could not perceive.

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