Chapter 815

However, Matsumoto Ranju did not say these words, she just stared at Mu Feng and took the matter to heart. What Mu Feng did for herself, she would keep in mind one by one.

When Matsumoto Ranju looked at Mu Feng, Mu Feng was also looking at her. The eyes of the two touched together in the air.

Suddenly, Matsumoto Ranju and Mu Feng were shocked as if they were electrocuted.

Mu Feng’s gaze continued to look directly at Matsumoto Ranju, and it became more and more hot. Luan Ju couldn’t stand Mu Feng’s gaze a little, and began to become evasive, and his face gradually appeared-the color of red clouds appeared.

After getting along for so long, the relationship between Matsumoto Luanju and Mu Feng has long since become unclear. Otherwise, Matsumoto Ranju will not really resign from the post of deputy captain of the squad because of Mu Feng’s words, and become the deputy ghost _ Dao commander who is busy every day in the Kidō crowd.

Before Mu Feng became the head of the Kidō, there was still a hurdle between Matsumoto Ranju and Mu Feng, and that was Ichimaru Gin. But since Mu Feng defeated Ichimaru Gin in the graduation assessment, this hurdle has ceased to exist.

Matsumoto Ranju and Ichimarugin are childhood sweethearts, and the relationship between the two is indeed unusual.

However, in the past few decades, Ichimaru Gin has been obsessed with seeking justice for Matsumoto Ranju, and his whole person has completely changed. He can alienate Matsumoto Ranju.

Because Ichimaru Gin knew what he was going to do, his feelings for Matsumoto Ranju did not change, but he became more restrained. Matsumoto Ranju is different. She doesn’t know anything, only that Ichimaru Gin is alienating herself.

The deliberate estrangement once or twice may not be a big deal, but decades of estrangement are enough to destroy Matsumoto Luanju’s feelings for Ichimarugin to the fullest.

Before anyone else appeared, Matsumoto Ranju didn’t feel much about Ichimarugin, but there was some hope for Ichimarugin in his heart.

I didn’t live in other people in my heart. Of course, I missed the people before. Because people are lonely, when they are lonely, they always think of what they think is most important.

In this case, as long as Ichimaru Gin tells the reason why he deliberately alienated Matsumoto Ranju, moved, Matsumoto Ranju is very likely to recover, and the feelings in his heart will regain and become more hot than before.

According to normal development, the possibility of a resurgence is extremely high.

Today, the situation is a little different.

When Matsumoto Ranju’s heart was empty, Mu Feng appeared.

Living together day and night, under the charm of Mu Feng, Matsumoto Luanju’s heart has Mu Feng’s figure unknowingly.

When Mu Feng did not graduate, because he still had the relationship between Ichimaru Gin in his heart, Matsumoto Ranju was still a little bit grudged about the relationship between himself and Mu Feng.

In the graduation assessment, Mu Feng challenged Shimaruin and defeated him. From a certain perspective, it can be said that Ichimaru Gin’s last trace of imprint left on Matsumoto Ranju’s heart was completely defeated.

From that moment on, Matsumoto Ranju was completely let go of Ichimarugin.

This is also the reason why Matsumoto Ranju is so decisive to come to Kidō as the deputy head of Kidō.

Had it not been for putting down Ichimarugin and completely accepting Mu Feng, Matsumoto Ranju would not have done such a decisive thing. It is a pity that since Mu Feng took over as the head of Kidō, he has been busy, and Matsumoto Ranju himself has been busy, and the relationship between the two has entered a state of stagnation.

Matsumoto Ranju, who has a lot of things to deal with every day, has no time to think about these things.

Now Matsumoto Ranju has nothing to deal with, and there is time to consider these things.(Read more @

Moreover, Mu Feng bothered so much to help Matsumoto Luanju understand Bankai, it is impossible for Matsumoto Luanju to have no thoughts in his mind.

As for Mu Feng, let alone, he has long considered Matsumoto Ranju as his own.

The stare at each other just now, like a catalyst, completely aroused the trace of affection in Matsumoto’s and Mu Feng’s hearts.

Seeing the blushing and shy Matsumoto Ranju, Mu Feng gradually became angry.

Mu Feng did not expect that the bold and unrestrained Matsumoto Ranju would be a day of shame.

Matsumoto Ranju’s dress has always been very sexy. Because she just understood Bankai, she can’t control Bankai yet, so the clothes on Matsumoto Ranju’s body were extremely messy by Bankai’s explosive momentum. Matsumoto Ranju just woke up from the ecstasy of understanding Bankai. , Did not notice this at all.

The originally sexy dress, after being messy, leaked a lot of happiness.

The leaked spring light, coupled with Mu Feng’s shy posture, made Mu Feng’s heart stunned.


I don’t know where the evil fire is, Mu Feng flashes on his body and suddenly appears next to Matsumoto Luanju.


Matsumoto Luanju just felt the breath of Mu Feng, and before he could react, he was held in his arms by Mu Feng, and his red lips were directly sealed by Mu Feng.


At first Matsumoto Ranju was sobbing, trying to say something.

However, it didn’t take long before Matsumoto Ranju was completely immersed in the breath of Mu Feng, and even began to respond jerky.

The atmosphere became charming in an instant.

Over time, Mu Feng’s big hands started to move unconsciously.

Matsumoto Ranju, who was fascinated by Mu Feng’s breath and short-circuited his brain, did not notice this incident at first. Therefore, Mu Feng’s big hands were hardly blocked.

However, when Mu Feng’s hands touched certain restricted areas, Matsumoto Ranju suddenly reacted. She pushed Mu Feng away and stood aside with her head down, her cheeks almost flushed as if dripping water.

The atmosphere in the barrier suddenly became stagnant.


After a while, seeing that the atmosphere was stagnant, Mu Feng took the initiative to speak, trying to break the stagnation of the atmosphere.

However, as soon as Mu Feng spoke, before he finished speaking, Matsumoto Ranju interrupted him aloud.

……… …….. …

“Brother Mu Feng, we have been out for almost a day, so we should go back, otherwise, the team should send someone to find us.”

“Well, it’s time to go back.” Mu Feng nodded.

He and Matsumoto Ranju are the chief Kidō chief and the deputy Kidō chief, and both have corresponding affairs to deal with, and they cannot leave Jinglingting for too long.

Even if they report to the First Division, they can’t be out for too long. Once they stay outside for too long, the First Division will send people to look for them.

On the one hand, whether it is the Kidō people or the various teams, there are many things that need to be dealt with every day. If you don’t deal with them in a day, there will be a backlog of many things.

On the other hand, the captain-level powerhouse is the mainstay of the corpse soul world. Everyone needs to pay attention to it, especially after a few decades ago, several captains and deputy captains defected to the corpse soul world. Yamamoto Genryusai Chongguo also requires that we must focus on the whereabouts of each captain.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni does not hope that what happened decades ago will happen again.

Every captain is an important asset to the corpse soul world. Losing any one is a great loss to the corpse soul world.

Things like those of decades, Yamamoto Genryusai will never allow it to happen again.

What Mu Feng hates most is trouble. If the first team really sends someone to find them, it will be a big trouble. Because this means that Yamamoto Moto Ryusai Shigekuni is already paying attention to this matter.

If he was out there, if Yamamoto Genryuzhai knew about him, he would definitely have inquiries from the sidelines. If not necessary, Mu Feng doesn’t want to see Yamamoto Moto Ryusai Shigekuni.

What’s more, he still hasn’t fully controlled the power in his body. Once he meets Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni, it is difficult to guarantee that Yamamoto Genryuzhai Shigekuni will not find it. .

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